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【晓华亲子英语】第三阶段资料包 [453.78M]

启蒙陪伴营三阶 第1个月资料包 [126.54M]

1 lost and found [37.48M]

day3 精读 lost and found.pdf [15.44M]

day5 泛读 how to catch a star.pdf [22.04M]

2 when sophie gets angry-really, really angry [17.55M]

day3 精读 when sophie gets angry.pdf [2.52M]

day5 泛读 how do you feel.pdf [15.03M]

3 little blue and little yellow [26.53M]

day3 精读 little blue and little yellow.pdf [6.83M]

day5 泛读 the mixed-up chameleon.pdf [19.71M]

4 the dot [44.97M]

day3 精读 the dot 电子版.pdf [20.27M]

day5 泛读 i ain’t gonna paint no more! 电子版.pdf [24.71M]

启蒙陪伴营三阶 第2个月资料包 [117.66M]

5 the gingerbread man [42.77M]

day3 精读 the gingerbread man.pdf [22.58M]

day5 泛读 the rat and the tiger.pdf [20.18M]

6 knuffle bunny [6.91M]

day3 精读 knuffle bunny.pdf [6.28M]

day5 泛读 read to your bunny.pdf [645.83K]

7 if you give a mouse a cookie [46.82M]

day3 精读 if you give a mouse a cookie.pdf [21.14M]

day5 泛读 joseph had a little overcoat.pdf [25.68M]

8 oh, the thinks you can think! [21.16M]

day3 精读 oh the thinks you can think.pdf [17.15M]

day5 泛读 leo the late bloomer 电子版.pdf [4.01M]

启蒙陪伴营三阶 第3个月资料包 [175.80M]

10 where’s my teddy [33.32M]

day3 精读 where’s my teddy.pdf [16.81M]

day5 泛读 the little red hen.pdf [16.51M]

11 goldilocks and the three bears [75.92M]

day3 精读 goldilocks and the three bears.pdf [61.54M]

day5 泛读 some day.pdf [14.37M]

12 click clack moo, cows that type [16.38M]

day3 精读 click, clack, moo cows that type.pdf [7.58M]

day5 泛读 bear snores on.pdf [8.80M]

9 i will never no ever eat a tomato [50.19M]

day3 精读 i will not ever never eat a tomato.pdf [25.02M]

day5 泛读 i am not sleepy and i will not go to bed.pdf [25.16M]

启蒙营三阶拓展书单.pdf [7.08M]

三阶第1个月手工材料汇总.pdf [5.58M]

三阶第2个月手工材料汇总.pdf [6.97M]

三阶第3个月手工材料汇总.pdf [14.14M]

3阶-第01周-主题:lost and fund [1.00G]

day1-儿歌听唱 [20.87M]

01讲义.png [725.54K]

02-讲解儿歌did ever see a penguin.wav [4.26M]

03-儿歌did you ever see a penguin纯享版.wav [701.50K]

03儿歌动画版.mov [14.90M]

05-打卡日签.png [328.87K]

day2-日常对话 [9.96M]

01讲义.png [839.56K]

02-讲解日常对话lost and found.wav [2.79M]

03-日常对话短版lost and found.wav [514.64K]

04-日常对话视频-袜子手偶sock puppets.mov [4.76M]

05-儿歌did you ever see a penguin纯享版.wav [701.50K]

06-打卡日签.png [407.42K]

day3-绘本精读 [153.58M]

01-day3讲义.png [976.20K]

02-绘本讲解视频lost and found.mov [125.06M]

03-绘本精读lost and found.wav [4.13M]

04-电子绘本精读 lost and found.pdf [15.44M]

05-原版音频lost and found.wav [6.91M]

06-日常对话短版lost and found.wav [514.64K]

07-打卡日签.png [595.80K]

day4-互动游戏 [755.69M]

01-讲义.png [572.76K]

02-绘本动画片lost and found.mov [599.64M]

03-lost and found puppet游戏手工视频.mov [154.33M]

04-儿歌did you ever see a penguin纯享版.wav [701.50K]

05-打卡日签.png [493.23K]

day5-绘本泛读 [53.37M]

01-讲义.png [1.04M]

02-绘本泛读how to catch a star.wav [7.36M]

03-绘本泛读电子版 how to catch a star.pdf [22.04M]

04-how to catch a star讲解.docx [13.25K]

05-绘本动画.mp4 [21.95M]

06-日常对话短版lost and found.wav [514.64K]

07-打卡日签.png [481.20K]

day6-分级读物 [8.82M]

01-讲义.png [767.67K]

02-分级读物it was a cold dark night.wav [4.89M]

03-分级读物朗读版it was a cold dark night.wav [1.06M]

04-打卡日签.jpg [275.87K]

跟读1.png [293.31K]

跟读2.png [322.17K]

跟读3.png [309.82K]

跟读4.png [312.50K]

跟读5.png [312.82K]

跟读6.png [337.35K]

day7-复习内容 [25.29M]

01-儿歌did you ever see a penguin.wav [701.50K]

02-日常对话lost and found.wav [514.64K]

03-绘本精读lost and found.wav [4.13M]

04-绘本精读原版音频lost and found(1).wav [6.91M]

05-绘本泛读how to catch a star.wav [7.36M]

06-分级读物it was a cold dark night.wav [1.06M]

07-晓华讲堂.wav [4.16M]

08-打卡日签.jpg [290.06K]

讲义.png [203.15K]

3阶-第02周-主题:when sophie gets angry-really,really angry [204.76M]

day1-儿歌听唱 [7.70M]

01-讲义.png [814.90K]

02-儿歌讲解-feeling songs.wav [4.57M]

03-儿歌纯享版-feeling songs.wav [966.96K]

04-儿歌吉他伴奏-feeling songs.wav [1.03M]

05-打卡日签.png [365.41K]

day2-日常对话 [8.97M]

01-讲义.png [630.94K]

02-日常对话讲解-i’m angry.wav [2.55M]

03-日常对话短版-i ‘m angry.wav [512.78K]

04-对话视频-i’m angry.mp4 [2.93M]

05-儿歌复习-feeling songs.wav [966.96K]

06-儿歌伴奏-feeling songs.wav [1.03M]

07-打卡日签.png [413.33K]

day3-绘本精读 [26.31M]

01-讲义.png [725.71K]

02-绘本讲解视频.mp4 [19.49M]

03-绘本外版音频.wav [2.75M]

04-精读绘本 when sophie gets angry.pdf [2.54M]

05-复习日常对话-i ‘m angry.wav [512.78K]

06-打卡日签.png [326.59K]

day4-互动游戏 [87.94M]

01-讲义.png [687.05K]

02-绘本视频-when sophie gets angry.mp4 [34.29M]

03-互动游戏1 视频 story elements.mp4 [51.63M]

04-复习儿歌-feeling songs.wav [966.96K]

05-打卡日签.png [413.98K]

day5-绘本泛读 [36.47M]

01-讲义.png [855.58K]

02-绘本泛读讲解-how do you feel.wav [4.76M]

03-泛读绘本 how do you feel.pdf [15.03M]

04-泛读绘本朗读版-how do you feel.wav [966.76K]

05-互动游戏-draw the faces.mp4 [14.57M]

06-打卡日签.png [342.52K]

day6-分级读物 [8.80M]

01-讲义.png [519.96K]

02-分级读物讲解版-rat -a-tat-tat.wav [4.99M]

03-分级读物朗读版-rat-a-tat-tat.wav [1.00M]

04-打卡日签.png [437.18K]

英语测评第二章.png [307.17K]

英语测评第六章.png [314.33K]

英语测评第三章.png [309.93K]

英语测评第四章.png [318.04K]

英语测评第五章.png [306.58K]

英语测评第一章.png [367.66K]

day7-复习内容 [28.56M]

01-讲义.png [169.08K]

02-儿歌-feeling songs.wav [966.96K]

03-日常对话-i ‘m angry.wav [512.78K]

04-绘本-when sophie gets angry, really,really angry.wav [2.75M]

05- 绘本精读 when sophie gets angry.pdf [2.54M]

06-泛读绘本朗读版-how do you feel.wav [966.76K]

07-泛读绘本 how do you feel.pdf [15.03M]

08-分级读物朗读版-rat-a-tat-tat.wav [1.00M]

09-晓华讲堂.wav [4.31M]

10-打卡日签.png [391.07K]

3阶-第03周-主题:little yellow and little blue [293.53M]

day1-儿歌听唱 [5.61M]

01-讲义.png [741.54K]

02-儿歌讲解-the more we get together.wav [2.97M]

03-儿歌纯享版-the more we get together.wav [710.16K]

04-儿歌钢琴伴奏版.wav [766.05K]

05-打卡日签.png [489.37K]

day2-日常对话 [7.11M]

01-讲义.png [910.86K]

02-日常对话讲解-can we be friends.wav [1.89M]

03-日常对话短版-can we be friends.wav [254.06K]

04-对话视频-can we be friends.mp4 [1.89M]

05-复习儿歌-the more we get together.wav [710.16K]

06-复习儿歌伴奏-the more we get together.wav [1.04M]

07-打卡日签.png [461.03K]

day3-绘本精读 [40.46M]

01-讲义.png [631.06K]

02-绘本讲解视频-little blue and little yellow.mp4 [29.67M]

03-绘本朗读blue and little yellow.wav [2.61M]

04-精读绘本电子版 little blue and little yellow.pdf [6.88M]

05-复习日常对话-can we be friends.wav [254.06K]

06-打卡日签.png [440.24K]

day4-互动游戏 [54.15M]

01-讲义.png [1.16M]

02-绘本视频-little blue and little yellow.mp4 [19.50M]

03-小蓝和小黄迷你手工书.mp4 [32.23M]

04-复习儿歌-the more we get together.wav [710.16K]

05-打卡日签.png [584.15K]

day5-绘本泛读 [134.18M]

01-讲义.png [1.24M]

02-绘本泛读-the mixed-up chameleon.wav [8.74M]

03-泛读绘本电子版-the mixed-up chameleon.pdf [19.71M]

04-绘本视频.mp4 [69.04M]

05-变色龙手工.mp4 [34.66M]

06-日常对话-can we be friends.wav [254.06K]

07-打卡日签.png [552.54K]

day6-分级读物 [6.42M]

01-讲义.png [518.81K]

02-分级读物-lights.wav [3.25M]

03-分级阅读短版-lights.wav [629.86K]

04-跟读测评.png [309.60K]

05-跟读测评.png [312.41K]

06-跟读测评.png [310.67K]

07-跟读测评.png [313.50K]

08-跟读测评.png [318.90K]

09-跟读测评.png [320.49K]

10-打卡日签.jpg [208.74K]

day7-复习内容 [45.61M]

01-讲义.png [166.26K]

02-儿歌-the more we get together.wav [710.16K]

03-对话-can we be friends.wav [254.06K]

04-精读绘本-little blue and little yellow.wav [2.61M]

05-精读绘本电子版-little blue and little yellow.pdf [6.88M]

06-泛读绘本-the mixed-up chameleon.wav [8.74M]

07-泛读绘本电子版 the mixed-up chameleon.pdf [19.71M]

08-分级读物-lights.wav [629.86K]

09-上海春考英语卷刷新难度.png [1.91M]

10-晓华讲堂.wav [3.75M]

11-打卡日签.jpg [293.64K]

3阶-第04周-主题:the dot [249.12M]

day1-儿歌听唱 [5.50M]

01-讲义.png [527.01K]

02-儿歌讲解-i like me.wav [3.38M]

03-儿歌纯享-i like me.wav [541.33K]

04-儿歌伴奏.wav [847.58K]

05-打卡日签.jpg [253.92K]

day2-日常对话 [5.60M]

01-讲义.png [397.93K]

02-日常对话-draw me a dinosaur.wav [2.93M]

03-日常对话短版-draw me a dinosaur.wav [643.82K]

04-复习儿歌-i like me.wav [541.33K]

05-儿歌伴奏.wav [847.58K]

06-打卡日签.jpg [302.79K]

day3-绘本精读 [81.68M]

01-讲义.png [760.71K]

02-绘本视频-the dot.mp4 [37.72M]

03-绘本精读音频-the dot.wav [2.09M]

04-精读绘本电子版- the dot.pdf [20.27M]

05-绘本视频-the dot.mp4 [19.99M]

06-日常对话短版-draw me a dinosaur.wav [643.82K]

07-打卡日签.jpg [254.69K]

day4-互动游戏 [52.22M]

01-讲义.png [1.00M]

02-游戏视频-成长心态表.mp4 [29.53M]

03-点画游戏.mp4 [20.86M]

04-复习儿歌-i like me.wav [541.33K]

05-打卡日签.jpg [306.28K]

day5-绘本泛读 [37.89M]

01-讲义.png [861.01K]

02-绘本泛读讲解-i ain’t gonna paint no more.wav [7.92M]

03-绘本泛读朗读版-i ain’t gonna paint no more.wav [3.56M]

04-泛读绘本电子版-i ain’t gonna paint no more!.pdf [24.71M]

05-复习日常对话-draw me a dinosaur.wav [643.82K]

06-打卡日签.jpg [245.16K]

day6-分级读物 [9.22M]

01-讲义.png [932.52K]

02-分级读物-where is my school.wav [5.00M]

03-分级读物朗读版-where is my school.wav [1.27M]

04-英语测评.png [303.70K]

05-英语测评.png [305.71K]

06-英语测评.png [306.57K]

07-英语测评.png [307.67K]

08-英语测评.png [322.92K]

09-英语测评.png [315.72K]

10-打卡日签.jpg [233.07K]

day7-复习内容 [57.01M]

01-讲义.png [155.40K]

02-儿歌-i like me.wav [541.33K]

03-日常对话-draw me a dinosaur.wav [643.82K]

04-绘本精读-the dot.wav [2.09M]

05-精读 the dot 电子版.pdf [20.27M]

06-绘本泛读-i ain’t gonna paint no more.wav [3.56M]

07-泛读电子版 i ain’t gonna paint no more!.pdf [24.71M]

08-分级读物-where is my school.wav [1.27M]

09-晓华讲堂.wav [3.38M]

10-打卡日签.png [440.02K]

3阶-第05周-主题:the gingerbread man [372.38M]

day1-儿歌听唱 [6.03M]

01-讲义.png [384.81K]

02-儿歌讲解-the gingerbread man.wav [4.14M]

03-儿歌纯享-the gingerbread man.wav [807.72K]

04-儿歌伴奏.wav [549.60K]

05-打卡日签.png [198.73K]

day2-日常对话 [5.41M]

01-讲义.png [457.40K]

02-日常对话-let’s race.wav [2.78M]

03-日常对话短版-let’s race.wav [349.51K]

04-复习儿歌-the gingerbread man.wav [807.72K]

05-儿歌伴奏.wav [549.60K]

06-打卡日签.png [533.51K]

day3-绘本精读 [163.94M]

01-讲义.png [1.04M]

02-看绘本讲解视频-the gingerbread man.mp4 [65.93M]

03-听绘本音频-the gingerbread man.wav [6.62M]

04- 精读绘本电子版 the gingerbread man.pdf [22.58M]

05-绘本视频.mp4 [66.80M]

06-复习日常对话-let’s race.wav [349.51K]

07-打卡日签.png [630.41K]

day4-互动游戏 [95.28M]

01-讲义.png [497.50K]

02-复习绘本-the gingerbread man.wav [6.62M]

03-绘本电子版-the gingerbread man.pdf [22.58M]

04-动词填空视频.mp4 [44.58M]

05-身体部位游戏视频.mp4 [19.73M]

06-复习儿歌-the gingerbread man.wav [807.72K]

07-打卡日签.png [500.04K]

day5-绘本泛读 [34.04M]

01-讲义.png [846.29K]

02-绘本泛读-the rat and the tiger.wav [9.55M]

03-泛读绘本电子版-the rat and the tiger.pdf [20.19M]

04-泛读绘本朗读-the rat and tiger.wav [2.62M]

05-f复习对话-let’s race.wav [349.51K]

06-打卡日签.png [528.87K]

day6-分级读物 [8.67M]

01-讲义.png [962.54K]

02-分级读物-rebecca at the funfair.wav [4.50M]

03-分级读物朗读版-rebecca at the funfair.wav [919.78K]

04-跟读测评第一章.png [305.43K]

05-跟读测评第二章.png [322.21K]

06-跟读测评第三章.png [312.55K]

07-跟读测评第四章.png [325.28K]

08-跟读测评第五章.png [307.98K]

09-跟读测评第六章.png [311.88K]

10-打卡日签.png [499.20K]

day7-复习内容 [59.01M]

01-讲义.png [138.79K]

02-儿歌-the gingerbread man.wav [807.72K]

03-对话-let’s race.wav [349.51K]

04-绘本精讲-the gingerbread man.wav [6.62M]

05-精读绘本电子版 the gingerbread man.pdf [22.58M]

06-泛读绘本-the rat and tiger.wav [2.62M]

07-泛读绘本电子版-the rat and the tiger.pdf [20.19M]

08-分级读物-rebecca at the funfair.wav [919.78K]

09-晓华讲堂.wav [4.25M]

10-打卡日签.png [603.74K]

3阶-第06周-主题:knuffle bunny [200.30M]

day1-儿歌听唱 [7.11M]

01-讲义.png [447.65K]

02-听儿歌.wav [4.37M]

03-儿歌纯享版.wav [917.40K]

04-儿歌伴奏.wav [1.17M]

05-打卡日签.jpg [239.62K]

day2-日常对话 [5.58M]

01-讲义.png [429.58K]

02-日常对话-running an errand.wav [2.43M]

03-日常对话短版-running an errand.wav [377.45K]

04-复习儿歌-little peter rabbit.wav [917.40K]

05-儿歌伴奏.wav [1.17M]

06-打卡日签.jpg [297.40K]

day3-绘本精读 [87.92M]

01-讲义.png [795.54K]

02-看绘本讲解视频-knuffle bunny.mp4 [22.81M]

03-绘本音频-knuffle bunny.wav [4.70M]

04-精读绘本电子版-knuffle bunny.pdf [6.28M]

05-绘本动画.mp4 [52.68M]

06-复习日常对话-running an errand.wav [377.45K]

07-打卡日签.jpg [308.70K]

day4-互动游戏 [43.26M]

01-讲义.png [701.81K]

02-knuffle bunny story sequence.mp4 [28.47M]

03-kuffle bunny-use your words.mp4 [12.94M]

04-复习儿歌-little peter rabbit.wav [917.40K]

05-打卡日签.jpg [277.57K]

day5-绘本泛读 [23.87M]

01-讲义.png [923.17K]

02-泛读绘本音频-read to your bunny.wav [5.83M]

03-泛读绘本电子版 read to your bunny.pdf [643.92K]

04-泛读绘本朗读-read to your bunny.wav [345.79K]

05-绘本视频.mp4 [15.58M]

06-复习日常对话-running an errand.wav [377.45K]

07-打卡日签.jpg [226.88K]

day6-分级读物 [7.64M]

01-讲义.png [780.47K]

02-分级读物故事讲解-tod and the trumpet.wav [3.76M]

03-分级读物朗读版-tod and the trumpet.wav [978.88K]

04-第一章.png [308.99K]

05-第二章.png [323.06K]

06-第三章.png [306.72K]

07-第四章.png [324.09K]

08-第五章.png [311.69K]

09-第六章.png [321.98K]

10-打卡日签.jpg [319.00K]

day7-复习内容 [24.93M]

01-讲义.png [166.13K]

02-儿歌little peter rabbit.wav [917.40K]

03-日常对话running an errand.wav [377.45K]

04-绘本音频-knuffle bunny.wav [4.70M]

05-精读绘本电子版-knuffle bunny.pdf [6.28M]

06-动画版knuffle bunny音频.wav [6.81M]

07-泛读绘本-read to your bunny.wav [345.79K]

08-泛读绘本电子版 read to your bunny.pdf [643.92K]

09-晓华讲堂.wav [4.50M]

10-打卡日签.jpg [252.10K]

3阶-第07周-主题:if you give a mouse a cookie [262.33M]

day1-儿歌听唱 [8.87M]

01-讲义.png [1.05M]

02-儿歌讲解-i had a little overcoat.wav [4.84M]

03-儿歌纯享-i had a little overcoat.wav [1.89M]

04-儿歌伴奏.wav [703.26K]

05-打卡日签.png [406.32K]

day2-日常对话 [10.18M]

01-讲义.png [578.45K]

02-日常对话讲解-let’s have a snack.wav [1.91M]

03-日常对话短版-let’s have a snack.wav [436.60K]

04-复习儿歌讲解版-i had a little overcoat.wav [4.84M]

05-复习儿歌纯享版-i had a little overcoat.wav [1.89M]

06-打卡日签.png [555.71K]

day3-绘本精读 [61.22M]

01-讲义.png [937.68K]

02-看绘本讲解视频.mp4 [36.18M]

03-精读 if you give a mouse a cookie.docx [13.51K]

04-绘本原版音频-if you give a mouse a cookie.wav [1.98M]

05-精读电子版 if you give a mouse a cookie.pdf [21.14M]

06-复习日常对话短版-let’s have a snack.wav [436.60K]

07-打卡日签.png [580.47K]

day4-互动游戏 [49.56M]

01-讲义.png [751.94K]

02-绘本视频-if you give a mouse a cookie.mp4 [25.10M]

03-mouse finger puppet 手指偶游戏.mp4 [21.42M]

04-复习儿歌-i had a little overcoat.wav [1.89M]

05-打卡日签.png [422.08K]

day5-绘本泛读 [62.73M]

01-讲义.png [1.29M]

02-泛读绘本讲解-joseph had a little overcoat.wav [9.27M]

03-泛读绘本电子版-joseph had a little overcoat.pdf [25.67M]

04-泛读绘本原版音频-joseph had a little overcoat.wav [4.40M]

05-泛读绘本歌曲-joseph had a little overcoat.wav [3.61M]

06-绘本动画视频-joseph had a little overcoat.mp4 [17.52M]

07-复习日常对话-let’s have a snack.wav [436.60K]

08-打卡日签.png [550.80K]

day6-分级读物 [8.60M]

01-讲义.png [1.22M]

02-分级读物讲解-hands.wav [4.10M]

03-分级读物朗读版-hands.wav [935.84K]

04-第一章.png [304.64K]

05-第二章.png [318.56K]

06-第三章.png [320.93K]

07-第四章.png [324.53K]

08-第五章.png [323.43K]

09-第六章.png [319.77K]

10-打卡日签.png [514.39K]

day7-复习内容 [61.16M]

01-讲义.png [149.66K]

02-儿歌纯享-i had a little overcoat.wav [1.89M]

03-日常对话短版-let’s have a snack.wav [436.60K]

04-绘本原版音频if you give a mouse a cookie.wav [1.98M]

05-精读电子版 if you give a mouse a cookie.pdf [21.14M]

06-泛读绘本原版音频-joseph had a little overcoat.wav [4.40M]

07-泛读绘本电子版 joseph had a little overcoat.pdf [25.67M]

08-分级读物朗读版-hands.wav [935.84K]

09-晓华讲堂.wav [4.11M]

10-打卡日签.png [497.66K]

3阶-第08周-主题:oh,the thinks you can think [258.98M]

day1-儿歌听唱 [5.35M]

01-讲义.png [392.50K]

02-听儿歌讲解-try again.wav [3.14M]

03-儿歌纯享-try again.wav [790.59K]

04-儿歌伴奏-try again.wav [736.39K]

05-打卡日签.png [344.95K]

day2-日常对话 [6.68M]

01-讲义.png [777.49K]

02-对话讲解-can i try it.wav [3.30M]

03-对话短版-can i try it.wav [531.09K]

04-复习儿歌-try again.wav [790.59K]

05-儿歌伴奏-try again.wav [736.39K]

06-打卡日签.png [625.53K]

day3-绘本精读 [56.06M]

01-讲义.png [456.53K]

02-精读绘本视频-oh,the thinks you can think.mp4 [30.04M]

03-绘本精读讲解-oh,the thinks you can think.wav [5.43M]

04-精读绘本电子版-oh the thinks you can think.pdf [17.15M]

05-精读绘本朗读版-oh,the thinks you can think.wav [1.89M]

06-复习对话-can i try it.wav [531.09K]

07-打卡日签.png [597.57K]

day4-互动游戏 [60.28M]

01-讲义.png [869.06K]

02-精读绘本视频-oh,the thinks you can think.mp4 [14.09M]

03-reading dice 掷骰子朗读游戏.mp4 [27.36M]

04-押韵词游戏.mp4 [16.61M]

05-复习儿歌-try again.wav [790.59K]

06-打卡日签.png [613.32K]

day5-绘本泛读 [104.28M]

01-讲义.png [689.57K]

02-泛读绘本讲解-leo the late bloomer.wav [8.01M]

03- 泛读绘本 leo the late bloomer 电子版.pdf [4.00M]

04-泛读绘本朗读版-leo the late bloomer.wav [2.90M]

05-泛读绘本视频- leo the late bloomer.mp4 [87.65M]

06-复习对话-can i try it.wav [531.09K]

07-打卡日签.png [532.74K]

day6-分级读物 [8.20M]

01-讲义.png [520.63K]

02-分级读物讲解-the helper bird.wav [4.42M]

03-分级读物朗读版-the helper bird.wav [912.62K]

04-跟读测评第一章.png [308.62K]

05-跟读测评第二章.png [311.30K]

06-跟读测评第三章.png [310.40K]

07-跟读测评第四章.png [325.88K]

08-跟读测评第五章.png [324.04K]

09-跟读测评第六章.png [341.30K]

10-打卡日签.png [517.92K]

day7-复习内容 [18.12M]

01-讲义.png [187.40K]

02-儿歌-try again.wav [790.59K]

03-对话-can i try it.wav [531.09K]

04-精读绘本-oh, the thinks you can think.wav [1.89M]

05-泛读绘本-leo the late bloomer.wav [2.90M]

06-泛读 leo the late bloomer 电子版.pdf [4.00M]

07-分级读物-the helper bird.wav [912.62K]

08-晓华讲堂.wav [6.51M]

09-打卡日签.png [453.14K]

3阶-第09周-主题:i will never not ever eat a tomato [544.88M]

day1-儿歌听唱 [26.46M]

01-讲义.png [741.42K]

02-儿歌讲解-do you like…?.wav [6.06M]

03-儿歌视频-super simple song.mp4 [13.58M]

04-儿歌纯享-do you like…?.wav [1.86M]

05-儿歌原唱-do you like…?.wav [1.85M]

06-儿歌伴奏.wav [1.89M]

07-打卡日签.png [528.45K]

day2-日常对话 [10.14M]

01-讲义.png [734.77K]

02-日常对话讲解-picky eater.wav [2.36M]

03-日常对话短版-picky eater.wav [385.13K]

04-对话视频-袜子手偶.mp4 [2.40M]

05-复习儿歌原唱-do you like…?.wav [1.85M]

06-儿歌伴奏-do you like…?.wav [1.89M]

07-打卡日签.png [570.16K]

day3-绘本精读 [109.32M]

01-讲义.png [378.22K]

02-看绘本讲解视频-i will not ever never eat a tomato.mp4 [72.83M]

03-精读绘本讲解-i will not ever never eat a tomato.wav [7.36M]

04 精读绘本电子版 i will not ever never eat a tomato.pdf [25.02M]

05-复习日常对话短版-picky eater.wav [385.13K]

06-精读绘本朗读-i will not ever never eat a tomato.wav [2.83M]

07-打卡日签.png [530.98K]

day4-互动游戏 [197.37M]

01-讲义.png [506.66K]

02-绘本动画-i will not ever never eat a tomato.mp4 [131.17M]

03-charlie and lola纸偶游戏.mp4 [44.72M]

04-food description match食物连线游戏.mp4 [18.58M]

05-复习儿歌原唱-do you like…?.wav [1.85M]

06-打卡日签.png [568.32K]

day5-绘本泛读 [153.29M]

01-讲义.png [935.92K]

02-泛读绘本讲解-i am not sleepy and will not go to bed.wav [7.49M]

03-泛读绘本电子版 i am not sleepy and i will not go to bed.pdf [25.16M]

04-泛读绘本朗读-i am not sleepy and will not go to bed.wav [3.39M]

05-绘本动画-i am not sleepy and will not go to bed.mp4 [115.45M]

06-复习日常对话短版-picky eater.wav [385.13K]

07-打卡日签.png [519.35K]

day6-分级读物 [9.54M]

01-讲义.png [1.16M]

02-分级读物讲解-the wind.wav [5.03M]

03-分级读物朗读-the wind.wav [959.79K]

04-第一章.png [306.49K]

05-第二章.png [308.18K]

05-第三章.png [319.38K]

06-第四章.png [320.49K]

07-第五章.png [318.45K]

08-第六章.png [331.80K]

09-打卡日签.png [556.94K]

day7-复习内容 [38.76M]

01-讲义.png [147.00K]

02-儿歌原唱-do you like…?.wav [1.85M]

03-日常对话短版-picky eater.wav [385.13K]

04-精读绘本朗读-i will not ever never eat a tomato.wav [2.83M]

05-精读绘本电子版 i will not ever never eat a tomato.pdf [25.02M]

06-分级读物朗读-the wind.wav [959.79K]

07-晓华讲堂.wav [6.98M]

08-打卡日签.png [634.66K]

3阶-第10周-主题:where’s my teddy [393.21M]

day1-儿歌听唱 [7.54M]

01-讲义.png [1.04M]

02-儿歌讲解-grizzly bear.wav [4.39M]

03-儿歌纯享试着唱-grizzly bear.wav [472.12K]

04-儿歌伴奏-grizzly bear.wav [1.09M]

05-打卡日签.png [573.28K]

day2-日常对话 [8.71M]

01-讲义.png [747.47K]

02-日常对话讲解-where’s my teddy.wav [2.78M]

03-日常对话短版-where’s my teddy.wav [793.56K]

04-对话视频-袜子手偶-where’s my teddy.mp4 [2.59M]

05-复习儿歌纯享-grizzly bear.wav [472.12K]

06-儿歌伴奏-grizzly bear.wav [1.09M]

07-打卡日签.png [302.98K]

day3-绘本精读 [67.39M]

01-讲义.png [930.08K]

02-绘本讲解-where’s my teddy.mp4 [46.05M]

03-听绘本音频-where’s my teddy.wav [2.32M]

04-精读绘本电子版 where’s my teddy.pdf [16.81M]

05-复习日常对话短版-where’s my teddy.wav [793.56K]

06-打卡日签.png [540.74K]

day4-互动游戏 [103.18M]

01-讲义.png [787.95K]

02-绘本视频-where’s my teddy.mp4 [32.46M]

03-story sequencing 故事排序游戏.mp4 [35.70M]

04-押韵词卡牌游戏.mp4 [31.97M]

05-复习儿歌纯享-grizzly bear.wav [472.12K]

06-儿歌伴奏-grizzly bear.wav [1.09M]

07-打卡日签.png [738.38K]

day5-绘本泛读 [148.38M]

01-讲义.png [1.01M]

02-泛读绘本讲解-the little red hen.wav [8.67M]

03-泛读绘本电子版 the little red hen.pdf [16.51M]

04-泛读绘本朗读-the little red hen.wav [3.67M]

05-绘本视频.mp4 [117.04M]

06-复习日常对话短版-where’s my teddy.wav [793.56K]

07-打卡日签.png [734.11K]

day6-分级读物 [9.71M]

01-讲义.png [767.28K]

02-分级阅读讲解-funny fish.wav [5.66M]

03-分级阅读朗读-funny fish.wav [963.57K]

04-第一章.png [299.67K]

05-第二章.png [316.15K]

06-第三章.png [307.19K]

07-第四章.png [322.00K]

08-第五章.png [302.75K]

09-第六章.png [322.31K]

10-打卡日签.png [546.68K]

day7-复习内容 [48.30M]

01-讲义.png [182.69K]

02-儿歌纯享-grizzly bear.wav [472.12K]

03-日常对话短版-where’s my teddy.wav [793.56K]

04-听绘本音频-where’s my teddy.wav [2.32M]

05-精读 where’s my teddy.pdf [16.81M]

06-泛读绘本朗读-the little red hen.wav [3.67M]

07-泛读 the little red hen.pdf [16.51M]

08-分级阅读朗读.wav [963.57K]

09-晓华讲堂.wav [6.08M]

10-打卡日签.png [577.87K]

3阶-第11周-主题:goldilocks and the three bears [391.34M]

day1-儿歌听唱 [35.93M]

01-讲义.png [690.13K]

02-儿歌讲解-goldilocks songs.wav [4.75M]

03-儿歌纯享-goldilocks songs.wav [1.58M]

04-儿歌视频.mp4 [26.85M]

05-儿歌伴奏-goldilocks songs.wav [1.50M]

06-打卡日签.png [599.10K]

day2-日常对话 [6.56M]

01-讲义.png [581.12K]

02-日常对话讲解-table manners.wav [2.07M]

03-日常对话短版-table manners.wav [342.68K]

04-复习儿歌纯享版-goldilocks songs.wav [1.58M]

05-儿歌伴奏-goldilocks songs.wav [1.50M]

06-打卡日签.png [531.63K]

day3-绘本精读 [146.11M]

01-讲义.png [0.99M]

02-看绘本讲解视频-goldilocks and three bears.mp4 [76.71M]

03-绘本精读原版音频-goldilocks and three bears.wav [5.89M]

04- 精读电子版 goldilocks and the three bears.pdf [61.54M]

05-复习日常对话短版-table manners.wav [342.68K]

06-打卡日签.png [656.33K]

day4-互动游戏 [76.79M]

01-讲义.png [616.80K]

02-绘本动画-goldilocks and three bears.mp4 [22.28M]

03-goldilocks纸偶游戏.mp4 [36.19M]

04-crossword puzzle拼字游戏.mp4 [15.56M]

05-复习儿歌纯享-goldilocks songs.wav [1.58M]

06-打卡日签.png [596.99K]

day5-绘本泛读 [24.18M]

01-讲义.png [794.87K]

02-泛读绘本讲解-someday.wav [6.26M]

03-泛读绘本电子版 some day.pdf [14.37M]

04-泛读绘本朗读-someday.wav [1.86M]

05-复习日常对话短版-table manners.wav [342.68K]

06-打卡日签.png [584.87K]

day6-分级读物 [9.35M]

01-讲义.png [0.99M]

02-分级阅读讲解-let’s build a rocket.wav [4.67M]

03-分级阅读朗读-let’s build a rocket.wav [1.09M]

04-第一章.png [317.48K]

05-第二章.png [322.28K]

06-第三章.png [320.43K]

07-第四章.png [323.98K]

08-第五章.png [324.14K]

09-第六章.png [324.00K]

10-打卡日签.png [728.39K]

day7-复习内容 [92.41M]

01-讲义.png [162.98K]

02-儿歌纯享-goldilocks songs.wav [1.58M]

03-日常对话短版-table manners.wav [342.68K]

04-绘本精读原版音频-goldilocks and three bears.wav [5.89M]

05- 精读电子版 goldilocks and the three bears.pdf [61.54M]

06-泛读绘本朗读someday.wav [1.86M]

07-泛读绘本电子版 some day.pdf [14.37M]

08-分级阅读朗读-let’s build a rocket.wav [1.09M]

09-晓华讲堂.wav [4.90M]

10-打卡日签.png [702.25K]

3阶-第12周-主题:clic clack moo,cows that type [461.03M]

day1-儿歌听唱 [35.82M]

01-讲义.png [666.50K]

02-儿歌讲解-had a little rooster.wav [5.59M]

03-儿歌纯享had a little rooster.wav [1.40M]

04-儿歌视频.mp4 [26.26M]

05-儿歌伴奏had a little rooster.wav [382.49K]

06-4短完整版伴奏-had a little rooster.wav [1.29M]

07-打卡日签.jpg [265.04K]

day2-日常对话 [5.06M]

01-讲义.png [601.59K]

02-日常对话讲解-what are you writing.wav [2.08M]

03-日常对话短版-what are you writing.wav [420.88K]

04-复习儿歌纯享had a little rooster.wav [1.40M]

05-打卡日签.png [603.09K]

day3-绘本精读 [101.36M]

01-讲义.png [1.46M]

02-看绘本讲解视频-click,clack,moo,cows that type.mp4 [73.03M]

03-绘本音频-click,clack,moo,cows that type.wav [3.29M]

04-精读绘本电子版 click, clack, moo cows that type.pdf [7.65M]

05-拓展视频.mp4 [14.88M]

06-复习日常对话短版-what are you writing.wav [420.88K]

07-打卡日签.png [650.79K]

day4-互动游戏 [159.26M]

01-讲义.png [622.78K]

02-绘本视频-click,clack,moo,cows that type.mp4 [90.99M]

03-vocabulary cards单词卡游戏.mp4 [30.14M]

04-story sequence游戏.mp4 [35.57M]

05-复习儿歌纯享had a little rooster.wav [1.40M]

06-打卡日签.png [569.18K]

day5-绘本泛读 [112.17M]

01-讲义.png [1.10M]

02-泛读绘本讲解-bear snores on.wav [11.40M]

03- 泛读绘本电子版 bear snores on.pdf [8.85M]

04-bear snores on中英文.docx [20.79K]

05-泛读绘本朗读-bear snores on.wav [3.94M]

06-绘本视频-bear snores on.mp4 [84.92M]

07-儿歌纯享had a little rooster.wav [1.40M]

08-打卡日签.png [545.39K]

day6-分级读物 [12.70M]

01-讲义.png [1.04M]

02-分级读物讲解-growing and changing.wav [5.93M]

03-分级单词.wav [757.99K]

04-儿歌-head shoulder knees and toes.wav [722.70K]

05-分级读物朗读版-growing and changing.wav [1.83M]

06-第一章.png [316.36K]

07-第二章.png [316.70K]

08-第三章.png [324.93K]

09-第四章.png [322.67K]

10-第五章.png [318.18K]

11-第六章.png [334.38K]

12-打卡日签.png [579.39K]

day7-复习内容 [34.66M]

01-讲义.png [164.35K]

02-儿歌纯享had a little rooster.wav [1.40M]

03-日常对话短版-what are you writing.wav [420.88K]

04-绘本音频-click,clack,moo,cows that type.wav [3.29M]

05-精读绘本电子版 click, clack, moo cows that type.pdf [7.65M]

06-泛读绘本朗读-bear snores on.wav [3.94M]

07-泛读绘本电子版 bear snores on.pdf [8.85M]

08-分级读物朗读版-growing and changing.wav [1.83M]

09-晓华讲堂.wav [6.48M]

10-打卡日签.png [665.13K]

三阶音频(倾听者专用) [149.30M]

01-01-儿歌did you ever see a penguin.mp3 [862.81K]

01-02-日常对话lost and found.mp3 [640.77K]

01-03-绘本精读lost and found.mp3 [4.73M]

01-04-绘本精读原版音频lost and found(1).mp3 [8.27M]

01-05-绘本泛读how to catch a star.mp3 [8.59M]

01-06-分级读物it was a cold dark night.mp3 [1.29M]

02-02-儿歌-feeling songs.mp3 [1.19M]

02-03-日常对话-i ‘m angry.mp3 [620.36K]

02-04-绘本-when sophie gets angry, really,really angry.mp3 [3.40M]

02-06-泛读绘本朗读版-how do you feel.mp3 [1.10M]

02-08-分级读物朗读版-rat-a-tat-tat.mp3 [1.21M]

03-02-儿歌-the more we get together.mp3 [706.59K]

03-03-对话-can we be friends.mp3 [256.89K]

03-04-精读绘本-little blue and little yellow.mp3 [3.15M]

03-06-泛读绘本-the mixed-up chameleon.mp3 [10.04M]

03-08-分级读物-lights.mp3 [784.44K]

04-02-儿歌-i like me.mp3 [673.42K]

04-03-日常对话-draw me a dinosaur.mp3 [782.40K]

04-04-绘本精读-the dot.mp3 [2.50M]

04-06-绘本泛读-i ain’t gonna paint no more.mp3 [4.26M]

04-08-分级读物-where is my school.mp3 [1.57M]

05-02-儿歌-the gingerbread man.mp3 [988.53K]

05-03-对话-let’s race.mp3 [458.32K]

05-04-绘本精讲-the gingerbread man.mp3 [7.66M]

05-06-泛读绘本-the rat and tiger.mp3 [3.09M]

05-08-分级读物-rebecca at the funfair.mp3 [1.12M]

06-02-儿歌little peter rabbit.mp3 [1.09M]

06-03-日常对话running an errand.mp3 [474.24K]

06-04-绘本音频-knuffle bunny.mp3 [5.90M]

06-06-动画版knuffle bunny音频.mp3 [8.55M]

06-07-泛读绘本-read to your bunny.mp3 [372.00K]

07-02-儿歌纯享-i had a little overcoat.mp3 [2.23M]

07-03-日常对话短版-let’s have a snack.mp3 [537.91K]

07-04-绘本原版音频if you give a mouse a cookie.mp3 [2.50M]

07-06-泛读绘本原版音频-joseph had a little overcoat.mp3 [5.60M]

07-08-分级读物朗读版-hands.mp3 [1.09M]

08-02-儿歌-try again.mp3 [959.14K]

08-03-对话-can i try it.mp3 [666.49K]

08-04-精读绘本-oh, the thinks you can think.mp3 [2.31M]

08-05-泛读绘本-leo the late bloomer.mp3 [3.66M]

08-07-分级读物-the helper bird.mp3 [1.09M]

09-02-儿歌原唱-do you like…?.mp3 [2.24M]

09-03-日常对话短版-picky eater.mp3 [464.85K]

09-04-精读绘本朗读-i will not ever never eat a tomato.mp3 [3.00M]

09-06-分级读物朗读-the wind.mp3 [1.14M]

10-02-儿歌纯享-grizzly bear.mp3 [580.36K]

10-03-日常对话短版-where’s my teddy.mp3 [954.24K]

10-04-听绘本音频-where’s my teddy.mp3 [2.75M]

10-06-泛读绘本朗读-the little red hen.mp3 [4.30M]

10-08-分级阅读朗读-the little red hen.mp3 [1.15M]

11-02-儿歌纯享-goldilocks songs.mp3 [1.90M]

11-03-日常对话短版-table manners.mp3 [424.44K]

11-04-绘本精读原版音频-goldilocks and three bears.mp3 [6.97M]

11-06-泛读绘本朗读someday.mp3 [2.24M]

11-08-分级阅读朗读-let’s build a rocket.mp3 [1.30M]

12-02-儿歌纯享had a little rooster.mp3 [1.68M]

12-03-日常对话短版-what are you writing.mp3 [517.91K]

12-04-绘本音频-click,clack,moo,cows that type.mp3 [4.17M]

12-06-泛读绘本朗读-bear snores on.mp3 [4.65M]

12-08-分级读物朗读版-growing and changing.mp3 [2.17M]

三阶书单.jpg [1.54M]






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