少儿喜马拉雅:【完结】迪士尼电影英语原著 – 疯狂动物城双语精读,网盘下载(468.64M)


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文件目录:少儿喜马拉雅:【完结】迪士尼电影英语原著 – 疯狂动物城双语精读,文件大小:468.64M

e01 the beginning of the dream.pdf [66.41K]

e01 故事开始的地方.pdf [147.14K]

e01【纯英朗读】the beginning of the dream.mp3 [1.60M]

e01【双语精讲】故事开始的地方.mp3 [7.28M]

e02 【双语精讲】父母的反对.mp3 [6.84M]

e02 dream big.pdf [67.32K]

e02 父母的反对.pdf [148.09K]

e02【纯英朗读】dream big.mp3 [1.55M]

e03 【双语精讲】被嘲笑的梦想.mp3 [7.03M]

e03 be mocked.pdf [67.59K]

e03 被嘲笑的梦想.pdf [151.84K]

e03【纯英朗读】be mocked.mp3 [1.70M]

e04 【双语精讲】警校生活,证明自我.mp3 [6.63M]

e04 graduation ceremony.pdf [67.56K]

e04 警校生活,证明自我.pdf [150.98K]

e04【纯英朗读】graduation ceremony.mp3 [1.34M]

e05 【双语精讲】首位兔子警官诞生.mp3 [6.83M]

e05 the first bunny cop.pdf [67.10K]

e05 首位兔子警官诞生.pdf [134.79K]

e05【纯英朗读】 the first bunny cop.mp3 [1.22M]

e06 heading to zootopia.pdf [68.72K]

e06 告别兔窝镇,奔向动物城.pdf [146.01K]

e06【纯英朗读】heading to zootopia.mp3 [1.62M]

e06【双语精讲】告别兔窝镇,奔向动物城.mp3 [6.25M]

e07 arriving at new apartment.pdf [67.33K]

e07 入住公寓,落脚动物城.pdf [145.65K]

e07【纯英朗读】arriving at new apartment_.mp3 [1.30M]

e07【双语精讲】入住公寓,落脚动物城_.mp3 [6.08M]

e08 arriving at zpd.pdf [66.08K]

e08 初来乍到,警局报道.pdf [137.20K]

e08【纯英朗读】arriving at zpd_.mp3 [1.21M]

e08【双语精讲】初来乍到,警局报道_.mp3 [7.37M]

e09 parking duty for judy.pdf [69.29K]

e09 满心期待,却被派去停车场值班.pdf [145.13K]

e09【纯英朗读】parking duty for judy_.mp3 [1.53M]

e09【双语精讲】满心期待,却被派去停车场值班_.mp3 [6.26M]

e10 meeting the fox for the first time.pdf [70.24K]

e10 与狐狸的初次会面.pdf [157.37K]

e10【纯英朗读】meeting the fox for the first time_.mp3 [1.60M]

e10【双语精讲】与狐狸的初次会面_.mp3 [7.18M]

e11 judy stepped up.pdf [68.08K]

e11 judy为狐狸父子挺身而出.pdf [138.68K]

e11【纯英朗读】judy stepped up_.mp3 [1.54M]

e11【双语精讲】judy为狐狸父子挺身而出_.mp3 [7.56M]

e12 they are liars!.pdf [68.05K]

e12 他们不是父子,是骗子!.pdf [141.56K]

e12【纯英朗读】they are liars!_.mp3 [1.48M]

e12【双语精讲】他们不是父子,是骗子!_.mp3 [7.46M]

e13 nick figured out judy’s fear.pdf [71.39K]

e13 nick看穿了judy的恐惧.pdf [156.19K]

e13【纯英朗读】nick figured out judy’s fear_.mp3 [1.36M]

e13【双语精讲】nick看穿了judy的恐惧_.mp3 [7.54M]

e14 sad judy went home alone.pdf [66.10K]

e14 灰心丧气的judy独自回家.pdf [131.44K]

e14【纯英朗读】sad judy went home alone_.mp3 [1.07M]

e14【双语精讲】灰心丧气的judy独自回家_.mp3 [7.29M]

e15 tomorrow’s a new day.pdf [67.60K]

e15 明天又是新的一天.pdf [127.55K]

e15【纯英朗读】tomorrow’s a new day_.mp3 [1.26M]

e15【双语精讲】明天又是新的一天_.mp3 [6.49M]

e16【纯英朗读】i’m a real cop!_.mp3 [1.39M]

e16【双语精讲】我是名副其实的警察!_.mp3 [7.66M]

e16i’marealcop!【followofficialaccount:orwechat:】.pdf [68.48K]

e16我是名副其实的警察!【followofficialaccount:orwechat:】.pdf [139.99K]

e17【纯英朗读】judy in pursuit_.mp3 [1.67M]

e17【双语精讲】追击盗贼的judy_.mp3 [6.99M]

e17judyinpursuit【followofficialaccount:orwechat:】.pdf [69.23K]

e17追击盗贼的judy【followofficialaccount:orwechat:】.pdf [153.05K]

e18【纯英朗读】judy is taking the case!_.mp3 [1.36M]

e18【双语精讲】judy警官接手了案件_.mp3 [7.27M]

e18judyistakingthecase!【followofficialaccount:orwechat:】.pdf [68.39K]

e18judy警官接手了案件!【followofficialaccount:orwechat:】.pdf [136.72K]

e19【纯英朗读】the case file was a single piece of paper!_.mp3 [1.39M]

e19【双语精讲】什么?案宗只有一张纸!_.mp3 [6.78M]

e19thecasefilewasasinglepieceofpaper!【followofficialaccount:orwechat:】.pdf [69.93K]

e19什么?案宗只有一张纸!【followofficialaccount:orwechat:】.pdf [139.42K]

e20【纯英朗读】 aha!nick became judy’s partner_.mp3 [2.02M]

e20【双语精讲】反将一军!nick变成judy搭档_.mp3 [8.42M]

e20aha!nickbecamejudy’spartner【followofficialaccount:orwechat:】.pdf [73.92K]

e20反将一军!nick变成judy搭档【followofficialaccount:orwechat:】.pdf [152.19K]

e21【纯英朗读】yax in mystic spring oasis_.mp3 [1.35M]

e21【双语精讲】见见“神秘泉绿洲”的牦牛哥_.mp3 [7.30M]

e21yakinmysticspringoasis【followofficialaccount:orwechat:】.pdf [69.96K]

e21见见“神秘泉绿洲”的牦牛哥【followofficialaccount:orwechat:】.pdf [140.85K]

e22【纯英朗读】thanks to yax, they got new clue!_.mp3 [1.58M]

e22【双语精讲】感谢牦牛哥,找到新线索啦!_.mp3 [7.62M]

e22thankstoyax,theygotnewclue!【followofficialaccount:orwechat:】.pdf [74.05K]

e22感谢牦牛哥,找到新线索啦!【followofficialaccount:orwechat:】.pdf [143.25K]

e23 flash, flash, hundred-yard dash!.pdf [75.41K]

e23 我…是…闪…电.pdf [147.69K]

e23【纯英朗读】flash, flash, hundred-yard dash!.mp3 [2.67M]

e23【双语精讲】我…是…闪…电….mp3 [8.30M]

e24 the limousine was a “refrigousine”.pdf [71.08K]

e24 竟然是一辆“豪华冷藏车”?.pdf [137.44K]

e24【纯英朗读】 the limousine was a “refrigousine”.mp3 [1.36M]

e24【双语精讲】 竟然是一辆“豪华冷藏车”?.mp3 [6.48M]

e25 it’s mr.big’s car!.pdf [71.11K]

e25 令nick闻风丧胆的大先生是谁?.pdf [141.19K]

e25【纯英朗读】 it’s mr.big’s car!.mp3 [1.66M]

e25【双语精讲】令nick闻风丧胆的大先生是谁?.mp3 [7.05M]

e26 mr.big is going to ice them.pdf [71.23K]

e26 大先生:把他们冻起来!.pdf [141.30K]

e26【纯英朗读】mr.big is going to ice them.mp3 [1.86M]

e26【双语精讲】大先生:把他们冻起来!.mp3 [7.65M]

e27 “我的司机才知道怎么回事”.pdf [136.28K]

e27 the driver of the car can tell more.pdf [68.87K]

e27【纯英朗读】the driver of the car can tell more.mp3 [1.54M]

e27【双语精讲】“我的司机才知道怎么回事”.mp3 [7.68M]

e28 the driver went savage! run!.pdf [73.11K]

e28 司机发狂了,快跑!.pdf [141.46K]

e28【纯英朗读】the driver went savage! run!.mp3 [1.63M]

e28【双语精讲】司机发狂了,快跑!.mp3 [7.99M]

e29 judy had saved nick’s life.pdf [72.18K]

e29 judy救了nick的命.pdf [145.14K]

e29【纯英朗读】judy had saved nick’s life.mp3 [1.68M]

e29【双语精讲】judy救了nick的命.mp3 [8.40M]

e30 bogo didn’t believe them.pdf [67.81K]

e30 牛局长不相信judy和nick.pdf [138.11K]

e30【纯英朗读】bogo didn’t believe them.mp3 [1.56M]

e30【双语精讲】 牛局长不相信judy和nick.mp3 [7.11M]

e31 nick told judy his childhood story.pdf [70.43K]

e31 nick给judy讲了自己的童年故事.pdf [152.58K]

e31【纯英朗读】nick told judy his childhood story_.mp3 [1.72M]

e31【双语精讲】nick给judy讲了自己的童年故事_.mp3 [7.53M]

e32 i’ve got a friend at city hall.pdf [71.31K]

e32 judy:“我在市政厅有朋友。”.pdf [142.12K]

e32【纯英朗读】i’ve got a friend at city hall_.mp3 [1.65M]

e32【双语精讲】judy:“我在市政厅有朋友”_.mp3 [7.53M]

e33 the wolves are the night howlers.pdf [71.46K]

e33 狼群就是“夜嚎者”.pdf [144.75K]

e33【纯英朗读】the wolves are the night howlers_.mp3 [1.72M]

e33【双语精讲】狼群就是“夜嚎者”_.mp3 [7.62M]

e34 it was cliffside asylum.pdf [66.33K]

e34 原来那是精神病院.pdf [122.59K]

e34【纯英朗读】 it was cliffside asylum_.mp3 [989.19K]

e34【双语精讲】原来那是精神病院_.mp3 [6.52M]

e35 they found emmitt otterton.pdf [64.00K]

e35 他们找到了otterton先生.pdf [118.69K]

e35【纯英朗读】they found emmitt otterton_.mp3 [907.96K]

e35【双语精讲】他们找到了 otterton先生_.mp3 [6.30M]

e36 it was mayor lionheart!.pdf [66.38K]

e36 是狮子市长把发狂的动物给关起来了!.pdf [121.72K]

e36【纯英朗读】it was mayor lionheart_.mp3 [981.23K]

e36【双语精讲】是狮子市长把发狂的动物给关起来了_.mp3 [6.24M]

e37 “we’ve got to tell bogo.”.pdf [64.41K]

e37 我们必须要告诉牛局长.pdf [119.11K]

e37【纯英朗读】“we’ve got to tell bogo.”_.mp3 [994.29K]

e37【双语精讲】我们必须要告诉牛局长_.mp3 [6.06M]

e38 nick,有你作搭档真好.pdf [119.61K]

e38 it would be nice to have a partner..pdf [66.99K]

e38【纯英朗读】 it would be nice to have a partner_.mp3 [943.07K]

e38【双语精讲】-nick,有你作搭档真好-_.mp3 [5.93M]

e39 so predators are the only ones going savage.pdf [67.03K]

e39 你的意思是只有食肉动物发狂了?.pdf [113.19K]

e39【纯英朗读】 so predators are the only ones going savage?_.mp3 [1.08M]

e39【双语精讲】你的意思是只有食肉动物发狂了-_.mp3 [6.22M]

e40 i noticed the fox repellent the first time we met.pdf [67.62K]

e40“第一次见面我就看到你的防狐喷雾了”.pdf [120.93K]

e40【纯英朗读】 i noticed the fox repellent the first time we met_.mp3 [933.07K]

e40【双语精讲】第一次见面我就看到你的防狐喷雾了_.mp3 [5.90M]

e41 judy had broken their friendship.pdf [62.64K]

e41 judy搞砸了和nick之间的友情.pdf [112.09K]

e41【纯英朗读】judy had broken their friendship_.mp3 [761.84K]

e41【双语精讲】judy搞砸了和nick之间的友情_.mp3 [6.30M]

e42 judy felt exhausted and responsible.pdf [66.63K]

e42 judy感到疲惫又内疚.pdf [118.61K]

e42【纯英朗读】 judy felt exhausted and responsible_.mp3 [929.80K]

e42【双语精讲】judy感到疲惫又内疚_.mp3 [5.38M]

e43 i don’t deserve this badge.pdf [65.20K]

e43 judy:“我不配拥有这枚警徽”.pdf [112.86K]

e43【纯英朗读】i don’t deserve this badge_.mp3 [885.52K]

e43【双语精讲】judy:“我不配拥有这枚警徽”_.mp3 [5.41M]

e44 “gideon grey is our partner now.”.pdf [68.85K]

e44 “狐狸gideon现在是我们的生意伙伴了。“.pdf [122.10K]

e44【纯英朗读】“gideon grey is our partner now.”_.mp3 [1.01M]

e44【双语精讲】狐狸gideon现在是我们的生意伙伴了_.mp3 [6.23M]

e45 “夜嚎者”不是狼,是花!.pdf [115.23K]

e45 night howlers are flowers!.pdf [67.37K]

e45【纯英朗读】 night howlers are flowers_.mp3 [920.00K]

e45【双语精讲】“夜嚎者”不是狼,是花!_.mp3 [5.78M]

e46 judy和nick重归于好.pdf [112.77K]

e46 they became friends again.pdf [65.06K]

e46【纯英朗读】they became friends again_.mp3 [911.64K]

e46【双语精讲】judy和nick重归于好_.mp3 [5.77M]

e47 duke weaselton refused to tell.pdf [67.35K]

e47 duke weaselton什么都不说.pdf [121.37K]

e47【纯英朗读】duke weaselton refused to tell_.mp3 [933.27K]

e47【双语精讲】duke weaselton什么都不说_.mp3 [5.74M]

e48 doug’s cornered the market on night howlers.pdf [65.75K]

e48 公羊doug已经垄断了夜嚎者的市场.pdf [110.59K]

e48【纯英朗读】doug’s cornered the market on night howlers_.mp3 [799.39K]

e48【双语精讲】公羊doug已经垄断了夜嚎者的市场_.mp3 [6.01M]

e49 it was suddenly clear.pdf [64.55K]

e49 一切都越发清楚了.pdf [112.37K]

e49【纯英朗读】it was suddenly clear_.mp3 [760.62K]

e49【双语精讲】一切都越发清楚了_.mp3 [5.57M]

e50 toot! toot! bam!.pdf [62.61K]

e50 嘟!嘟!嘭!.pdf [109.63K]

e50【纯英朗读】toot!toot!bam!_.mp3 [830.62K]

e50【双语精讲】嘟!嘟!嘭!_.mp3 [5.52M]

e51 nick,加速冲刺!.pdf [112.75K]

e51 speed up,nick!.pdf [63.94K]

e51【纯英朗读】speed up, nick!_.mp3 [830.62K]

e51【双语精讲】nick,加速冲刺!_.mp3 [5.94M]

e52 bellwether was the one behind this from the very beginning!.pdf [71.49K]

e52 羊市长从一开始就是幕后黑手.pdf [115.63K]

e52【纯英朗读】bellwether was the one behind this from the very beginning!_.mp3 [830.62K]

e52【双语精讲】羊市长从一开始就是幕后黑手_.mp3 [6.30M]

e53 i’m not going to leave you behind.pdf [64.92K]

e53 我不会丢下你不管的.pdf [112.40K]

e53【纯英朗读】 i’m not going to leave you behind_.mp3 [894.90K]

e53【双语精讲】我不会丢下你不管的_.mp3 [6.33M]

e54 officer hopps is down!.pdf [67.14K]

e54 英雄警察遭发狂狐狸杀害?.pdf [119.29K]

e54【纯英朗读】officer hopps is down!_.mp3 [968.98K]

e54【双语精讲】 英雄警察遭发狂狐狸杀害?_.mp3 [6.88M]

e55 “这才叫买卖,亲爱的”.pdf [102.40K]

e55 it’s called a hustle, sweetheart.pdf [62.16K]

e55【纯英朗读】it’s called a hustle, sweetheart_.mp3 [784.70K]

e55【双语精讲】“这才叫买卖,亲爱的”_.mp3 [6.13M]

e56 try. try to make a difference.pdf [67.99K]

e56 改变从我们每一个人开始.pdf [130.91K]

e56【纯英朗读】try. try to make a difference_.mp3 [1.22M]

e56【双语精讲】改变从我们每一个人开始_.mp3 [6.69M]

e57 come on, you know i love you.pdf [65.34K]

e57 得了吧,你知道我爱你.pdf [117.96K]

e57【纯英朗读】come on, you know i love you_.mp3 [1.13M]

e57【双语精讲】得了吧,你知道我爱你_.mp3 [5.89M]



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