

下载价格:8.8 学分


1.写作题库 [4.01M]

a类学为贵雅思全能真经班写作批改题库 22.7.19版本.pdf [2.77M]

g类小作文写作批改题库.pdf [1.24M]

2.导学手册 [1.78M]

导学手册-冲9班.pdf [1.78M]

23天预习计划 [27.45M]

冲9班23天预习计划-图片版 [23.67M]

冲9班 (1).png [1.03M]

冲9班 (10).png [1.02M]

冲9班 (11).png [1.03M]

冲9班 (12).png [1.04M]

冲9班 (13).png [1.04M]

冲9班 (14).png [1.04M]

冲9班 (15).png [1.04M]

冲9班 (16).png [1.04M]

冲9班 (17).png [1.04M]

冲9班 (18).png [1.02M]

冲9班 (19).png [1.02M]

冲9班 (2).png [1.03M]

冲9班 (20).png [1.02M]

冲9班 (21).png [1.02M]

冲9班 (22).png [1.02M]

冲9班 (23).png [1.05M]

冲9班 (3).png [1.04M]

冲9班 (4).png [1.03M]

冲9班 (5).png [1.03M]

冲9班 (6).png [1.03M]

冲9班 (7).png [1.01M]

冲9班 (8).png [1.03M]

冲9班 (9).png [1.03M]

杜仕明4+3语法-冲9班预习计划配套 [3.78M]

习题答案crack_your_grammar [808.31K]

词性改错练习.docx [13.05K]

词性改错练习答案(2).docx [13.53K]

从句改错练习.docx [14.79K]

从句改错练习答案.docx [14.36K]

介词搭配练习.docx [15.70K]

介词搭配练习答案.docx [20.70K]

介词使用练习.docx [119.68K]

介词使用练习答案.pdf [539.48K]

修饰名词翻译练习.docx [13.92K]

修饰名词翻译练习-答案.docx [15.05K]

主语多样性练习.docx [13.46K]

主语多样性练习参考答案.docx [14.58K]

1-英语句子结构4+3.pdf [149.67K]

2-修饰名词.pdf [390.39K]

3-状语从句入门介绍.pdf [100.51K]

4-介词的用法简易入门.pdf [138.70K]

5-主语多样化.pdf [242.81K]

6-副词的使用.pdf [113.38K]

crack_your_grammar_puzzles_once_and_for_all.pdf [1.86M]

抽象名词短语(2).docx [20.27K]

7天预习计划 [4.28M]

雅思冲9听力大礼包 [369.98K]

14.语料库听写纸.doc [115.50K]

王陆听力8次课教学大纲.pdf [136.44K]

语料库正确率统计表 剑16版.pdf [101.07K]

语料库正确率统计表 剑16版.xlsx [16.97K]

语料库错词背诵方法 [2.92M]

41cc6204e622cea45af82c834807bc29.mp4 [1.46M]

bffe5d8ac89af5a0d376767a369c2a22.mp4 [1.45M]

七天预习计划-list.docx [11.86K]

学为贵雅思冲9班听力预习大礼包.pdf [0.99M]

杜仕名写作 [4.75G]

正课视频 [4.70G]

雅思强化写作2023-05-28最新雅思资料.mp4 [613.71M]

雅思强化写作2023-05-31最新雅思资料.mp4 [536.90M]

雅思强化写作2023-06-09最新雅思资料.mp4 [546.94M]

雅思强化写作2023-06-21最新雅思资料.mp4 [636.98M]

雅思强化写作2023-06-24最新雅思资料.mp4 [553.86M]

雅思强化写作2023-06-30最新雅思资料.mp4 [696.79M]

雅思强化写作2023-07-02最新雅思资料.mp4 [674.66M]

雅思强化写作2023-07-05最新雅思资料.mp4 [552.20M]

crack_your_grammar_puzzles_once_and_for_all(1).pdf [1.86M]

lesson1-议论文核心段.ppt [632.00K]

lesson1-自己练习答案.pdf [185.59K]

lesson2-discuss类型议论文.pdf [331.58K]

lesson3-报告类议论文(新).pptx [138.93K]

lesson4-agree or disagree.ppt [2.66M]

lesson5-task1.pdf [3.48M]

按题型汇总历年真题(13-17).pdf [320.61K]

地图题.mp3 [23.02M]

地图题分析-写作高分班.pdf [828.64K]

好坏类题目补充讲解【2020】(1).pdf [677.86K]

扩展经典复盘.docx [33.20K]

流程图.mp3 [21.78M]

流程图补充教材-高分班.pdf [737.40K]

郭佳荣阅读 [2.56G]

郭佳荣阅读材料.pdf [373.04K]

雅思强化阅读2023-05-30最新雅思资料.mp4 [336.57M]

雅思强化阅读2023-06-05最新雅思资料.mp4 [370.42M]

雅思强化阅读2023-06-17最新雅思资料.mp4 [268.92M]

雅思强化阅读2023-06-20最新雅思资料.mp4 [366.38M]

雅思强化阅读2023-06-27最新雅思资料.mp4 [273.08M]

雅思强化阅读2023-07-01最新雅思资料.mp4 [298.16M]

雅思强化阅读2023-07-06最新雅思资料.mp4 [351.07M]

雅思强化阅读2023-07-09最新雅思资料.mp4 [361.20M]

模考试卷&音频 [56.39M]

2、答案&解析 [7.38M]

参考例文.pdf [213.88K]

听力答案-结课模考.pdf [6.25M]

阅读答案及解析.pdf [942.91K]

listening.pdf [4.45M]

reading.pdf [217.81K]

writing.pdf [73.81K]

结课模考听力音频.mp3 [44.28M]

王陆听力 [5.85G]

正课视频 [5.84G]

雅思强化口语2023-06-29最新雅思资料.mp4 [820.45M]

雅思强化听力2023-05-23最新雅思资料.mp4 [712.91M]

雅思强化听力2023-06-02最新雅思资料.mp4 [760.34M]

雅思强化听力2023-06-07最新雅思资料.mp4 [757.02M]

雅思强化听力2023-06-13最新雅思资料.mp4 [795.88M]

雅思强化听力2023-06-19最新雅思资料.mp4 [624.70M]

雅思强化听力2023-06-28最新雅思资料.mp4 [553.03M]

雅思强化听力2023-07-03最新雅思资料.mp4 [397.70M]

雅思强化听力2023-07-07最新雅思资料.mp4 [556.75M]

【剑14】王陆《雅思王听力真题速成(机考笔试第二版)》(二维码)20230307.pdf [3.48M]

2023王陆老师听力学习计划.pdf [150.39K]

2023王陆老师听力学习计划_20230613_214021.pdf [150.39K]

2a6db20bceee538664cf6490c6b2f56.jpg [282.47K]

6adfb4b080f7c80e8a15a90f8c3ae60.jpg [161.89K]

7909c830f5ba1b36be75220a6e8e689.jpg [141.20K]

93afb8e1970bbedd507f08da07f57960.mp4 [891.31K]

c6affc61c1a092180ad454a766c02e3.jpg [154.37K]

地图做题方法.pdf [499.71K]

提分任务完成表.ppt [445.00K]

选择题补充.pdf [275.23K]

选择题补充.ppt [449.50K]

选择题补充_20230619_212212.pdf [275.23K]

选择题原则.pdf [214.31K]

选择题原则_20230619_212214.pdf [214.31K]

杨帅口语 [5.67G]

杨帅5-8月口语材料(23.5-23.8) [275.56M]

23年5-8月杨帅雅思口语part1素材 [57.11M]

23年5-8月杨帅雅思口语part1素材 [57.11M]

pdf [5.84M]

p1-art.pdf [229.65K]

p1-bags.pdf [199.11K]

p1-chocolate.pdf [233.15K]

p1-concentration.pdf [244.68K]

p1-days off.pdf [247.83K]

p1-dreams and ambitions.pdf [253.87K]

p1-favorite day.pdf [205.94K]

p1-fixing things.pdf [246.85K]

p1-friends.pdf [206.79K]

p1-happiness.pdf [164.42K]

p1-health.pdf [201.24K]

p1-home.pdf [176.05K]

p1-hometown.pdf [191.67K]

p1-ice cream.pdf [202.56K]

p1-jewelry.pdf [185.38K]

p1-keys.pdf [181.27K]

p1-languages.pdf [208.06K]

p1-libraries.pdf [187.82K]

p1-music.pdf [233.58K]

p1-outer space.pdf [184.33K]

p1-rain.pdf [206.30K]

p1-small businesses.pdf [185.32K]

p1-staying up.pdf [185.61K]

p1-teachers.pdf [196.41K]

p1-the area you live in.pdf [117.66K]

p1-t-shirts.pdf [180.07K]

p1-weekends.pdf [235.15K]

p1-wild animals.pdf [254.36K]

p1-work or studies.pdf [233.39K]

音频 [51.27M]

p1-art.m4a [975.89K]

p1-bags.m4a [2.12M]

p1-chocolate.m4a [1.02M]

p1-concentration.m4a [2.88M]

p1-days off.m4a [2.64M]

p1-dreams and ambitions.m4a [1.87M]

p1-favorite day.m4a [2.34M]

p1-fixing things.m4a [2.72M]

p1-friends.m4a [2.22M]

p1-happiness.m4a [953.90K]

p1-health.m4a [2.16M]

p1-home.mp3 [1.90M]

p1-hometown.mp3 [2.45M]

p1-ice cream.m4a [2.19M]

p1-jewelry.m4a [952.56K]

p1-keys.m4a [995.63K]

p1-languages.m4a [2.28M]

p1-libraries.m4a [0.98M]

p1-music.m4a [1.06M]

p1-outer space.m4a [914.92K]

p1-rain.m4a [2.30M]

p1-small businesses.m4a [899.41K]

p1-staying up.m4a [0.98M]

p1-studies.mp3 [1.70M]

p1-teachers.m4a [2.14M]

p1-the area you live in.m4a [1.28M]

p1-t-shirts.m4a [966.11K]

p1-weekends.m4a [1.03M]

p1-wild animals.m4a [2.79M]

p1-work.mp3 [1.73M]

23年5-8月杨帅雅思口语part2素材 [39.43M]

__macosx [19.81K]

23年5-8月杨帅雅思口语part2素材 [19.53K]

部分新题(11道)(剩下的题目帅哥会陆续录制,更新在福利群内~) [5.95K]

._p2-a game that you played in your childhood.m4a [0.27K]

._p2-a game that you played in your childhood.pdf [0.27K]

._p2-a movie you watched recently that you felt disappointed about.m4a [0.27K]

._p2-a movie you watched recently that you felt disappointed about.pdf [0.27K]

._p2-a new shop that recently opened in your city or town.m4a [0.27K]

._p2-a new shop that recently opened in your city or town.pdf [0.27K]

._p2-a piece of clothing you wear most often.m4a [0.27K]

._p2-a piece of clothing you wear most often.pdf [0.27K]

._p2-a place away from your home that you would like to visit in the future.m4a [0.27K]

._p2-a place away from your home that you would like to visit in the future.pdf [0.27K]

._p2-a popular person.m4a [0.27K]

._p2-a popular person.pdf [0.27K]

._p2-a speech that you gave.m4a [0.27K]

._p2-a speech that you gave.pdf [0.27K]

._p2-an enjoyable experience in your childhood.m4a [0.27K]

._p2-an enjoyable experience in your childhood.pdf [0.27K]

._p2-an occasion when you got incorrect information.m4a [0.27K]

._p2-an occasion when you got incorrect information.pdf [0.27K]

._p2-an occasion when you got lost.m4a [0.27K]

._p2-an occasion when you got lost.pdf [0.27K]

._p2-an occasion when you spent time with a young child.m4a [0.27K]

._p2-an occasion when you spent time with a young child.pdf [0.27K]

旧题 [13.58K]

p2-a character from a film [0.46K]

._p2-a character from a film.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-a character from a film.pdf [0.27K]

p2-a city you would like to stay in for a short time [0.46K]

._p2-a city you would like to stay in for a short time.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-a city you would like to stay in for a short time.pdf [0.27K]

p2-a historical period you would like to know more about [0.46K]

._p2-a historical period you would like to know more about.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-a historical period you would like to know more about.pdf [0.27K]

p2-a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with [0.46K]

._p2-a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with.pdf [0.27K]

p2-a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well [0.46K]

._p2-a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well.pdf [0.27K]

p2-a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use [0.46K]

._p2-a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use.pdf [0.27K]

p2-a place you visited where the air was polluted [0.46K]

._p2-a place you visited where the air was polluted.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-a place you visited where the air was polluted.pdf [0.27K]

p2-a routine that you enjoy [0.46K]

._p2-a routine that you enjoy.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-a routine that you enjoy.pdf [0.27K]

p2-a time when you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result [0.46K]

._p2-a time when you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-a time when you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result.pdf [0.27K]

p2-a time when you missed or were late for a meeting [0.46K]

._p2-a time when you missed or were late for a meeting.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-a time when you missed or were late for a meeting.pdf [0.27K]

p2-a time when you taught a friend or relative something [0.46K]

._p2-a time when you taught a friend or relative something.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-a time when you taught a friend or relative something.pdf [0.27K]

p2-a website you often visit [0.46K]

._p2-a website you often visit.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-a website you often visit.pdf [0.27K]

p2-an advertisement you don’t like [0.64K]

._.ds_store [0.18K]

._p2-an advertisement you don’t like.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-an advertisement you don’t like.pdf [0.27K]

p2-an interesting old person you met [0.46K]

._p2-an interesting old person you met.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-an interesting old person you met.pdf [0.27K]

p2-an unusual meal you had [0.46K]

._p2-an unusual meal you had.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-an unusual meal you had.pdf [0.27K]

p2-something you did that made you feel proud [0.46K]

._p2-something you did that made you feel proud.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-something you did that made you feel proud.pdf [0.27K]

p2-something you would like to learn in the future [0.46K]

._p2-something you would like to learn in the future.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-something you would like to learn in the future.pdf [0.27K]

p2-the first day you went to a school [0.46K]

._p2-the first day you went to a school.pdf [0.27K]

._p2-the first day you went to school.m4a [0.18K]

p2-your favorite place in your house where you can relax [0.46K]

._p2-your favorite place in your house where you can relax.m4a [0.18K]

._p2-your favorite place in your house where you can relax.pdf [0.27K]

很容易通过其它话题内容进行嫁接,不单独创作的题目 [1.10K]

._p2-a gift you got.docx [0.18K]

._p2-a new development in the area where you live.docx [0.18K]

._p2-a noisy place you have been to.docx [0.18K]

._p2-a person you have met who you would like to work or study with.docx [0.18K]

._p2-an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young.docx [0.18K]

._p2-something that you did with someone or a group of people.docx [0.18K]

._p2-a character from a film [0.18K]

._p2-a city you would like to stay in for a short time [0.18K]

._p2-a historical period you would like to know more about [0.18K]

._p2-a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with [0.18K]

._p2-a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well [0.18K]

._p2-a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use [0.18K]

._p2-a place you visited where the air was polluted [0.18K]

._p2-a routine that you enjoy [0.18K]

._p2-a time when you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result [0.18K]

._p2-a time when you missed or were late for a meeting [0.18K]

._p2-a time when you taught a friend or relative something [0.18K]

._p2-a website you often visit [0.18K]

._p2-an advertisement you don’t like [0.18K]

._p2-an interesting old person you met [0.18K]

._p2-an unusual meal you had [0.18K]

._p2-something you did that made you feel proud [0.18K]

._p2-something you would like to learn in the future [0.18K]

._p2-the first day you went to a school [0.18K]

._p2-your favorite place in your house where you can relax [0.18K]

._很容易通过其它话题内容进行嫁接,不单独创作的题目 [0.18K]

._23年5-8月杨帅雅思口语part2素材 [0.28K]

23年5-8月杨帅雅思口语part2素材 [39.41M]

旧题 [25.17M]

p2-a character from a film [1.35M]

p2-a character from a film.m4a [1.11M]

p2-a character from a film.pdf [252.17K]

p2-a city you would like to stay in for a short time [1.37M]

p2-a city you would like to stay in for a short time.m4a [1.13M]

p2-a city you would like to stay in for a short time.pdf [253.15K]

p2-a historical period you would like to know more about [1.40M]

p2-a historical period you would like to know more about.m4a [1.15M]

p2-a historical period you would like to know more about.pdf [257.67K]

p2-a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with [1.31M]

p2-a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with.m4a [1.11M]

p2-a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with.pdf [201.28K]

p2-a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well [1.22M]

p2-a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well.m4a [1.02M]

p2-a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well.pdf [204.17K]

p2-a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use [1.27M]

p2-a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use.m4a [1.07M]

p2-a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use.pdf [205.23K]

p2-a place you visited where the air was polluted [1.32M]

p2-a place you visited where the air was polluted.m4a [1.08M]

p2-a place you visited where the air was polluted.pdf [251.64K]

p2-a routine that you enjoy [1.35M]

p2-a routine that you enjoy.m4a [1.09M]

p2-a routine that you enjoy.pdf [263.27K]

p2-a time when you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result [1.26M]

p2-a time when you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result.m4a [1.01M]

p2-a time when you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result.pdf [255.46K]

p2-a time when you missed or were late for a meeting [1.30M]

p2-a time when you missed or were late for a meeting.m4a [1.10M]

p2-a time when you missed or were late for a meeting.pdf [206.79K]

p2-a time when you taught a friend or relative something [1.31M]

p2-a time when you taught a friend or relative something.m4a [1.06M]

p2-a time when you taught a friend or relative something.pdf [254.12K]

p2-a website you often visit [1.28M]

p2-a website you often visit.m4a [1.07M]

p2-a website you often visit.pdf [207.54K]

p2-an advertisement you don’t like [1.30M]

p2-an advertisement you don’t like.m4a [1.08M]

p2-an advertisement you don’t like.pdf [224.00K]

p2-an interesting old person you met [1.41M]

p2-an interesting old person you met.m4a [1.16M]

p2-an interesting old person you met.pdf [254.68K]

p2-an unusual meal you had [1.37M]

p2-an unusual meal you had.m4a [1.12M]

p2-an unusual meal you had.pdf [255.49K]

p2-something you did that made you feel proud [1.35M]

p2-something you did that made you feel proud.m4a [1.10M]

p2-something you did that made you feel proud.pdf [256.58K]

p2-something you would like to learn in the future [1.31M]

p2-something you would like to learn in the future.m4a [1.06M]

p2-something you would like to learn in the future.pdf [255.85K]

p2-the first day you went to a school [1.27M]

p2-the first day you went to a school.pdf [201.19K]

p2-the first day you went to school.m4a [1.07M]

p2-your favorite place in your house where you can relax [1.36M]

p2-your favorite place in your house where you can relax.m4a [1.11M]

p2-your favorite place in your house where you can relax.pdf [253.24K]

很容易通过其它话题内容进行嫁接,不单独创作的题目 [63.56K]

p2-a gift you got.docx [10.50K]

p2-a new development in the area where you live.docx [10.51K]

p2-a noisy place you have been to.docx [10.48K]

p2-a person you have met who you would like to work or study with.docx [10.62K]

p2-an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young.docx [10.44K]

p2-something that you did with someone or a group of people.docx [11.00K]

.ds_store [16.00K]

新题 [14.24M]

p2-a game that you played in your childhood.m4a [1.08M]

p2-a game that you played in your childhood.pdf [196.79K]

p2-a movie you watched recently that you felt disappointed about.m4a [1.07M]

p2-a movie you watched recently that you felt disappointed about.pdf [206.56K]

p2-a new shop that recently opened in your city or town.m4a [1.11M]

p2-a new shop that recently opened in your city or town.pdf [179.49K]

p2-a piece of clothing you wear most often.m4a [1.05M]

p2-a piece of clothing you wear most often.pdf [208.32K]

p2-a place away from your home that you would like to visit in the future.m4a [1.06M]

p2-a place away from your home that you would like to visit in the future.pdf [181.98K]

p2-a popular person.m4a [1.10M]

p2-a popular person.pdf [189.26K]

p2-a speech that you gave.m4a [1.15M]

p2-a speech that you gave.pdf [252.58K]

p2-an enjoyable experience in your childhood.m4a [1.18M]

p2-an enjoyable experience in your childhood.pdf [178.92K]

p2-an occasion when you got incorrect information.m4a [1.18M]

p2-an occasion when you got incorrect information.pdf [200.48K]

p2-an occasion when you got lost.m4a [1.08M]

p2-an occasion when you got lost.pdf [207.95K]

p2-an occasion when you spent time with a young child.m4a [1.03M]

p2-an occasion when you spent time with a young child.pdf [202.28K]

p3题目音频 [115.42M]

p3-are men better at decision-making in a family.mp3 [1.21M]

p3-are modern people happier than those living in the past.mp3 [1.16M]

p3-can children make decisions on their own.mp3 [1.32M]

p3-can you compare the past and the present of children’s life.mp3 [1.32M]

p3-compared to the past, is it easier for people to get ill now.mp3 [1.15M]

p3-do children like to choose the same profession as their parents.mp3 [1.30M]

p3-do children make mistakes easily.mp3 [1.11M]

p3-do different places have their own popular products.mp3 [1.26M]

p3-do leisure activities have to be educational.mp3 [998.43K]

p3-do people nowadays have more ways to relax than in the past.mp3 [1.21M]

p3-do people still drive a car if public transportation is free of charge.mp3 [1.08M]

p3-do people today still like to write letters.mp3 [1.28M]

p3-do teachers in china punish children physically nowadays.mp3 [1.01M]

p3-do you think a gift should be very useful.mp3 [1.12M]

p3-do you think children should learn how to dress well.mp3 [1.23M]

p3-do you think children should start watching news from a young age.mp3 [1.14M]

p3-do you think it is possible that all people move to cities.mp3 [1.03M]

p3-do you think it’s strange to make friends online.mp3 [1.33M]

p3-do you think machines could replace human workers in the future.mp3 [1.29M]

p3-do you think money is a good gift.mp3 [1.03M]

p3-do you think old buildings should be rebuilt.mp3 [1.17M]

p3-do you think people should be trained before they become parents.mp3 [1.10M]

p3-do you think photographers are artists.mp3 [1.08M]

p3-do you think students should be taken to school by parents or go by themselves.mp3 [1.15M]

p3-do you think successful people have better time management skills than others.mp3 [1.23M]

p3-do you think the appearance of a building is important.mp3 [1.20M]

p3-do young people go to the park very often.mp3 [1.16M]

p3-do young people like to change plans.mp3 [1.12M]

p3-how can people improve their memory.mp3 [1.19M]

p3-how do people keep awake when they are tired.mp3 [1.07M]

p3-how do people value traditional festivals.mp3 [1.44M]

p3-how do young and old people use mobile phones differently.mp3 [1.28M]

p3-how is online help different from real-life help.mp3 [1.05M]

p3-how is the news media changing recently.mp3 [1.06M]

p3-how should parents stop their children from behaving badly in public.mp3 [1.06M]

p3-is it bad to talk on the phone in public places.mp3 [1.12M]

p3-is it difficult for chinese people to express their feelings.mp3 [1.18M]

p3-is it difficult for people to learn how to take good photos.mp3 [0.99M]

p3-is it good for young people to have the experience of living in other countries.mp3 [1.12M]

p3-p3-what’s the difference between working at the airport and working in other places.mp3 [1.15M]

p3-should students be allowed to use computers at school.mp3 [1.09M]

p3-should teachers tell jokes in class.mp3 [1.33M]

p3-what activities do employers organize to help employees relax.mp3 [1.40M]

p3-what are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping collections.mp3 [1.26M]

p3-what are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane.mp3 [1.31M]

p3-what are the benefits of young children playing with toys.mp3 [1.17M]

p3-what are the benefits of younger and older generations living together.mp3 [1.13M]

p3-what are the differences between bicycles and private cars.mp3 [1.22M]

p3-what are the differences between men’s conversations and women’s conversations.mp3 [1.25M]

p3-what are the differences between the reading habits of old people and young people.mp3 [1.21M]

p3-what can governments do to improve people’s health.mp3 [1.25M]

p3-what can governments do to improve people’s health.mp3 [1.20M]

p3-what can people learn from songs or poems.mp3 [1.25M]

p3-what decisions do people make every day.mp3 [1.11M]

p3-what do you think about celebrities making a lot of money.mp3 [1.29M]

p3-what do you think of the news on social media.mp3 [1.30M]

p3-what do you think of the sharing economy.mp3 [1.19M]

p3-what do you think people can remember about their childhood.mp3 [1.23M]

p3-what food is popular throughout the world.mp3 [1.31M]

p3-what is the main plant in your country.mp3 [1.09M]

p3-what is the most important thing to a public building design, location or facilities.mp3 [1.31M]

p3-what kind of people are interested in stars.mp3 [938.80K]

p3-what kind of people lack sleep.m4a [569.09K]

p3-what kind of place do people in your country like to live in.mp3 [1.31M]

p3-what kind of weather do chinese people like.mp3 [1.16M]

p3-what kinds of job do young people like.mp3 [983.95K]

p3-what kinds of products do young people like to purchase.mp3 [1.14M]

p3-what kinds of things can help people recall their past memories .mp3 [1.15M]

p3-what kinds of water sports are popular nowadays.mp3 [1.08M]

p3-what may happen if someone listens to very loud music using earphones when they are running or hiking.mp3 [1.20M]

p3-what might neighbors borror from each other.mp3 [1.14M]

p3-what qualities should a successful businessperson have.mp3 [1.30M]

p3-what should parents do if their children tell lies.mp3 [1.24M]

p3-what will happen if teenagers spend too much time playing computer games.mp3 [1.37M]

p3-what’s the difference between the colors that men and women like.mp3 [975.36K]

p3-what’s the meaning of stars in human culture.m4a [482.48K]

p3-what’s the difference between the teachers today and those in the past.mp3 [1.30M]

p3-what’s the difference between the toys kids play with nowadays and those they played with in the past.mp3 [1.25M]

p3-what’s the difference between women and men in buying things.mp3 [1.07M]

p3-when do children begin to have their own ideas.mp3 [1.18M]

p3-when do you think is the suitable time to decide on your future career.mp3 [1.18M]

p3-where can people get more information, words or pictures.mp3 [1.22M]

p3-which do you think are more important, practical skills or academic skills.mp3 [1.04M]

p3-which do you think is more important, a college degree or work experience.mp3 [1.32M]

p3-which is more important, preserving old buildings or building new ones.mp3 [1.15M]

p3-who needs to have good writing skills.mp3 [1.09M]

p3-why are people embarrassed when they borrow money from others.mp3 [1.16M]

p3-why are people less interested in reading books nowadays .mp3 [1.14M]

p3-why are some people willing to help others.mp3 [1.12M]

p3-why are special effects used in some movies.mp3 [1.31M]

p3-why do children like the sea better than adults.mp3 [1.04M]

p3-why do many people nowadays prefer living in the suburbs.mp3 [1.17M]

p3-why do people tend to forget their childhood memories.m4a [530.31K]

p3-why do some old people refuse to use new technology.mp3 [1.12M]

p3-why do some people fail to keep their promises.mp3 [1.16M]

p3-why do some people get lost more easily than others.mp3 [1.11M]

p3-why do some people like to collect expensive paintings.mp3 [1.12M]

p3-why do women like to buy bags.mp3 [1.14M]

p3-why should the staff in the zoos teach the public about the animals.mp3 [1.16M]

p3-will artificial intelligence have emotions in the future.mp3 [1.00M]

最近三十篇阅读文章(2023.5.25) [36.03M]

最近三十篇阅读文章(2023.5.25) [36.03M]

‘extinct’ lion spotted in chad national park [166.92K]

‘extinct’ lion spotted in chad national park .pdf [166.92K]

3 evidence-backed reasons to say no to early-morning meetings [3.05M]

3 evidence-backed reasons to say no to early-morning meetings-文章.pdf [2.88M]

3 evidence-backed reasons to say no to early-morning meetings-重点词句.pdf [171.93K]

6 awesome side effects of drinking coffee [2.87M]

6 awesome side effects of drinking coffee-文章.pdf [2.73M]

6 awesome side effects of drinking coffee-重点词句.pdf [151.16K]

car tax [916.47K]

car tax-文章.pdf [771.75K]

car tax-重点词句.pdf [144.72K]

community gardening fosters a team spirit while producing fruits and veggies [2.72M]

community gardening fosters a team spirit while producing fruits and veggies-文章.pdf [2.57M]

community gardening fosters a team spirit while producing fruits and veggies-重点词句.pdf [146.87K]

fighting for the future of a small town in texas [320.56K]

fighting for the future of a small town in texas-文章.pdf [192.70K]

fighting for the future of a small town in texas-重点词句.pdf [127.86K]

for some retirees, it’s not time to stop learning [190.84K]

for some retirees, it’s not time to stop learning.pdf [190.84K]

four easy stress relievers for students [1.34M]

four easy stress relievers for students-文章.pdf [1.17M]

four easy stress relievers for students-重点词句.pdf [169.85K]

four reasons to take notes by hand [197.26K]

3.15-four reasons to take notes by hand.pdf [197.26K]

how to spend your time on what matters most [2.18M]

how to spend your time on what matters most-文章.pdf [2.01M]

how to spend your time on what matters most-重点词句.pdf [177.17K]

more than half the world’s population will be obese or overweight by 2035 [228.00K]

more than half the world’s population will be obese or overweight by 2035.pdf [228.00K]

mount tai [164.65K]

mount tai.pdf [164.65K]

princess kate launches new passion project focused on kids [263.12K]

princess kate launches new passion project focused on kids(1).pdf [263.12K]

robots are making french fries faster [287.96K]

robots are making french fries faster.pdf [287.96K]

should we all limit our daily use of social media [228.41K]

should we all limit our daily use of social media.pdf [228.41K]

surge in housing prices in san francisco [312.08K]

2.26-surge in housing prices in san francisco .pdf [312.08K]

technology and education [202.84K]

3.4-technology and education.pdf [202.84K]

the ability to concentrate is getting more and more important [248.85K]

the ability to concentrate is getting more and more important.pdf [248.85K]

the decision to become a nurse [127.74K]

2.20-the decision to become a nurse.pdf [127.74K]

the firms cashing in on the demand for sleep aids [221.28K]

the firms cashing in on the demand for sleep aids.pdf [221.28K]

the long road for greece’s digital nomads [4.44M]

the long road for greece’s digital nomads-文章.pdf [4.29M]

the long road for greece’s digital nomads-重点词句.pdf [152.89K]

the truth about the ‘eight glasses of water a day’ rule [134.73K]

the truth about the ‘eight glasses of water a day’ rule.pdf [134.73K]

walking to work benefits you in many ways [276.68K]

3.12-walking to work benefits you in many ways.pdf [276.68K]

what should you do in your 20s [6.68M]

what should you do in your 20s-文章.pdf [6.50M]

what should you do in your 20s-重点词句.pdf [179.28K]

why do some people still wear wristwatches [158.88K]

why do some people still wear wristwatches.pdf [158.88K]

why us schools are blocking chatgpt [3.17M]

why us schools are blocking chatgpt-文章.pdf [3.03M]

why us schools are blocking chatgpt-重点词句.pdf [141.47K]

why you should think carefully about your neighborhood when choosing a place to live [2.10M]

why you should think carefully about your neighborhood when choosing a place to live-文章.pdf [1.93M]

why you should think carefully about your neighborhood when choosing a place to live-重点词句.pdf [180.03K]

world population forecasted to decline for the first time in centuries [1.37M]

world population forecasted to decline for the first time in centuries-文章.pdf [1.20M]

world population forecasted to decline for the first time in centuries-重点词句.pdf [170.74K]

you have to prioritize your sleep [228.46K]

you have to prioritize your sleep.pdf [228.46K]

your friends’ social media posts are making you spend more money [1.36M]

your friends’ social media posts are making you spend more money-文章.pdf [1.19M]

your friends’ social media posts are making you spend more money-重点词句.pdf [176.03K]

最新版99句 [23.93M]

最新版99句 [23.93M]

最新版99句.doc [97.00K]

最新版99句.pdf [509.60K]

最新版99句-对比.m4a [2.79M]

最新版99句-时间、地点、人物、感受.m4a [8.40M]

最新版99句-时态.m4a [8.35M]

最新版99句-原因、具体化.m4a [3.79M]

【资料请勿外传】.docx [18.31K]

2023年5-8月雅思口语part1题库(最新版).pdf [360.41K]

2023年5-8月雅思口语part2题库.pdf [535.49K]

p3逆推回答(最近三十篇文章,2023.5.25).pdf [1.23M]

p3题目词汇.pdf [1.23M]

口语福利群介绍.pdf [295.21K]

杨帅课程讲义 [19.37M]

p2做笔记-杨帅老师.rar [15.51M]

杨帅雅思口语-第1课-升级版.pdf [136.85K]

杨帅雅思口语-第2课-升级版.pdf [136.28K]

杨帅雅思口语-第3课-升级版.pdf [147.55K]

杨帅雅思口语-第4课-升级版.pdf [150.32K]

杨帅雅思口语-第5课-升级版 1.pdf [1.37M]

杨帅雅思口语-第5课-升级版.pdf [1.37M]

杨帅雅思口语-第6课-升级版.pdf [183.53K]

杨帅雅思口语-第7课-升级版.pdf [190.46K]

杨帅雅思口语-第8课-升级版.pdf [201.85K]

杨帅正课视频 [5.38G]

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