Super Simple Song,百度网盘(15.81G)


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Super Simple Song,百度网盘(15.81G)

Super Simple Song,百度网盘(15.81G)

文件目录:Super Simple Song,文件大小:15.81G

sss版本1,图片,mp3资料 [1.33G]

1_super simple songs phonics_mp3 [500.60M]

super simple songs phonics [104.55M]

01 a – mini lesson.mp3 [1.37M]

02 a – song.mp3 [1.06M]

03 b – mini lesson.mp3 [1.49M]

04 b – song.mp3 [1.50M]

05 c – mini lesson.mp3 [1.14M]

06 c – song.mp3 [673.63K]

07 d – mini lesson.mp3 [1.10M]

08 d – song.mp3 [837.40K]

09 e – mini lesson.mp3 [1.16M]

10 e – song.mp3 [1.25M]

11 f – mini lesson.mp3 [1.12M]

12 f – song.mp3 [693.53K]

13 g – mini lesson.mp3 [1.23M]

14 g – song.mp3 [900.67K]

15 h – mini lesson.mp3 [1.26M]

16 h – song.mp3 [1.07M]

17 i – mini lesson.mp3 [1.24M]

18 i – song.mp3 [1.40M]

19 j – mini lesson.mp3 [1.23M]

20 j – song.mp3 [1.05M]

21 k – mini lesson.mp3 [1.41M]

22 k – song.mp3 [737.40K]

23 l – mini lesson.mp3 [1.20M]

24 l – song.mp3 [844.55K]

25 m – mini lesson.mp3 [1.41M]

26 m – song.mp3 [812.91K]

27 n – mini lesson.mp3 [1.40M]

28 n – song.mp3 [1.06M]

29 o – mini lesson.mp3 [1.23M]

30 o – song.mp3 [1.05M]

31 p – mini lesson.mp3 [1.24M]

32 p – song.mp3 [837.40K]

33 q – mini lesson.mp3 [1.51M]

34 q – song.mp3 [1.49M]

35 r – mini lesson.mp3 [1.45M]

36 r – song.mp3 [812.91K]

37 s – mini lesson.mp3 [1.15M]

38 s – song.mp3 [673.63K]

39 t – mini lesson.mp3 [1.28M]

40 t – song.mp3 [900.67K]

41 u – mini lesson.mp3 [1.07M]

42 u – song.mp3 [693.53K]

43 v – mini lesson.mp3 [1.24M]

44 v – song.mp3 [1.40M]

45 w – mini lesson.mp3 [1.26M]

46 w – song.mp3 [1.07M]

47 x – mini lesson.mp3 [1.46M]

48 x – song.mp3 [737.40K]

49 y – mini lesson.mp3 [1.14M]

50 y – song.mp3 [844.55K]

51 z – mini lesson.mp3 [1.22M]

52 z – song.mp3 [1.25M]

53 if you’re happy.mp3 [1.06M]

54 baa baa black sheep.mp3 [1.49M]

55 skip to my lou.mp3 [673.63K]

56 the bear went over the mountain.mp3 [823.65K]

57 she’ll be commin’ ‘roung the mountain.mp3 [1.25M]

58 london bridge.mp3 [680.78K]

59 mary had a little lamb.mp3 [900.68K]

60 frere jacques.mp3 [1.07M]

61 oh susanna.mp3 [1.40M]

62 old mcdonald.mp3 [1.05M]

63 the wheels on the bus.mp3 [737.42K]

64 the hokey pokey.mp3 [844.55K]

65 row row row your boat.mp3 [774.15K]

super simple phonics workbook.pdf [33.46M]

super simple songs – phonics.png [45.08K]

super simple songs 歌词及教学等 [3.74M] [3.67M]

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cds.html [92.10K]

cds-j.html [94.01K]

contact.html [12.20K]

index.html [45.50K]

shop.html [1.77K]

teachingtips.html [35.43K]

videodemos.html [17.00K]

cd1歌词.txt [29.49K]

cd2歌词.txt [25.85K]

cd3歌词.txt [22.07K]

解压网页版歌词和教学指导说明.txt [0.16K]

super simple songs_cd1 [72.07M]

01-knock knock hello.mp3 [868.13K]

02-make a circle.mp3 [1.45M]

03-seven steps.mp3 [2.20M]

04-one little finger.mp3 [2.59M]

05-walking walking.mp3 [1.95M]

06-are you hungry.mp3 [3.14M]

07-clean up.mp3 [2.03M]

08-if you’re happy.mp3 [2.46M]

09-days of the week.mp3 [0.99M]

10-i see something blue.mp3 [3.80M]

11-head shoulders knees and toes (let’s learn).mp3 [1.13M]

12-head shoulders knees and toes (let’s sing).mp3 [912.13K]

13-ten in the bed.mp3 [3.30M]

14-the bath song.mp3 [2.76M]

15-five little monkeys.mp3 [2.87M]

16-the alphabet song (lets learn).mp3 [3.05M]

17-the alphabet song (lets sing) .mp3 [1.68M]

18-i see something pink.mp3 [3.92M]

19-go away.mp3 [1.83M]

20-what do you want for christmas.mp3 [4.13M]

21-put on your shoes.mp3 [3.46M]

22-see you later.mp3 [1.02M]

23-please sit down and storytime music.mp3 [6.57M]

24-sweet dreams (goodnight song).mp3 [3.28M]

25-lullaby medley.mp3 [10.46M]

cd case back.gif [52.26K]

cd case front.gif [41.21K]

cd1.jpg [158.34K]

super_simple_songs_one_lyrics_and_actions.rtf [33.02K]

super simple songs_cd2 [57.73M]

01-count and move.mp3 [1.59M]

02-hello.mp3 [1.44M]

03-hows the weather.mp3 [2.45M]

04-one potato two potatoes.mp3 [1.60M]

05-eeney meeney miney moe.mp3 [1.32M]

06-the eensey weensey spider.mp3 [2.32M]

07-rock scissors paper fingerplay 1.mp3 [1.96M]

08-who took the cookie.mp3 [2.05M]

09-the wheels on the bus (learn it).mp3 [3.41M]

10-the wheels on the bus (sing it).mp3 [3.11M]

11-uh-huh.mp3 [1.79M]

12-the shape song 1.mp3 [4.88M]

13-counting bananas.mp3 [1.60M]

14-the hokey pokey shake (learn it).mp3 [3.87M]

15-the hokey pokey shake (sing it).mp3 [3.14M]

16-rock scissors paper fingerplay 2.mp3 [1.97M]

17-the shape song 2.mp3 [4.38M]

18-mystery box.mp3 [1.10M]

19-hide and seek.mp3 [1.58M]

20-see you later alligator.mp3 [890.00K]

21-rock scissors paper play (circletime version).mp3 [2.04M]

22-who took the cookie (circletime version).mp3 [1.56M]

23-lullaby medley.mp3 [7.58M]

cd case back.gif [51.83K]

cd case front.gif [53.80K]

super_simple_songs_two_lyrics_and_actions.rtf [28.66K]

super simple songs_cd3 [85.51M]

01-intro.mp3 [1.54M]

02-hello hello.mp3 [1.71M]

03-open shut them and other opposites.mp3 [3.40M]

04-bingo (learn it).mp3 [5.08M]

05-bingo (play with it).mp3 [4.19M]

06-we all fall down.mp3 [2.68M]

07-rain rain go away (learn it).mp3 [2.19M]

08-rain rain go away (play with it).mp3 [3.18M]

09-old mcdonald (learn it).mp3 [7.35M]

10-old mc donald (play with it).mp3 [5.20M]

11-do you like broccoli ice cream.mp3 [3.54M]

12-the pinocchio.mp3 [4.63M]

13-five little pumpkins.mp3 [4.34M]

14-skidamarink.mp3 [2.93M]

15-happy birthday (how old are you today).mp3 [1.99M]

16-say cheese (lets take a picture).mp3 [2.32M]

17-the alphabet chant.mp3 [2.51M]

18-the months chant.mp3 [3.18M]

19-bye bye goodbye.mp3 [2.50M]

20-hello hello (classroom version).mp3 [1.67M]

21-open shut them (classroom version).mp3 [2.28M]

22-do you like brocolli ice cream (classroom version).mp3 [3.43M]

23-bye bye goodbye (classroom version).mp3 [2.46M]

24-lullaby medley.mp3 [9.62M]

25-outro.mp3 [1.31M]

cd case back.gif [38.63K]

cd case front.gif [53.56K]

cd3.jpg [166.24K]

super_simple_songs_three_lyrics_and_actions.rtf [29.69K]

super_simple songs christmas [60.32M]

1 – hello reindeer.mp3 [1.32M]

10 – santa, where are you.mp3 [2.55M]

11 – little snowflake.mp3 [2.61M]

12 – goodbye snowman.mp3 [1.12M]

13 – hello reindeer (sing-along).mp3 [1.32M]

14 – jingle bells (learn & sing) (sing-along).mp3 [2.96M]

15 – decorate the christmas tree (sing-along).mp3 [3.12M]

16 – what do you want for christmas (part ii) (sing-along).mp3 [3.18M]

17 – i_m a little snowman (sing-along).mp3 [1.51M]

18 – jingle jingle little bell (sing-along).mp3 [2.50M]

19 – we wish you a merry christmas (sing-along).mp3 [2.12M]

2 – jingle bells (learn & sing).mp3 [2.96M]

20 – s-a-n-t-a (sing-along).mp3 [3.09M]

21 – ten little elves (sing-along).mp3 [3.84M]

22 – santa, where are you (sing-along).mp3 [2.57M]

23 – little snowflake (sing-along).mp3 [2.61M]

24 – goodbye snowman (sing-along).mp3 [1.12M]

3 – decorate the christmas tree.mp3 [3.12M]

4 – what do you want for christmas (part ii).mp3 [3.40M]

5 – i_m a little snowman.mp3 [1.54M]

6 – jingle jingle little bell.mp3 [2.50M]

7 – we wish you a merry christmas.mp3 [2.12M]

8 – s-a-n-t-a.mp3 [3.06M]

9 – ten little elves.mp3 [3.87M]

lyrics.pdf [82.85K]

supersimplesongs-christmas.png [114.60K]

super_simple_songs_halloween [116.69M]

album_artwork [5.28M]

cd_back.pdf [2.04M]

cd_front.pdf [3.24M]

extras [42.42M]

1-using_the_printable_resources [548.03K]

1-using the printable resources.pdf [548.03K]

2-lyric_posters [3.54M]

lyricposters.pdf [3.54M]

3-picture_cards [7.81M]

1-minicards.pdf [1.27M]

2-mediumpicturecards.pdf [2.57M]

3-largepicturecards.pdf [3.51M]

4-minicardsbw.pdf [467.64K]

4-activity_sheets [28.16M]

1.hellomyfriends.pdf [1.43M]

10.whotook.pdf [1.95M]

11.knockknocktrick2.pdf [2.42M]

12.goodbyemyfriends.pdf [1.55M]

14.answerkeys.pdf [4.92M]

2.knockknocktrick.pdf [2.19M]

3.thisistheway.pdf [1.24M]

4.canyoumake.pdf [1.35M]

5.goaway.pdf [1.86M]

6.fivecreepyspiders.pdf [4.04M]

7.givemesomething.pdf [2.02M]

8.oneforyou.pdf [1.65M]

9.theskeletondance.pdf [1.53M]

5-halloween_headbands [2.39M]

halloweenheadbands.pdf [2.39M]

01 hello my friends.mp3 [1.25M]

02 knock knock trick or treat.mp3 [5.46M]

03 this is the way we carve a pumpkin.mp3 [1.43M]

04 can you make a happy face.mp3 [2.09M]

05 go away ghoulie goblin.mp3 [1.93M]

06 five creepy spiders.mp3 [2.92M]

07 give me something good to eat.mp3 [1.71M]

08 one for you one for me.mp3 [2.96M]

09 the skeleton dance.mp3 [1.98M]

10 who took the candy.mp3 [3.19M]

11 knock knock trick or treat (part 2).mp3 [5.57M]

12 goodbye my friends.mp3 [1.26M]

13 hello my friends goodbye my friends (sing-along).mp3 [1.26M]

14 knock knock trick or treat (sing-along).mp3 [4.94M]

15 this is the way we carve a pumpkin (sing-along).mp3 [1.43M]

16 can you make a happy face (sing-along).mp3 [2.09M]

17 go away ghoulie goblin (sing-along).mp3 [1.93M]

18-five creepy spiders (sing-along).mp3 [2.92M]

19 give me something good to eat (sing-along).mp3 [1.71M]

20 one for you one for me (sing-along).mp3 [2.96M]

21 the skeleton dance (sing-along).mp3 [1.98M]

22 who took the candy (sing-along).mp3 [2.82M]

23 knock knock trick or treat (part 2) (sing-along).mp3 [5.57M]

24 knock knock trick or treat (bonus version).mp3 [3.72M]

lyricposters.pdf [3.54M]

super simple songs – halloween.jpg [394.98K]

2_super simple songs phonicsmatt(24个真人教学视频) [209.56M]

5 little monkeys jumping on the bed.flv [10.90M]

classroom vocabulary_ rock star kids what’s this_.flv [7.30M]

cute kid’s song happy banana.flv [4.92M]

cute kids song_ yes no please thank you song.flv [7.12M]

days of the week songs for kids.flv [8.16M]

feelings song for kids_ how are you_.flv [10.74M]

fruit song for kids_ i like apples!, yummy, yummy, yummy!.flv [11.48M]

fun action-verbs song for kids_ what can you do_.flv [13.76M]

fun food video for kids_ i can eat a lot!.flv [10.08M]

fun halloween song for kids.flv [2.92M]

how are you_ lesson for kids.flv [9.92M]

how’s the weather_ song and cartoon for kids.flv [7.52M]

jingle bells for kids-easy version.flv [3.44M]

kid’s animal song_ it’s a dog.flv [5.97M]

let’s practice english_ animals.flv [10.79M]

let’s practice kids english_ safari animals.flv [4.17M]

let’s practice numbers 11 to 20.flv [7.61M]

love you song for kids-valentine’s day song, mother’s day, father’s day.flv [7.19M]

matt live! hello song.flv [18.44M]

the goodbye song for children.flv [13.86M]

we wish you a merry christmas easy for kids.flv [2.75M]

weather song for kids_ the sun comes up!.flv [12.01M]

whats your favorite color_ children’s song.flv [6.83M]

what’s your name_ song for kids.flv [11.67M]

3_super simple songs phonics儿歌视频 [569.70M]

autumn (fall) song for children.mp4 [28.39M]

bingo.mp4 [7.33M]

count bananas.mp4 [15.20M]

count_and_move.mp4 [2.97M]

do you like broccoli.mp4 [23.30M]

five little monkeys song.mp4 [21.65M]

five_little_monkeys!.mp4 [5.87M]

good morning rooster.mp4 [7.77M]

good night-sss.mp4 [27.46M]

greeting songs.mp4 [11.48M]

head shoulders knees & toes (learn it).mp4 [5.54M]

head shoulders knees & toes (sing it).mp4 [4.66M]

hickory dickory dock.mp4 [7.45M]

hindi action songs – mor nursery rhyme.mp4 [32.09M]

how’s the weather 02.mp4 [25.57M]

how’s the weather.mp4 [21.19M]

humpty dumpty nursery rhyme for children.mp4 [13.55M]

i have a pet.mp4 [4.38M]

if you’re happy super simple songs.mp4 [17.25M]

jingle bells.mp4 [48.70M]

little_snowflake.mp4 [8.51M]

muffin songs – skidmarink.mp4 [16.92M]

old mcdonald had a farm.mp4 [16.76M]

one little finger.mp4 [20.64M]

one potato, two potatoes super simple songs.mp4 [13.21M]

open shut them from super simple songs.mp4 [11.44M]

phonics song2.mp4 [8.36M]

row row row your boat.mp4 [10.31M]

santa, where are you.mp4 [6.27M]

s-a-n-t-a.mp4 [8.35M]

super simple abcs phonics song a-i.mp4 [2.44M]

super simple abcs phonics song j-r.mp4 [2.41M]

super simple songs – how many- (sing-along)_高清.mp4 [5.10M]

ten_in_the_bed.mp4 [7.56M]

the animal sounds song.mp4 [35.37M]

the animals on the farm learn animal sounds.mp4 [15.42M]

the months chant from super simple songs .mp4 [10.46M]

the months chant.mp4 [20.47M]

the skeleton dance.mp4 [5.02M]

twinkle_twinkle.mp4 [7.77M]

videoplayback.mp4 [5.11M]

4_super simple songs phonics卡片资源 [77.26M]

super simple songs 卡片资源-cd1 [28.97M]

cd1-03-seven-steps.pdf [1.73M]

cd1-04-one-little-finger.pdf [1.75M]

cd1-06-are-you-hungry.pdf [1.71M]

cd1-08-if-youre-happy.pdf [1.67M]

cd1-09-days-of-the-week.pdf [2.00M]

cd1-10-i-see-something-blue.pdf [1.60M]

cd1-11+12-head-shoulders-knees-and-toes-lets-learn+sing.pdf [1.78M]

cd1-13-ten-in-the-bed.pdf [1.93M]

cd1-14-the-bath-song.pdf [1.84M]

cd1-15-five-little-monkeys.pdf [1.86M]

cd1-16+17-the-alphabet-song-lets-learn-lower.pdf [2.25M]

cd1-16+17the-alphabet-song-lets-learn-upper.pdf [2.27M]

cd1-18-i-see-something-pink.pdf [1.60M]

cd1-19-go-away.pdf [1.70M]

cd1-20-what-do-you-want-for-christmas.pdf [1.68M]

cd1-21-put-on-your-shoes.pdf [1.61M]

super simple songs 卡片资源-cd2 [19.42M]

cd2-01-count-and-move.pdf [2.26M]

cd2-02-hello.pdf [1.66M]

cd2-03-hows-the-weather.pdf [1.57M]

cd2-04-one-potato-two-potatoes.pdf [1.68M]

cd2-06-the-eensey-weensey-spider.pdf [1.56M]

cd2-08+22-who-took-the-cookie-gamecard.pdf [1.84M]

cd2-09+10-the-wheels-on-the-bus-learn-it.pdf [1.77M]

cd2-12-the-shape-song-1.pdf [1.55M]

cd2-13-counting-bananas.pdf [2.27M]

cd2-14+15-the-hokey-pokey-shake-learn-it.pdf [1.71M]

cd2-17-the-shape-song-2.pdf [1.55M]

super simple songs 卡片资源-cd3 [28.87M]

cd3-03-open-shut-them-and-other-opposites.pdf [1.80M]

cd3-04-bingo-learn-it.pdf [1.74M]

cd3-05-bingo-play-with-it.pdf [1.71M]

cd3-08-rain-rain-go-away-play-with-it.pdf [1.68M]

cd3-09-old-mcdonald-learn-it.pdf [1.75M]

cd3-10-old-mcdonald-play-with-it.pdf [1.75M]

cd3-10-old-mcdonald-worksheet.pdf [2.73M]

cd3-11+22-do-you-like-broccoli-ice-cream-paddles.pdf [102.96K]

cd3-11-do-you-like-broccoli-ice-cream.pdf [1.95M]

cd3-12-the-pinocchio.pdf [1.78M]

cd3-13-five-little-pumpkins.pdf [1.83M]

cd3-14-skidamarink.pdf [1.65M]

cd3-15-happy-birthday-how-old-are-you-today.pdf [1.86M]

cd3-17-the-alphabet-chant-lower.pdf [2.19M]

cd3-17-the-alphabet-chant-upper.pdf [2.21M]

cd3-18-the-months-chant.pdf [2.13M]

sss版本2 [3.28G]

chirstmas [259.50M]

10 little elves.mp4 [21.87M]

decorate the christmas tree.mp4 [48.87M]

hello, reindeer.mp4 [16.13M]

i’m a little snowman -.mp4 [12.16M]

it was the night before christmas.mp4 [28.00M]

jingle bells _.mp4 [30.19M]

jingle jingle little bell.mp4 [14.69M]

santa, where are you.mp4 [15.48M]

s-a-n-t-a.mp4 [9.88M]

we wish you a merry christmas.mp4 [23.54M]

what do you want for christmas.mp4 [38.69M]

halloween [456.13M]

five creepy spiders.mp4 [36.91M]

five little pumpkins.mp4 [12.68M]

go away!.mp4 [6.87M]

go away, spooky goblin!.mp4 [22.79M]

halloween songs for kids! – full dvd.mp4 [276.00M]

knock knock, trick or treat -.mp4 [44.44M]

one for you, one for me.mp4 [25.83M]

this is the way we carve a pumpkin.mp4 [11.48M]

who took the candy -.mp4 [19.14M]

nursery rhyme [1.63G]

10 little dinosaurs.mp4 [13.41M]

a sailor went to sea.mp4 [38.95M]

abc song.mp4 [25.30M]

after a while, crocodile.mp4 [7.11M]

alice the camel.mp4 [13.18M]

apples & bananas.mp4 [43.97M]

baby shark.mp4 [19.52M]

bingo.mp4 [23.91M]

brush your teeth.mp4 [13.71M]

bye bye goodbye.mp4 [11.49M]

can you make a happy face.mp4 [15.49M]

clean up.mp4 [14.95M]

count and move1-20.mp4 [10.57M]

count down from 20 to 1.mp4 [4.25M]

counting bananas.mp4 [14.06M]

days of the week.mp4 [8.96M]

do you like broccoli ice cream.mp4 [21.44M]

do you like lasagna milkshakes-.mp4 [15.73M]

do you like pickle pudding.mp4 [16.03M]

do you like spaghetti yogurt.mp4 [19.64M]

down by the bay.mp4 [7.83M]

eeney meeney miney moe.mp4 [6.48M]

five little ducks.mp4 [17.49M]

five little speckled frogs.mp4 [17.96M]

good bye good bye.mp4 [4.77M]

good morning, mr. rooster.mp4 [6.22M]

head shoulders knees & toes (learn it).mp4 [9.43M]

head shoulders knees & toes (sing it).mp4 [6.14M]

head shoulders knees & toes(animal).mp4 [17.45M]

hello hello!.mp4 [8.66M]

hello.mp4 [13.14M]

hickory dickory dock.mp4 [16.09M]

hide and seek.mp4 [18.76M]

how many fingers.mp4 [18.77M]

how’s the weather.mp4 [20.18M]

i have a pet.mp4 [28.72M]

i like you.mp4 [9.25M]

i see something blue.mp4 [32.96M]

i see something pink.mp4 [31.54M]

if u r happy.mp4 [14.30M]

let’s go to the zoo.mp4 [33.98M]

little robin redbreast.mp4 [14.35M]

little snowflake.mp4 [19.59M]

make a circle-.mp4 [7.07M]

mary had a kangaroo.mp4 [25.61M]

mr. sun, sun, mr. golden sun – kids songs – super simple songs_高清.mp4 [15.52M]

mystery box #1.mp4 [8.80M]

mystery box #2.mp4 [8.92M]

mystery box #3.mp4 [9.65M]

old mcdonald had a farm.mp4 [31.59M]

one little finger.mp4 [16.54M]

one potato, two potatoes.mp4 [12.07M]

open shut them – super simple songs.mp4 [21.14M]

peek-a-boo.mp4 [2.40M]

put on your shoes.mp4 [25.10M]

rain rain go away.mp4 [14.84M]

rock scissors paper 3.mp4 [29.34M]

rock scissors paper(day).mp4 [15.51M]

rock scissors paper(night).mp4 [15.83M]

row row row your boat.mp4 [41.39M]

say cheese.mp4 [22.80M]

seven steps.mp4 [9.65M]

skidamarink.mp4 [19.93M]

sweet dreams (goodnight song).mp4 [21.97M]

ten in the bed.mp4 [13.13M]

the alphabet chant.mp4 [14.00M]

the animals on the farm _.mp4 [23.95M]

the ants go marching.mp4 [11.35M]

the bath song.mp4 [46.40M]

the eensy weensy spider _.mp4 [10.34M]

the hokey pokey shake.mp4 [16.22M]

the ice cream song.mp4 [20.69M]

the months chant.mp4 [20.90M]

the muffin man.mp4 [13.62M]

the pinocchio.mp4 [39.83M]

the shape song _1 _.mp4 [16.83M]

the shape song _2 _.mp4 [18.25M]

the skeleton dance.mp4 [14.20M]

the wheels on the bus.mp4 [37.26M]

this is the way.mp4 [13.26M]

twinkle twinkle little star.mp4 [24.75M]

uh-huh!.mp4 [10.64M]

wag your tail.mp4 [25.83M]

walking in the jungle -.mp4 [41.99M]

walking walking.mp4 [11.72M]

we all fall down.mp4 [13.28M]

what do you hear.mp4 [67.67M]

who took the cookie_.mp4 [10.61M]

yes, i can!.mp4 [30.36M]

super simple abc [979.60M]

lowercase [137.72M]

a-i review song (lowercase).flv [1.95M]

j-r review song (lowercase).mp4 [5.93M]

r-z review song (lowercase).mp4 [6.00M]

the a song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清.mp4 [5.95M]

the b song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清.mp4 [8.49M]

the c song (lowercase) simple simple songs_高清.mp4 [4.05M]

the d song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清.mp4 [4.17M]

the e song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清.mp4 [6.36M]

the f song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清.mp4 [3.39M]

the g song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清.mp4 [4.75M]

the h song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清.mp4 [5.44M]

the i song (lowercase) – super simple abcs_标清.mp4 [4.11M]

the j song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清.mp4 [5.43M]

the k song (lowercase) super simple songs_标清.mp4 [2.54M]

the l song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清.mp4 [4.01M]

the m song (lowercase) super simple songs_标清.mp4 [2.77M]

the n song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清.mp4 [5.52M]

the o song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清.mp4 [5.43M]

the p song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清.mp4 [3.72M]

the q song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清.mp4 [7.72M]

the r song (lowercase) super simple songs_标清.mp4 [2.44M]

the s song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清.mp4 [3.44M]

the t song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清.mp4 [4.77M]

the u song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清.mp4 [3.42M]

the v song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清_高清.mp4 [7.42M]

the w song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清_高清.mp4 [5.45M]

the x song (lowercase) super simple songs_标清.mp4 [2.59M]

the y song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清_高清.mp4 [3.97M]

the z song (lowercase) super simple songs_高清_高清.mp4 [6.48M]

uppercase [115.64M]

a-i review song (uppercase).mp4 [5.96M]

the a song (uppercase) super simple abcs_标清_标清.flv [2.16M]

the b song (uppercase) – super simple abcs_高清.mp4 [8.85M]

the c song (uppercase) super simple abcs_高清.mp4 [4.52M]

the d song (uppercase).mp4_高清.mp4 [5.04M]

the e song (uppercase).mp4_高清.mp4 [7.87M]

the f song (uppercase) super simple abcs_高清.mp4 [3.41M]

the g song (uppercase) super simple abcs_高清.mp4 [4.69M]

the h song (uppercase) – dk 英语_高清_高清.mp4 [5.53M]

the i song (uppercase) super simple abcs_标清.flv [3.52M]

the j song (uppercase) super simple abcs_高清.mp4 [3.44M]

the k song (uppercase) super simple abcs_标清.flv [1.92M]

the l song (uppercase)_高清_高清.mp4 [3.82M]

the m song (uppercase)_高清_高清.mp4 [3.67M]

the n song (uppercase)_高清.mp4 [5.50M]

the o song (uppercase)_高清_高清.mp4 [5.57M]

the p song (uppercase) – super simple abcs_高清.mp4 [3.72M]

the q song (uppercase)_标清.flv [1.69M]

the r song (uppercase)_高清.mp4 [3.73M]

the s song (uppercase)_高清.mp4 [3.44M]

the t song (uppercase)_高清.mp4 [4.76M]

the u song (uppercase)_高清_高清.mp4 [2.47M]

the v song (uppercase)_高清.mp4 [7.42M]

the w song (uppercase)_标清.flv [606.72K]

the x song (uppercase)_标清.flv [1.86M]

the y song (uppercase)_高清.mp4 [3.97M]

the z song (uppercase) – alphabet song – super simple abcs_高清.mp4 [6.51M]

abc songs for kids – a to z (uppercase) – 完整版.mp4 [205.19M]

goodbye a, goodbye z.mp4 [8.92M]

hello a, hello z.mp4 [6.27M]

learn the alphabet with turn & learn abcs – a to z完整版.mp4 [479.87M]

phonics alphabet song (lowercase).flv [4.12M]

phonics alphabet song (uppercase).flv [3.05M]

the super simple alphabet song (lowercase).mp4 [9.39M]

the super simple alphabet song (uppercase).mp4 [9.43M]

sss版本3 [6.33G]

super simple songs dvd [2.77G]

super simple songs dvd 1-15vedios [225.71M]

01.twinkle twinkle little star.mp4 [11.81M]

01.twinkle twinkle little [1.17K] [7.67M] [3.00K]

03.row row row your boat.mp4 [41.92M]

03.row row row your [1.78K]

04.rain rain go away!.mp4 [5.72M]

04.rain rain go away!.srt [1.31K]

05.skidamarink(animated version).mp4 [21.30M]

05.skidamarink.mp4 [10.56M] [1.66K]

06.ten in the bed.mp4 [24.35M]

06.ten in the [2.45K]

07.the eensey weensey spider.mp4 [6.56M] shut them.mp4 [21.28M] shut [2.67K] steps.mp4 [5.11M]

10.the alphabet song.mp4 [4.04M]

11.the alphabet chant.mp4 [17.34M]

12.days of the week-read it!.mp4 [2.40M]

12.days of the week-read it!.srt [0.37K]

12.days of the week-sing it!.mp4 [2.72M]

13.the months chant.mp4 [20.55M]

14.uh-huh!.mp4 [4.11M]

15.five little monkeys.mp4 [18.19M]

15.five little [1.44K]

super simple songs 1-15vedios pic 1.jpg [44.81K]

super simple songs 1-15vedios pic 2.jpg [33.12K]

super simple songs dvd 2-15vedios [413.91M]

01.old mcdonald had a farm.mp4 [16.76M]

01.old mcdonald had a farm高清.mp4 [42.99M]

01.old mcdonald had a farm高清.srt [4.57K]

02.the wheels on the bus.mp4 [51.45M]

02.the wheels on the [1.94K]

03.if you’re happy.mp4 [17.52M]

03.if you’re [2.13K]

04.put on your shoes.mp4 [33.34M]

04.put on your [1.51K]

05.head shoulders knees & toes (learn it).mp4 [9.43M]

05.head shoulders knees & toes (learn it).srt [0.96K]

06.head shoulders knees & toes (sing it).mp4 [8.74M]

06.head shoulders knees & toes (sing it).srt [0.69K] little finger.mp4 [20.64M] little [2.54K]

08.i see something blue.mp4 [35.01M]

08.i see something [1.62K] you like broccoli ice cream.mp4 [23.30M] you like broccoli ice [1.70K]

10.count and move.mp4 [16.76M]

10.count and [1.00K]

11.counting bananas.mp4 [16.96M]

11.counting [1.20K] potato, two potatoes.mp4 [17.69M] potato, two [0.97K]

13.i see something pink.mp4 [39.22M]

13.i see something [1.91K]’s the weather.mp4 [21.90M]’s the [1.40K]

15.sweet dreams.mp4 [27.49M]

15.sweet [0.35K]

count down from 20.mp4 [14.50M]

count down from [1.02K]

super simple songs 2-15vedios pic 1.jpg [49.60K]

super simple songs 2-15vedios pic 2.jpg [145.39K]

super simple songs dvd animals-12 vedios [377.79M]

01.good morning, mr. rooster.mp4 [7.74M]

01.good morning, mr. [0.54K]

02.let’s go to the zoo.mp4 [52.32M]

02.let’s go to the [1.95K]

03.walking in the jungle.mp4 [42.38M]

03.walking in the [2.78K]

04.hickory dickory dock.mp4 [18.06M]

04.hickory dickory [2.23K] teddy bear.mp4 [16.35M]

06.i have a pet.mp4 [39.72M]

06.i have a [1.90K]

07.yes, i can!.mp4 [32.52M]

08.mary had a kangaroo.mp4 [39.22M]

08.mary had a [1.81K]

09.the animals on the farm.mp4 [30.88M]

09.the animals on the [2.11K]

10.what do you hear.mp4 [27.44M]

11.wag your tail.mp4 [18.56M]

12.after a while, crocodile.mp4 [10.04M]

super simple songs animals intro.mp4 [42.35M]

super simple songs animals-12 vedios pic 1.jpg [50.76K]

super simple songs animals-12 vedios pic 2.jpg [169.07K]

super simple songs dvd christmas-13 vedios [584.10M]

what-do-you-want-for-christmas [5.34M]

santa’s on his way.doc [29.50K]

santas-on-his-way-worksheet-class-survey.pdf [322.63K]

santas-on-his-way-worksheet-color-by-number.pdf [313.65K]

santas-on-his-way-worksheet-draw-presents.pdf [289.16K]

santas-on-his-way-worksheet-fill-in-the-blanks.pdf [338.04K]

santas-on-his-way-worksheet-find-the-differences.pdf [360.78K]

santas-on-his-way-worksheet-follow-the-lines.pdf [843.81K]

santas-on-his-way-worksheet-letter-to-santa.pdf [480.33K]

santas-on-his-way-worksheet-lowercase-letter-matching.pdf [535.56K]

santas-on-his-way-worksheet-toy-store.pdf [308.53K]

santas-on-his-way-worksheet-uppercase-letter-matching.pdf [570.68K]

santas-on-his-way-worksheet-vocabulary-coloring.pdf [305.21K]

santas-on-his-way-worksheet-write-bw.pdf [335.36K]

what-do-you-want-for-christmas-flashcards.pdf [431.81K]

01.hello, reindeer.mp4 [24.00M]

01.hello, [0.69K]

02.jingle bells.mp4 [48.70M]

02.jingle [2.03K]

03.decorate the christmas tree.mp4 [52.50M]

03.decorate the christmas [1.58K]

04. santa‘s on his way.mp4 [10.84M]

05.i’m a little snowman.mp4 [16.51M]

05.i’m a little [1.26K]

06.jingle jingle little bell.mp4 [15.49M]

07.we wish you a merry christmas.mp4 [25.26M]

07.we wish you a merry [1.87K]

08.s-a-n-t-a.mp4 [8.35M]

09.10 little elves.mp4 [20.42M]

10.santa, where are you.mp4 [5.63M]

11.little snowflake.mp4 [27.14M]

11.little [1.38K]

12.goodbye, snowman.mp4 [10.93M]

13.what do you want for christmas.mp4 [67.91M]

christmas full dvd 20分钟合辑.mp4 [244.86M]

super simple songs christmas-13 vedios pig 1.jpg [53.03K]

super simple songs christmas-13 vedios pig 2.jpg [163.35K]

super simple songs dvd halloween-13 vedios [588.40M]

01.hello, my friends.mp4 [5.48M]

02.knock knock, trick or treat.mp4 [58.66M]

02.knock knock, trick or [4.22K]

03.this is the way we carve a pumpkin.mp4 [16.87M]

03.this is the way we carve a [1.32K]

04.can you make a happy face.mp4 [22.74M]

04.can you make a happy [1.52K]

05.go away, spooky goblin!.mp4 [24.84M]

05.go away, spooky goblin!.srt [1.70K]

06.five creepy spiders.mp4 [48.65M]

06.five creepy [2.68K]

07.give me something good to eat.mp4 [6.32M] for you, one for me.mp4 [37.36M] for you, one for [2.13K]

09.the skeleton dance.mp4 [7.76M]

10.who took the candy.mp4 [25.11M]

10.who took the [2.13K]

11.knock knock, trick or treat – part 2 _ super simple songs__qb.mp4 [25.74M]

12.goodbye, my friends.mp4 [7.04M]

13.go away!.mp4 [24.53M]

13.go away!.srt [1.70K]

halloween songs for kids! – full dvd from super simple songs.mp4 [276.67M]

super simple songs – halloween.jpg [394.98K]

super simple songs-halloween pic1.jpg [51.57K]

super simple songs-halloween pic2.jpg [181.78K]

super simple songs动画 [335.01M]

10.santa, where are you.mp4 [5.22M]

1-09.days of the week-read it!.mp4 [2.40M]

1-15.five little monkeys song (1).mp4 [5.87M]

1-15.five little monkeys song (2).mp4 [21.65M]

1-15.five little monkeys song (3)儿童节目.mp4 [76.60M]

1-21.put on your shoes儿童节目.mp4 [13.40M]’s the weather-sing with matt.flv [7.52M]’s the weather儿童节目木偶剧.mp4 [25.57M]

2-09.the wheels on the bus(1).mp4 [38.47M]

2-09.the wheels on the bus(2).mp4 [76.53M]

2-09.the wheels on the bus(3)pete the cat.flv [14.90M]

2-09.the wheels on the bus(4).mp4 [8.85M]

3-14.skidmarink.mp4 [16.92M]

santa, where are you.mp4 [6.30M]

santa, where are [1.76K]

the skeleton dance.mp4 [14.82M]

super simple songs教学视频 [308.14M]

1-02.make a circle.mp4 [34.75M]

1-02.make a circle-teaching tips.mp4 [13.27M]

1-05.walking walking teaching tips.mp4 [10.39M]

1-10.i see something blue.mp4 [15.60M]

1-14.the bath song.mp4 [6.80M] potato, two potatoes-teaching tips.mp4 [38.47M]

2-11.uh-huh!-super fast.mp4 [4.01M]

3-02.hello hello!..mp4 [18.12M]

3-02.hello!-teaching tips.mp4 [7.07M]

3-07.rain rain go away.mp4 [4.03M]

3-08.rain rain go away.mp4 [10.78M] you like boccoli ice cream.mp4 [10.94M]

3-12.the pinocchio.mp4 [15.65M]

3-13.five little pumpkins.mp4 [64.66M]

goodbye, snowman – teaching tips.mp4 [17.20M]

hello, my friends (let’s go trick-or-treating).mp4 [21.32M]

hokey pokey – sing it! (teaching tips).mp4 [15.09M]

super simple songs(3cd) [216.19M]

super simple songs cd-1的歌词及指导说明 [28.76K]

super simple songs cd1的歌词.txt [28.76K]

super simple songs cd-2的歌词及指导说明 [25.24K]

super simple songs cd2的歌词.txt [25.24K]

super simple songs cd-3的歌词及指导说明 [21.44K]

super simple songs cd3的歌词.txt [21.44K]

supersimplesongs1 [72.93M]

01-knock knock hello.mp3 [868.13K]

02-make a circle.mp3 [1.45M]

03-seven steps.mp3 [2.20M]

04-one little finger.mp3 [2.59M]

05-walking walking.mp3 [1.95M]

06-are you hungry.mp3 [3.14M]

07-clean up.mp3 [2.03M]

08-if you’re happy.mp3 [2.46M]

09-days of the week.mp3 [0.99M]

10-i see something blue.mp3 [3.80M]

11-head shoulders knees and toes (let’s learn).mp3 [1.13M]

12-head shoulders knees and toes (let’s sing).mp3 [912.13K]

13-ten in the bed.mp3 [3.30M]

14-the bath song.mp3 [2.76M]

15-five little monkeys.mp3 [2.87M]

16-the alphabet song (lets learn).mp3 [3.05M]

17-the alphabet song (lets sing) .mp3 [1.68M]

18-i see something pink.mp3 [3.92M]

19-go away.mp3 [1.83M]

20-what do you want for christmas.mp3 [4.13M]

21-put on your shoes.mp3 [3.46M]

22-see you later.mp3 [1.02M]

23-please sit down and storytime music.mp3 [6.57M]

24-sweet dreams (goodnight song).mp3 [3.28M]

25-lullaby medley.mp3 [10.46M]

cd case back.gif [52.26K]

cd case front.gif [41.21K]

cd1.jpg [158.34K]

宝宝学英语资料大全.pdf [768.99K]

早教;zaojiaott.jpg [149.43K]

supersimplesongs2 [57.70M]

01-count and move.mp3 [1.59M]

02-hello.mp3 [1.44M]

03-hows the weather.mp3 [2.45M]

04-one potato two potatoes.mp3 [1.60M]

05-eeney meeney miney moe.mp3 [1.32M]

06-the eensey weensey spider.mp3 [2.32M]

07-rock scissors paper fingerplay 1.mp3 [1.96M]

08-who took the cookie.mp3 [2.05M]

09-the wheels on the bus (learn it).mp3 [3.41M]

10-the wheels on the bus (sing it).mp3 [3.11M]

11-uh-huh.mp3 [1.79M]

12-the shape song 1.mp3 [4.88M]

13-counting bananas.mp3 [1.60M]

14-the hokey pokey shake (learn it).mp3 [3.87M]

15-the hokey pokey shake (sing it).mp3 [3.14M]

16-rock scissors paper fingerplay 2.mp3 [1.97M]

17-the shape song 2.mp3 [4.39M]

18-mystery box.mp3 [1.10M]

19-hide and seek.mp3 [1.58M]

20-see you later alligator.mp3 [890.00K]

21-rock scissors paper play (circletime version).mp3 [2.04M]

22-who took the cookie (circletime version).mp3 [1.56M]

23-lullaby medley.mp3 [7.58M]

cd case back.gif [51.83K]

cd case front.gif [53.80K]

supersimplesongs3 [85.48M]

01-intro.mp3 [1.54M]

02-hello hello.mp3 [1.71M]

03-open shut them and other opposites.mp3 [3.40M]

04-bingo (learn it).mp3 [5.08M]

05-bingo (play with it).mp3 [4.19M]

06-we all fall down.mp3 [2.68M]

07-rain rain go away (learn it).mp3 [2.19M]

08-rain rain go away (play with it).mp3 [3.18M]

09-old mcdonald (learn it).mp3 [7.35M]

10-old mc donald (play with it).mp3 [5.20M]

11-do you like broccoli ice cream.mp3 [3.54M]

12-the pinocchio.mp3 [4.63M]

13-five little pumpkins.mp3 [4.34M]

14-skidamarink.mp3 [2.93M]

15-happy birthday (how old are you today).mp3 [1.99M]

16-say cheese (lets take a picture).mp3 [2.32M]

17-the alphabet chant.mp3 [2.51M]

18-the months chant.mp3 [3.18M]

19-bye bye goodbye.mp3 [2.50M]

20-hello hello (classroom version).mp3 [1.67M]

21-open shut them (classroom version).mp3 [2.28M]

22-do you like brocolli ice cream (classroom version).mp3 [3.43M]

23-bye bye goodbye (classroom version).mp3 [2.46M]

24-lullaby medley.mp3 [9.62M]

25-outro.mp3 [1.31M]

cd case back.gif [38.63K]

cd case front.gif [53.56K]

cd3.jpg [166.24K]

高清视频动画版 [1.97G]

10 little elves.mp4 [21.87M]

abc song.mp4 [25.30M]

after a while, crocodile.mp4 [7.11M]

alphabet village.mp4 [7.21M]

bingo.mp4 [23.91M]

bye bye goodbye.mp4 [11.49M]

can you make a happy face.mp4 [15.49M]

clean up.mp4 [14.95M]

count and move.mp4 [10.57M]

counting bananas.mp4 [14.06M]

days of the week.mp4 [8.96M]

decorate the christmas tree.mp4 [48.87M]

do you like broccoli ice cream.mp4 [21.44M]

do you like lasagna milkshakes-.mp4 [15.73M]

do you like pickle pudding.mp4 [16.03M]

do you like spaghetti yogurt.mp4 [19.64M]

eeney meeney miney moe.mp4 [6.48M]

five creepy spiders.mp4 [36.91M]

five little pumpkins.mp4 [12.68M]

go away!.mp4 [6.87M]

go away, spooky goblin!.mp4 [22.79M]

good bye good bye.mp4 [4.77M]

good morning, mr. rooster.mp4 [6.22M]

halloween songs for kids! – full dvd.mp4 [276.00M]

head shoulders knees & toes (learn it).mp4 [9.43M]

head shoulders knees & toes (sing it).mp4 [6.14M]

head shoulders knees & toes(animal).mp4 [17.45M]

hello hello!.mp4 [8.66M]

hello, reindeer.mp4 [16.13M]

hello.mp4 [13.14M]

hickory dickory dock.mp4 [16.09M]

hide and seek treetop family ep. 2.mp4 [33.35M]

hide and seek.mp4 [18.76M]

how’s the weather.mp4 [20.18M]

i have a pet.mp4 [28.72M]

i see something blue.mp4 [32.96M]

i see something pink.mp4 [31.54M]

if u r happy.mp4 [14.30M]

i’m a little snowman -.mp4 [12.16M]

jingle bells _.mp4 [30.19M]

jingle jingle little bell.mp4 [14.69M]

knock knock, trick or treat -.mp4 [44.44M]

let’s go to the zoo.mp4 [33.98M]

little snowflake.mp4 [19.59M]

make a circle-.mp4 [7.07M]

mary had a kangaroo.mp4 [25.61M]

mystery box #1.mp4 [8.80M]

mystery box #2.mp4 [8.92M]

old mcdonald had a farm.mp4 [31.59M]

one for you, one for me.mp4 [25.83M]

one little finger.mp4 [16.54M]

one potato, two potatoes.mp4 [12.07M]

open shut them – super simple songs.mp4 [21.14M]

put on your shoes.mp4 [25.10M]

rain rain go away.mp4 [14.84M]

rock scissors paper(day).mp4 [15.51M]

rock scissors paper(night).mp4 [15.83M]

row row row your boat.mp4 [41.39M]

s-a-n-t-a.mp4 [8.14M]

say cheese.mp4 [22.80M]

seven steps.mp4 [9.65M]

skidamarink.mp4 [19.93M]

sweet dreams (goodnight song).mp4 [21.97M]

ten in the bed.mp4 [13.13M]

the animals on the farm _.mp4 [23.95M]

the bath song.mp4 [46.40M]

the eensy weensy spider _.mp4 [10.34M]

the hokey pokey shake.mp4 [16.22M]

the months chant.mp4 [20.90M]

the pinocchio.mp4 [39.83M]

the shape song _1 _.mp4 [16.83M]

the shape song _2 _.mp4 [18.25M]

the skeleton dance.mp4 [14.20M]

the wheels on the bus.mp4 [37.26M]

this is the way we carve a pumpkin.mp4 [11.48M]

this is the way.mp4 [13.26M]

twinkle twinkle little star.mp4 [24.75M]

uh-huh!.mp4 [10.64M]

wag your tail.mp4 [25.83M]

walking in the jungle -.mp4 [41.99M]

walking walking.mp4 [11.72M]

we all fall down.mp4 [13.28M]

we wish you a merry christmas.mp4 [23.54M]

what do you hear.mp4 [67.67M]

what do you want for christmas 02.mp4 [10.84M]

what do you want for christmas.mp4 [11.74M]

who took the candy -.mp4 [19.14M]

who took the cookie_.mp4 [10.61M]

yes, i can!.mp4 [30.36M]

视频教案卡片 [1.38G]

super simple songs one.rar [523.38M]

super simple songs three.rar [504.54M]

super simple songs two.rar [388.48M]

sss版本4 [0.98G]

sss1 mp3 [34.85M]

01-knock knock hello.mp3 [529.55K]

02-make a circle.mp3 [529.55K]

03-seven steps.mp3 [529.55K]

04-one little finger.mp3 [1.58M]

05-walking walking.mp3 [1.14M]

06-are you hungry.mp3 [1.82M]

07-clean up.mp3 [1.16M]

08-if you’re happy.mp3 [1.42M]

09-days of the week.mp3 [673.12K]

10-i see something blue.mp3 [2.01M]

11-head shoulders knees and toes (let’s learn).mp3 [796.21K]

12-head shoulders knees and toes (let’s sing).mp3 [623.56K]

13-ten in the bed.mp3 [1.76M]

14-the bath song.mp3 [1.43M]

15-five little monkeys.mp3 [1.52M]

16-the alphabet song (lets learn).mp3 [1.96M]

17-the alphabet song (lets sing).mp3 [1.04M]

18-i see something pink.mp3 [2.03M]

19-go away.mp3 [1.07M]

20-what do you want for christmas.mp3 [2.39M]

21-put on your shoes.mp3 [2.09M]

22-see you later.mp3 [556.80K]

23-please sit down and storytime music.mp3 [4.51M]

24-sweet dreams (goodnight song).mp3 [1.79M]

sss2 mp3 [33.84M]

01-count and move.mp3 [844.43K]

03-hows the weather.mp3 [1.29M]

04-one potato two potatoes.mp3 [977.90K]

05-eeney meeney miney moe.mp3 [743.10K]

06-the eensey weensey spider.mp3 [1.41M]

07-rock scissors paper fingerplay 1.mp3 [1.24M]

08-who took the cookie.mp3 [1.36M]

09-the wheels on the bus (learn it).mp3 [2.44M]

10-the wheels on the bus (sing it).mp3 [1.69M]

11-uh-huh.mp3 [1.01M]

12-the shape song 1.mp3 [2.70M]

13-counting bananas.mp3 [990.75K]

14-the hokey pokey shake (learn it).mp3 [2.56M]

15-the hokey pokey shake (sing it).mp3 [1.87M]

16-rock scissors paper fingerplay 2.mp3 [1.22M]

17-the shape song 2.mp3 [2.43M]

18-mystery box.mp3 [706.37K]

19-hide and seek.mp3 [901.67K]

20-see you later alligator.mp3 [516.88K]

21-rock scissors paper play (circletime version).mp3 [1.21M]

22-who took the cookie (circletime version).mp3 [1.03M]

23-lullaby medley.mp3 [4.82M]

sss3 mp3 [44.35M]

01-intro.mp3 [923.41K]

02-hello hello.mp3 [917.29K]

03-open shut them and other opposites.mp3 [1.69M]

04-bingo (learn it).mp3 [2.60M]

05-bingo (play with it).mp3 [2.07M]

06-we all fall down.mp3 [1.35M]

07-rain rain go away (learn it).mp3 [1.24M]

08-rain rain go away (play with it).mp3 [1.57M]

09-old mcdonald (learn it).mp3 [3.43M]

10-old mc donald (play with it).mp3 [2.45M]

11-do you like broccoli ice cream.mp3 [1.72M]

12-the pinocchio.mp3 [2.20M]

13-five little pumpkins.mp3 [2.10M]

14-skidamarink.mp3 [1.62M]

15-happy birthday (how old are you today).mp3 [1.05M]

16-say cheese (lets take a picture).mp3 [1.20M]

17-the alphabet chant.mp3 [1.28M]

18-the months chant.mp3 [1.58M]

19-bye bye goodbye.mp3 [1.25M]

20-hello hello (classroom version).mp3 [926.16K]

21-open shut them (classroom version).mp3 [1.40M]

22-do you like brocolli ice cream (classroom version).mp3 [1.72M]

23-bye bye goodbye (classroom version).mp3 [1.25M]

24-lullaby medley.mp3 [6.02M]

25-outro.mp3 [902.59K]

sss视频 [870.41M]

09.days of the week.mp4 [1.56M]

a sailor went to sea _ kids songs _ super simple songs.mp4 [12.45M]

count and move (hd) _ super simple songs.mp4 [0.00K]

five little monkeys _ super simple songs.mp4 [13.29M]

go away! _ super simple songs.mp4 [14.16M]

happy birthday song _ happy birthday to you song for kids _ the kiboomers.mp4 [8.56M]

how’s the weather_ _ super simple songs.mp4 [14.62M]

i see something blue _ colors song for children.mp4 [22.26M]

i see something pink _ colors song _ super simple songs.mp4 [0.00K]

if you’re happy _ super simple songs.mp4 [13.41M]

let’s go to the zoo _ animal song for kids.mp4 [27.85M]

old mcdonald had a farm _ super simple songs.mp4 [28.39M]

one little finger _ super simple songs.mp4 [10.41M]

one potato, two potatoes _ super simple songs.mp4 [10.50M]

open shut them _ super simple songs.mp4 [16.56M]

put on your shoes _ clothing song for kids.mp4 [20.61M]

rock scissors paper _2 + more _ kids songs _ super simple songs.mp4 [389.97M]

rock scissors paper _3 _ kids songs _ super simple songs.mp4 [8.52M]

seven steps _ numbers song _ super simple songs.mp4 [10.79M]

sweet dreams (goodnight song) _ super simple songs.mp4 [21.93M]

ten in the bed _ super simple songs.mp4 [14.48M]

the alphabet chant _ super simple songs.mp4 [0.00K]

the alphabet song _ kids songs _ super simple songs.mp4 [9.15M]

the animals on the farm _ super simple songs.mp4 [15.23M]

the bananas song _ counting bananas _ super simple songs.mp4 [12.35M]

the months chant _ super simple songs.mp4 [17.92M]

the shape song _1 _ super simple songs.mp4 [16.76M]

the wheels on the bus _ super simple songs.mp4 [25.52M]

walking in the jungle _ super simple songs.mp4 [29.02M]

walking walking _ nursery rhymes _ super simple songs.mp4 [14.17M]

walking, walking _ nursery rhymes _ by little fox.mp4 [8.12M]

what do you want for christmas santa’s on his way.mp4 [50.97M]

who stole the cookies from the cookie jar_ _ sing-alongs _ by little fox.mp4 [10.85M]

教学卡 [17.77M]

days-of-the-week-flashcards.pdf [840.53K]

five-little-monkeys-flashcards.pdf [824.64K]

go-away-flashcards.pdf [531.46K]

happy-birthday-flashcards.pdf [733.69K]

hows-the-weather-flashcards.pdf [416.82K]

if-youre-happy-flashcards.pdf [376.64K]

i-see-something-blue-flashcards.pdf [377.11K]

i-see-something-pink-flashcards.pdf [377.33K]

lowercase-alphabet-flashcards.pdf [1.68M]

numbers-1-20-flashcards.pdf [1.43M]

old-mc-donald-flashcards.pdf [561.72K]

one-little-finger-flashcards.pdf [547.58K]

one-potato-two-potatoes-flashcards.pdf [567.97K]

open-shut-them-and-other-opposites-flashcards.pdf [208.15K]

put-on-your-shoes-flashcards.pdf [494.36K]

seven-steps-flashcards.pdf [543.83K]

simple-numbers-1-20-flashcards.pdf [1.32M]

ten-in-the-bed-flashcards.pdf [810.54K]

the-months-chant-flashcards.pdf [1.04M]

the-shape-song-1-flashcards.pdf [379.62K]

the-shape-song-2-flashcards.pdf [378.35K]

the-wheels-on-the-bus-flashcards.pdf [767.27K]

uppercase-alphabet-flashcards.pdf [1.68M]

what-do-you-want-for-christmas-flashcards.pdf [431.81K]

who-took-the-cookie-game-large-cards.pdf [384.36K]

who-took-the-cookie-game-mini-cards.pdf [331.64K]

super simple songs动画版 [2.24G]

10 little elves – christmas song for kids – super simple songs_高清.mp4 [22.61M]

10.santa, where are you.mp4 [5.22M]

1-09.days of the week-read it!.mp4 [2.40M]

1-15.five little monkeys song (1).mp4 [5.87M]

1-15.five little monkeys song (2).mp4 [21.65M]

1-15.five little monkeys song (3)儿童节目.mp4 [76.60M]

1-21.put on your shoes儿童节目.mp4 [13.40M]’s the weather-sing with matt.flv [7.52M]’s the weather儿童节目木偶剧.mp4 [25.57M]

2-09.the wheels on the bus(1).mp4 [38.47M]

2-09.the wheels on the bus(2).mp4 [76.53M]

2-09.the wheels on the bus(3)pete the cat.flv [14.90M]

2-09.the wheels on the bus(4).mp4 [8.85M]

3-14.skidmarink.mp4 [16.92M]

after a while, crocodile.mp4 [7.11M]

alphabet village.mp4 [7.21M]

bingo.mp4 [21.92M]

bye bye goodbye goodbye song for kids super simple songs_高清.mp4 [12.54M]

can you make a happy face.mp4 [15.49M]

clean up.mp4 [15.06M]

count and move.mp4 [10.57M]

counting bananas.mp4 [14.06M]

days of the week.mp4 [8.96M]

decorate the christmas tree.mp4 [48.87M]

do you like broccoli ice cream.mp4 [21.44M]

do you like lasagna milkshakes- – ice cream and lasagna!- -_高清.mp4 [16.68M]

do you like pickle pudding super simple songs_高清.mp4 [16.72M]

do you like spaghetti yogurt- – super simple songs_高清.mp4 [15.59M]

eeney meeney miney moe.mp4 [11.88M]

five creepy spiders – halloween song – super simple songs.mp4 [36.91M]

five little monkeys.avi [12.25M]

five little monkeys.mp4 [18.19M]

five little pumpkins.mp4 [13.07M]

fun halloween song for kids.avi [5.90M]

go away!.mp4 [7.50M]

go away, spooky goblin!.mp4 [24.84M]

good bye good bye.mp4 [5.58M]

good morning, mr. rooster.mp4 [6.22M]

head shoulders knees & toes (learn it).mp4 [9.43M]

head shoulders knees & toes (sing it).mp4 [6.14M]

head shoulders knees & toes(animal).mp4 [17.45M]

hello hello!.mp4 [9.43M]

hello, reindeer.mp4 [16.13M]

hello.mp4 [13.16M]

hickory dickory dock.mp4 [16.09M]

hickory_dickory_dock.avi [11.10M]

hide and seek treetop family ep. 2 super simple songs_高清.mp4 [33.35M]

hide and seek _ kids songs _ super simple songs_高清.mp4 [19.93M]

how’s the weather.mp4 [20.18M]

how’s the weather_ song and cartoon for kids.avi [8.35M]

i have a pet.mp4 [28.72M]

i see something blue.mp4 [32.96M]

i see something pink.mp4 [31.54M]

if u r happy.mp4 [14.30M]

i’m a little snowman -.mp4 [12.16M]

jingle bells _.mp4 [30.19M]

jingle jingle little bell.mp4 [15.24M]

kid’s animal song_ it’s a dog.avi [5.62M]

knock knock trick or treat. who are you.avi [20.26M]

knock knock, trick or treat -.mp4 [44.44M]

let’s go to the zoo.mp4 [33.98M]

little snowflake.avi [16.46M]

little snowflake.mp4 [19.59M]

make a circle-.mp4 [7.79M]

mary had a kangaroo.mp4 [25.61M]

mystery box #1.mp4 [9.63M]

mystery box #2.mp4 [9.59M]

old mcdonald had a farm.mp4 [31.59M]

one for you, one for me.mp4 [25.83M]

one little finger – super simple songs.mp4 [16.54M]

one potato, two potatoes.mp4 [12.07M]

open shut them – super simple songs.mp4 [21.14M]

put on your shoes.mp4 [25.10M]

rain rain go away.mp4 [16.04M]

rain_rain_go_away!.avi [13.44M]

rock scissors paper(day).mp4 [15.51M]

rock scissors paper(night).mp4 [15.83M]

row row row your boat – super simple songs.mp4 [41.39M]

row_row_row_your_boat.avi [16.05M]

s-a-n-t-a from super simple songs.avi [17.62M]

santa, where are you .avi [11.00M]

santa, where are you.mp4 [6.30M]

santa, where are [1.76K]

s-a-n-t-a.mp4 [8.14M]

say cheese.mp4 [22.80M]

seven steps.mp4 [9.65M]

skidamarink.mp4 [19.93M]

sweet dreams (goodnight song)(0).mp4 [21.97M]

ten in the bed _.mp4 [13.62M]

ten_in_the_bed.avi [11.19M]

the animals on the farm _.mp4 [23.95M]

the bath song.mp4 [46.40M]

the eensy weensy spider _.mp4 [10.34M]

the hokey pokey shake.mp4 [16.95M]

the months chant – super simple songs.mp4 [20.90M]

the pinocchio.mp4 [39.83M]

the shape song _1 _.mp4 [16.83M]

the shape song _2 _.mp4 [18.25M]

the skeleton dance – super simple songs.mp4 [14.86M]

the skeleton dance.avi [9.10M]

the skeleton dance.mp4 [14.82M]

the wheels on the bus – super simple songs.mp4 [37.26M]

this is the way kids songs super simple songs_高清.mp4 [14.22M]

this is the way we carve a pumpkin.mp4 [11.48M]

twinkle twinkle little star.avi [17.06M]

twinkle twinkle little star.mp4 [24.75M]

uh-huh!.mp4 [10.86M]

wag your tail.mp4 [25.83M]

walking in the jungle -.mp4 [41.99M]

walking through the jungle song.avi [27.76M]

walking walking.mp4 [11.72M]

we all fall down.mp4 [13.28M]

we wish you a merry christmas _ super simple songs.mp4 [25.26M]

we wish you a merry christmas easy for kids.avi [3.13M]

what do you hear.mp4 [70.29M]

what do you want for christmas 02.mp4 [10.84M]

what do you want for christmas.mp4 [11.74M]

who took the candy -.mp4 [19.14M]

who took the cookie_.mp4 [10.61M]

yes, i can!.mp4 [30.36M]

super simple songs视频教学 [1.66G]

1-02.make a circle.mp4 [34.75M]

1-02.make a circle-teaching tips.mp4 [13.27M]

1-05.walking walking teaching tips.mp4 [10.39M]

1-10.i see something blue.mp4 [15.60M]

1-14.the bath song.mp4 [6.80M] potato, two potatoes-teaching tips.mp4 [38.47M]

2-11.uh-huh!-super fast.mp4 [4.01M]

3-02.hello hello!..mp4 [18.12M]

3-02.hello!-teaching tips.mp4 [7.07M]

3-07.rain rain go away.mp4 [4.03M]

3-08.rain rain go away.mp4 [10.78M] you like boccoli ice cream.mp4 [10.94M]

3-12.the pinocchio.mp4 [15.65M]

3-13.five little pumpkins.mp4 [64.66M]

5 little monkeys jumping on the bed.flv [10.90M]

classroom vocabulary_ rock star kids what’s this_.flv [7.30M]

cute kid’s song happy banana.avi [7.77M]

cute kid’s song happy banana.flv [4.92M]

cute kids song_ yes no please thank you song.avi [10.12M]

cute kids song_ yes no please thank you song.flv [7.12M]

days of the week songs for kids.flv [8.16M]

feelings song for kids_ how are you_.avi [13.59M]

feelings song for kids_ how are you_.flv [10.74M]

five little monkeys jumping on the bed.avi [15.52M]

five little pumpkins – halloween song for children.avi [19.68M]

five little pumpkins – super simple songs.avi [54.53M]

fruit song for kids_ i like apples!, yummy, yummy, yummy!.flv [11.48M]

fun action-verbs song for kids_ what can you do_.avi [16.53M]

fun action-verbs song for kids_ what can you do_.flv [13.76M]

fun food video for kids_ i can eat a lot!.avi [12.09M]

fun food video for kids_ i can eat a lot!.flv [10.08M]

fun halloween song for kids.flv [2.92M]

go away! – teaching tips.avi [19.22M]

go_away!_just_for_fun!.avi [12.16M]

goodbye, snowman – teaching tips.mp4 [17.20M]

head shoulders knees and toes – teaching tips.avi [32.11M]

hello! – teaching tips.avi [16.44M]

hello, my friends (let’s go trick-or-treating).mp4 [21.32M]

hide & seek – teaching tips.avi [29.66M]

hokey pokey – sing it! (teaching tips).mp4 [15.09M]

how are you_ lesson for kids.flv [9.92M]

how’s the weather_ song and cartoon for kids.flv [7.52M]

i see something blue.avi [39.31M]

if you are happy – teaching tips.avi [32.46M]

jingle bells for kids-easy version.avi [5.88M]

jingle bells for kids-easy version.flv [3.44M]

kid’s animal song_ it’s a dog.flv [5.97M]

knock knock hello – teaching tips.avi [8.90M]

knock knock trick or treat – halloween song.avi [56.86M]

let’s practice english_ animals.flv [10.79M]

let’s practice kids english_ safari animals.flv [4.17M]

let’s practice numbers 11 to 20.flv [7.61M]

love you song for kids-valentine’s day song, mother’s day, father’s day.flv [7.19M]

make a circle – teaching tips.avi [46.31M]

matt live! hello song.flv [18.44M]

one potato, two potatoes – super simple songs.avi [38.64M]

open shut them ( other opposites).avi [46.96M]

please sit down and storytime music – teaching tips.avi [9.33M]

rock, scissors, paper – teaching tips.avi [41.29M]

seasons greetings!.avi [9.20M]

storytime with 2-3 year olds.avi [127.36M]

super simple songs and play.avi [208.46M]

ten in the bed (with six!).avi [21.41M]

the goodbye song for children.flv [13.86M]

the pinocchio – small classes(1).avi [39.20M]

the pinocchio (large class).avi [58.96M]

walking, walking – teaching tips.avi [25.77M]

we wish you a merry christmas easy for kids.flv [2.75M]

weather song for kids_ the sun comes up!.flv [12.01M]

what do you want for christmas .avi [42.85M]

whats your favorite color_ children’s song.flv [6.83M]

what’s your name_ song for kids.flv [11.67M]

who took the cookie – teaching tips.avi [60.32M]



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