文件目录:乐学英语3级:三年级年卡【50讲 王欣】,文件大小:8.01G
视频+讲义 [8.01G]
第01讲【美丽的校园】My beautiful school [179.19M]
(1)【美丽的校园】My beautiful school第1段.mp4 [33.87M]
(2)【美丽的校园】My beautiful school第2段.mp4 [37.79M]
(3)【美丽的校园】My beautiful school第3段.mp4 [46.79M]
(4)【美丽的校园】My beautiful school第4段.mp4 [60.13M]
01【WWW课A程A来A源F招C商CN合Z作WWW.AAAFC.CN】.pdf [628.15K]
第02讲【生日快乐】Birthday party [177.58M]
(1)【生日快乐】Birthday party第1段.mp4 [43.72M]
(2)【生日快乐】Birthday party第2段.mp4 [41.73M]
(3)【生日快乐】Birthday party第3段.mp4 [25.18M]
(4)【生日快乐】Birthday party第4段.mp4 [28.21M]
(5)【生日快乐】Birthday party第5段.mp4 [38.22M]
02 .pdf [534.85K]
第03讲【天气现场秀】The weather [173.37M]
(1)【天气现场秀】The weather第1段.mp4 [22.19M]
(2)【天气现场秀】The weather第2段.mp4 [23.75M]
(3)【天气现场秀】The weather第3段.mp4 [44.12M]
(4)【天气现场秀】The weather第4段.mp4 [25.82M]
(5)【天气现场秀】The weather第5段.mp4 [17.63M]
(6)【天气现场秀】The weather第6段.mp4 [39.00M]
03.pdf [877.73K]
第04讲【首都一日游】A day in Beijing [178.09M]
(1)【首都一日游】A day in Beijing第1段.mp4 [43.09M]
(2)【首都一日游】A day in Beijing第2段.mp4 [43.50M]
(3)【首都一日游】A day in Beijing第3段.mp4 [40.23M]
(4)【首都一日游】A day in Beijing第4段.mp4 [50.00M]
04.pdf [1.27M]
第05讲【它叫什么呢?】What’s is called [190.87M]
(1)【它叫什么呢?】What’s is called第1段.mp4 [21.69M]
(2)【它叫什么呢?】What’s is called第2段.mp4 [34.46M]
(3)【它叫什么呢?】What’s is called第3段.mp4 [32.58M]
(4)【它叫什么呢?】What’s is called第4段【WWW课A程A来A源F招C商CN合Z作WWW.AAAFC.CN】.mp4 [43.49M]
(5)【它叫什么呢?】What’s is called第5段.mp4 [36.67M]
(6)【它叫什么呢?】What’s is called第6段.mp4 [21.54M]
05【WWW课A程A来A源F招C商CN合Z作WWW.AAAFC.CN】.pdf [452.11K]
第06讲【猜猜它是谁?】What’s it like [177.77M]
(1)【猜猜它是谁?】What’s it like第1段.mp4 [28.79M]
(2)【猜猜它是谁?】What’s it like第2段.mp4 [24.32M]
(3)【猜猜它是谁?】What’s it like第3段.mp4 [37.31M]
(4)【猜猜它是谁?】What’s it like第4段.mp4 [12.65M]
(5)【猜猜它是谁?】What’s it like第5段.mp4 [23.81M]
(6)【猜猜它是谁?】What’s it like第6段.mp4 [39.95M]
(7)【猜猜它是谁?】What’s it like第7段.mp4 [10.39M]
06.pdf [568.02K]
第07讲 语法泡泡堂:比较级 [179.01M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:比较级第1段.mp4 [28.82M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:比较级第2段.mp4 [33.59M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:比较级第3段.mp4 [13.95M]
(4)语法泡泡堂:比较级第4段wangxiao016.mp4 [26.23M]
(5)语法泡泡堂:比较级第5段.mp4 [27.27M]
(6)语法泡泡堂:比较级第6段.mp4 [19.50M]
(7)语法泡泡堂:比较级第7段.mp4 [29.14M]
07.pdf [515.91K]
第08讲 语法泡泡堂:最高级 [169.18M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:最高级第1段.mp4 [40.00M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:最高级第2段.mp4 [39.47M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:最高级第3段.mp4 [42.72M]
(4)语法泡泡堂:最高级第4段.mp4 [46.07M]
08.pdf [931.31K]
第09讲 语法泡泡堂:序数词 [170.16M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:序数词第1段.mp4 [33.06M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:序数词第2段.mp4 [44.26M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:序数词第3段.mp4 [26.89M]
(4)语法泡泡堂:序数词第4段.mp4 [31.65M]
(5)语法泡泡堂:序数词第5段.mp4 [28.65M]
09.pdf [5.65M]
第10讲 语法泡泡堂:形容词副词大擂台 [165.06M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:形容词副词大擂台第1段.mp4 [56.18M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:形容词副词大擂台第2段.mp4 [9.80M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:形容词副词大擂台第3段.mp4 [20.14M]
(4)语法泡泡堂:形容词副词大擂台第4段.mp4 [43.24M]
(5)语法泡泡堂:形容词副词大擂台第5段.mp4 [34.46M]
10.pdf [1.24M]
第11讲【你住在哪里?】Where do you live [181.29M]
(1)【你住在哪里?】Where do you live第1段.mp4 [45.67M]
(2)【你住在哪里?】Where do you live第2段.mp4 [41.40M]
(3)【你住在哪里?】Where do you live第3段.mp4 [45.77M]
(4)【你住在哪里?】Where do you live第4段.mp4 [47.65M]
01.pdf [818.32K]
第12讲【时间之屋】The house of time [170.59M]
(1)【时间之屋】The house of time第1段.mp4 [41.63M]
(2)【时间之屋】The house of time第2段.mp4 [31.78M]
(3)【时间之屋】The house of time第3段.mp4 [31.31M]
(4)【时间之屋】The house of time第4段.mp4 [43.29M]
(5)【时间之屋】The house of time第5段.mp4 [21.11M]
02.pdf [1.47M]
第13讲【澳大利亚之旅】A trip in Australia [159.70M]
(1)【澳大利亚之旅】A trip in Australia第1段.mp4 [39.22M]
(2)【澳大利亚之旅】A trip in Australia第2段.mp4 [30.61M]
(3)【澳大利亚之旅】A trip in Australia第3段.mp4 [38.56M]
(4)【澳大利亚之旅】A trip in Australia第4段.mp4 [27.54M]
(5)【澳大利亚之旅】A trip in Australia第5段.mp4 [22.76M]
03.pdf [1.02M]
第14讲【有趣的科技博物馆】Fun in the science museum [179.00M]
(1)【有趣的科技博物馆】Fun in the science museum第1段.mp4 [30.59M]
(2)【有趣的科技博物馆】Fun in the science museum第2段.mp4 [16.92M]
(3)【有趣的科技博物馆】Fun in the science museum第3段.mp4 [37.24M]
(4)【有趣的科技博物馆】Fun in the science museum第4段.mp4 [24.50M]
(5)【有趣的科技博物馆】Fun in the science museum第5段.mp4 [24.29M]
(6)【有趣的科技博物馆】Fun in the science museum第6段.mp4 [44.75M]
04.pdf [735.52K]
第15讲【这是用什么做的呢?】What’s it made of [173.00M]
(1)【这是用什么做的呢?】What’s it made of第1段.mp4 [39.20M]
(2)【这是用什么做的呢?】What’s it made of第2段.mp4 [43.48M]
(3)【这是用什么做的呢?】What’s it made of第3段.mp4 [42.96M]
(4)【这是用什么做的呢?】What’s it made of第4段.mp4 [21.27M]
(5)【这是用什么做的呢?】What’s it made of第5段.mp4 [25.69M]
05.pdf [416.10K]
第16讲【白色圣诞节】White Chrismats [150.33M]
(1).mp4 [43.89M]
(2)wangxiao016.mp4 [44.10M]
(3).mp4 [36.08M]
(4).mp4 [26.11M]
06.pdf [154.80K]
第17讲【游戏之岛】The game island [157.05M]
(1)【游戏之岛】The game island第1段.mp4 [47.20M]
(2)【游戏之岛】The game island第2段.mp4 [47.30M]
(3)【游戏之岛】The game island第3段.mp4 [24.45M]
(4)【游戏之岛】The game island第4段.mp4 [37.90M]
07wangxiao016.pdf [208.16K]
第18讲【我长大后】When I grow up [157.01M]
(1)【我长大后】When I grow up第1段.mp4 [37.67M]
(2)【我长大后】When I grow up第2段.mp4 [37.70M]
(3)【我长大后】When I grow up第3段.mp4 [31.90M]
(4)【我长大后】When I grow up第4段.mp4 [34.55M]
(5)【我长大后】When I grow up第5段.mp4 [14.65M]
08.pdf [545.92K]
第19讲【问问题大法】How to ask a question [163.48M]
(1)【问问题大法】How to ask a question第1段.mp4 [38.02M]
(2)【问问题大法】Howtoaskaquestion第2段wangxiao016.mp4 [44.58M]
(3)【问问题大法】How to ask a question第3段.mp4 [24.73M]
(4)【问问题大法】How to ask a question第4段.mp4 [26.17M]
(5)【问问题大法】How to ask a question第5段.mp4 [29.61M]
09.pdf [370.19K]
第20讲【学校运动会】Our school sports meeting [117.96M]
(1)【学校运动会】Our school sports meeting第1段.mp4 [35.19M]
(2)【学校运动会】Our school sports meeting第2段.mp4 [39.23M]
(3)【学校运动会】Our school sports meeting第3段.mp4 [43.24M]
10.pdf [311.55K]
第21讲 语法泡泡堂:五大情态动词 [146.25M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:五大情态动词第1段.mp4 [47.47M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:五大情态动词第2段.mp4 [35.05M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:五大情态动词第3段.mp4 [18.69M]
(4)语法泡泡堂:五大情态动词第4段.mp4 [23.78M]
(5)语法泡泡堂:五大情态动词第5段.mp4 [19.14M]
11.pdf [2.11M]
第22讲 语法泡泡堂:时间介词on, in, at [162.60M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:时间介词on, in, at第1段.mp4 [15.54M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:时间介词on, in, at第2段.mp4 [35.27M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:时间介词on, in, at第3段.mp4 [35.83M]
(4)语法泡泡堂:时间介词on, in, at第4段.mp4 [40.47M]
(5)语法泡泡堂:时间介词on, in, at第5段.mp4 [34.20M]
12.pdf [1.30M]
第23讲 语法泡泡堂:名词变复数 [146.46M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:名词变复数第1段.mp4 [31.85M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:名词变复数第2段.mp4 [23.09M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:名词变复数第3段.mp4 [43.92M]
(4)语法泡泡堂:名词变复数第4段.mp4 [21.66M]
(5)语法泡泡堂:名词变复数第5段.mp4 [24.85M]
13.pdf [1.09M]
第24讲 语法泡泡堂:可数名词与不可数名词 [140.77M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:可数名词与不可数名词第1段wangxiao016.mp4 [29.75M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:可数名词与不可数名词第2段.mp4 [38.48M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:可数名词与不可数名词第3段.mp4 [25.02M]
(4)语法泡泡堂:可数名词与不可数名词第4段.mp4 [33.45M]
(5)语法泡泡堂:可数名词与不可数名词第5段.mp4 [13.21M]
14.pdf [871.47K]
第25讲 语法泡泡堂:不可数名词的复数形式 [132.54M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:不可数名词的复数形式第1段.mp4 [26.12M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:不可数名词的复数形式第2段.mp4 [34.42M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:不可数名词的复数形式第3段.mp4 [30.79M]
(4)语法泡泡堂:不可数名词的复数形式第4段.mp4 [40.67M]
15.pdf [555.69K]
第26讲【美丽的季节】Beautiful seasons [155.76M]
(1)【美丽的季节】Beautiful seasons第1段.mp4 [44.27M]
(2)【美丽的季节】Beautiful seasons第2段.mp4 [46.73M]
(3)【美丽的季节】Beautiful seasons第3段.mp4 [64.07M]
1.pdf [704.77K]
第27讲【欢乐的节日】Interesting holidays [153.14M]
(1)【欢乐的节日】Interesting holidays第1段.mp4 [18.26M]
(2)【欢乐的节日】Interesting holidays第2段.mp4 [44.78M]
(3)【欢乐的节日】Interesting holidays第3段.mp4 [22.04M]
(4)【欢乐的节日】Interesting holidays第4段.mp4 [23.87M]
(5)【欢乐的节日】Interesting holidays第5段.mp4 [43.66M]
2.pdf [551.00K]
第28讲【你最擅长的事情】The things you are good at [123.14M]
(1)【你最擅长的事情】Thethingsyouaregoodat第1段wangxiao016.mp4 [28.92M]
(2)【你最擅长的事情】The things you are good at第2段.mp4 [53.85M]
(3)【你最擅长的事情】The things you are good at第3段.mp4 [39.74M]
3wangxiao016.pdf [639.40K]
第29讲【来散步吧】Let’s go for a walk [168.84M]
(1)【来散步吧】Let’s go for a walk第1段.mp4 [54.09M]
(2)【来散步吧】Let’s go for a walk第2段.mp4 [72.70M]
(3)【来散步吧】Let’s go for a walk第3段.mp4 [41.46M]
4.pdf [617.11K]
第30讲【要下雨啦?】It’s going to rain, isn’t it? [180.88M]
(1)【要下雨啦?】It’s going to rain, isn’t it?第1段.mp4 [55.72M]
(2)【要下雨啦?】It’s going to rain, isn’t it?第2段.mp4 [41.88M]
(3)【要下雨啦?】It’s going to rain, isn’t it?第3段.mp4 [33.88M]
(4)【要下雨啦?】It’s going to rain, isn’t it?第4段.mp4 [49.03M]
5.pdf [378.52K]
第31讲【你有多高呢?】How tall are you? [183.21M]
(1)【你有多高呢?】How tall are you?第1段.mp4 [22.37M]
(2)【你有多高呢?】How tall are you?第2段.mp4 [25.96M]
(3)【你有多高呢?】How tall are you?第3段.mp4 [35.07M]
(4)【你有多高呢?】How tall are you?第4段.mp4 [24.38M]
(5)【你有多高呢?】How tall are you?第5段.mp4 [37.80M]
(6)【你有多高呢?】How tall are you?第6段.mp4 [37.13M]
6wangxiao016.pdf [511.60K]
第32讲 语法泡泡堂:There be句型 [163.16M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:There be句型第1段.mp4 [57.28M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:There be句型第2段.mp4 [51.99M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:There be句型第3段.mp4 [53.46M]
7.pdf [440.20K]
第33讲 语法泡泡堂:一般疑问句 [179.38M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:一般疑问句第1段.mp4 [38.18M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:一般疑问句第2段.mp4 [35.52M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:一般疑问句第3段.mp4 [44.60M]
(4)语法泡泡堂:一般疑问句第4段.mp4 [37.34M]
(5)语法泡泡堂:一般疑问句第5段.mp4 [23.18M]
8.pdf [580.81K]
第34讲 语法泡泡堂:特殊疑问句 [148.63M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:特殊疑问句第1段.mp4 [22.85M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:特殊疑问句第2段.mp4 [36.88M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:特殊疑问句第3段.mp4 [47.75M]
(4)语法泡泡堂:特殊疑问句第4段.mp4 [25.62M]
(5)语法泡泡堂:特殊疑问句第5段.mp4 [14.86M]
9.pdf [690.89K]
第35讲 语法泡泡堂:反义疑问句 [153.69M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:反义疑问句第1段.mp4 [39.98M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:反义疑问句第2段.mp4 [29.06M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:反义疑问句第3段.mp4 [26.40M]
(4)语法泡泡堂:反义疑问句第4段.mp4 [57.66M]
10.pdf [593.59K]
第36讲【加减乘除的英语课堂】Maths problems [202.52M]
(1)【加减乘除的英语课堂】Maths problems第1段.mp4 [60.04M]
(2)【加减乘除的英语课堂】Maths problems第2段.mp4 [23.11M]
(3)【加减乘除的英语课堂】Maths problems第3段.mp4 [34.96M]
(4)【加减乘除的英语课堂】Maths problems第4段.mp4 [43.39M]
(5)【加减乘除的英语课堂】Maths problems第5段.mp4 [40.61M]
36.pdf [411.21K]
第37讲【上周做什么了?】What did you do last week [159.10M]
(1)【上周做什么了?】What did you do last week第1段.mp4 [46.38M]
(2)【上周做什么了?】What did you do last week第2段.mp4 [43.16M]
(3)【上周做什么了?】What did you do last week第3段.mp4 [22.38M]
(4)【上周做什么了?】What did you do last week第4段.mp4 [46.16M]
37【WWW课A程A来A源F招C商CN合Z作WWW.AAAFC.CN】.pdf [1.02M]
第38讲【科技大爆炸】Science makes our life easy! [158.08M]
(1)【科技大爆炸】Science makes our life easy!第1段.mp4 [46.17M]
(2)【科技大爆炸】Science makes our life easy!第2段.mp4 [37.93M]
(3)【科技大爆炸】Science makes our life easy!第3段.mp4 [41.98M]
(4)【科技大爆炸】Science makes our life easy!第4段.mp4 [31.41M]
38.pdf [588.29K]
第39讲【房子的遭遇】What was happening [195.39M]
(1)【房子的遭遇】What was happening第1段.mp4 [57.58M]
(2)【房子的遭遇】What was happening第2段.mp4 [25.32M]
(3)【房子的遭遇】What was happening第3段.mp4 [32.37M]
(4)【房子的遭遇】What was happening第4段.mp4 [45.72M]
(5)【房子的遭遇】What was happening第5段.mp4 [33.25M]
39.pdf [1.14M]
第40讲【三年级二班的英语晚会】An English party! [210.52M]
(1)【三年级二班的英语晚会】An English party!第1段.mp4 [50.70M]
(2)【三年级二班的英语晚会】An English party!第2段.mp4 [37.05M]
(3)【三年级二班的英语晚会】An English party!第3段.mp4 [61.65M]
(4)【三年级二班的英语晚会】An English party!第4段.mp4 [60.41M]
40.pdf [729.89K]
第41讲【美好的事物1】Beautiful things to remember [221.67M]
(1)【美好的事物1】Beautiful things to remember第1段.mp4 [34.06M]
(2)【美好的事物1】Beautiful things to remember第2段.mp4 [41.14M]
(3)【美好的事物1】Beautiful things to remember第3段.mp4 [42.13M]
(4)【美好的事物1】Beautiful things to remember第4段.mp4 [26.40M]
(5)【美好的事物1】Beautiful things to remember第5段.mp4 [33.89M]
(6)【美好的事物1】Beautiful things to remember第6段.mp4 [43.57M]
41wangxiao016.pdf [488.07K]
第42讲【环境SOS】Protect our environment [174.52M]
(1)【环境SOS】Protect our environment第1段.mp4 [50.70M]
(2)【环境SOS】Protect our environment第2段.mp4 [55.26M]
(3)【环境SOS】Protect our environment第3段.mp4 [66.91M]
42.pdf [1.64M]
第43讲【我是摄影师】How to take photos [196.12M]
(1)【我是摄影师】How to take photos第1段.mp4 [24.53M]
(2)【我是摄影师】How to take photos第2段.mp4 [35.65M]
(3)【我是摄影师】How to take photos第3段.mp4 [33.25M]
(4)【我是摄影师】How to take photos第4段.mp4 [59.22M]
(5)【我是摄影师】How to take photos第5段.mp4 [42.87M]
【我是摄影师】How to take photos.pdf [610.38K]
第44讲【美好的事物2】Beautiful things to remember [177.96M]
(1)【美好的事物2】Beautiful things to remember第1段.mp4 [52.53M]
(2)【美好的事物2】Beautiful things to remember第2段.mp4 [54.51M]
(3)【美好的事物2】Beautiful things to remember第3段.mp4 [40.68M]
(4)【美好的事物2】Beautiful things to remember第4段.mp4 [29.31M]
【美好的事物2】Beautiful things to remember.pdf [951.02K]
第45讲 语法泡泡堂:现在进行时 [171.44M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:现在进行时第1段.mp4 [43.58M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:现在进行时第2段.mp4 [63.39M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:现在进行时第3段.mp4 [36.44M]
(4)语法泡泡堂:现在进行时第4段.mp4 [27.42M]
语法泡泡堂:现在进行时.pdf [621.09K]
第46讲 语法泡泡堂:一般现在时 [166.09M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:一般现在时第1段.mp4 [40.75M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:一般现在时第2段.mp4 [73.89M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:一般现在时第3段.mp4 [31.14M]
(4)语法泡泡堂:一般现在时第4段.mp4 [19.52M]
语法泡泡堂:一般现在时.pdf [815.20K]
第47讲 语法泡泡堂:一般过去时 [152.96M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:一般过去时第1段.mp4 [59.29M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:一般过去时第2段.mp4 [40.60M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:一般过去时第3段.mp4 [52.74M]
语法泡泡堂:一般过去时.pdf [336.79K]
第48讲 语法泡泡堂:一般将来时 [156.72M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:一般将来时第1段.mp4 [33.79M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:一般将来时第2段.mp4 [32.56M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:一般将来时第3段.mp4 [39.66M]
(4)语法泡泡堂:一般将来时第4段.mp4 [50.03M]
语法泡泡堂:一般将来时.pdf [688.54K]
第49讲 语法泡泡堂:现在完成时 [149.99M]
(1)语法泡泡堂:现在完成时第1段.mp4 [67.67M]
(2)语法泡泡堂:现在完成时第2段【WWW课A程A来A源F招C商CN合Z作WWW.AAAFC.CN】.mp4 [37.05M]
(3)语法泡泡堂:现在完成时第3段.mp4 [16.50M]
(4)语法泡泡堂:现在完成时第4段.mp4 [27.54M]
语法泡泡堂:现在完成时【WWW课A程A来A源F招C商CN合Z作WWW.AAAFC.CN】.pdf [1.23M]