110集动画片 [15.29G]
动画片1 [9.95G]
01 看一看妈妈就知道.mp4 [190.43M]
02 呜呜呜 蟒蛇火车来啦.mp4 [190.41M]
03 虫虫会放屁.mp4 [190.45M]
04 是毛毛虫还是豆子.mp4 [190.45M]
05 捉迷藏 竹节虫最厉害了.mp4 [190.44M]
06 小松鼠找橡实.mp4 [190.46M]
07 滚动吧 蜣螂.mp4 [190.44M]
08 小蜘蛛的新家在哪呢.mp4 [190.74M]
09 哇 我们飞起来了.mp4 [190.34M]
10 铃虫的演奏真好听.mp4 [190.89M]
11 快停下小野猪.mp4 [190.35M]
12 麦奇当哥哥啦.mp4 [190.46M]
13 跟蚯蚓在雨中玩.mp4 [190.44M]
14 帮小蝌蚪找妈妈.mp4 [190.47M]
15 新朋友秧鸡.mp4 [190.44M]
16 一闪一闪萤火虫.mp4 [190.88M]
17 麦奇迷路了.mp4 [190.56M]
18 寻找乌鸦爷爷的宝贝.mp4 [190.46M]
19 小蟾蜍背一背.mp4 [190.42M]
20 森林守护者猫头鹰.mp4 [190.47M]
21 哎呀谁的包包掉了.mp4 [190.45M]
22 爱干净的浣熊叔叔.mp4 [190.55M]
23 鸟蛋别跑.mp4 [190.42M]
24 鼹鼠的听力好厉害.mp4 [190.43M]
25 爱打嗝的吹泡虫.mp4 [190.88M]
26 帮寄居蟹找房子.mp4 [190.46M]
27 黑熊叔叔和花皇冠.mp4 [190.56M]
28 跟刺猬宝宝玩气球.mp4 [190.43M]
29 泥鳅 跳跳跳.mp4 [190.39M]
30 蜗牛慢也没关系.mp4 [190.59M]
31 啄木高手啄木鸟.mp4 [190.61M]
32 奇怪的脚印.mp4 [190.45M]
33 孤单的黄金蝙蝠.mp4 [190.44M]
34 金花鼠哥哥来了.mp4 [190.86M]
35 麦奇长高高.mp4 [190.43M]
36 害羞的猞猁.mp4 [190.43M]
37 你是乌龟呀 还是石头呀.mp4 [190.47M]
38 实现愿望的狐狸奶奶.mp4 [190.43M]
39 瓢虫是医生.mp4 [190.45M]
40 小马公主.mp4 [190.43M]
41 朵朵妈妈.mp4 [190.43M]
42 善良的小女孩.mp4 [190.42M]
43 山羊爷爷的树叶飞机.mp4 [190.58M]
44 抓住黄鼠狼的尾巴.mp4 [190.45M]
45 飞吧飞鼠.mp4 [190.54M]
46 妈妈生日快乐.mp4 [190.44M]
47 别害怕小豺狼.mp4 [190.43M]
48 做好朋友吧.mp4 [190.44M]
49 小蜜蜂别追啦.mp4 [190.41M]
50 去鸡阿姨家做客啦.mp4 [190.32M]
51 奔跑吧雪橇.mp4 [191.18M]
52 雪人雪人一起来玩吧.mp4 [190.44M]
53 照顾熊宝宝 .mp4 [94.52M]
54 厉害的钳子 .mp4 [94.94M]
55 去猪阿姨家做客 .mp4 [94.73M]
动画片2 [5.34G]
1 蝴蝶王子 a butterfly dream .mp4 [93.40M]
10 小松鼠罗米 .mp4 [93.84M]
11 神奇的水下冒险 .mp4 [93.16M]
12 寻找鸳鸯奶奶 .mp4 [94.43M]
13 照顾熊宝宝 .mp4 [94.52M]
14 负子蝽叔叔 the egg movers .mp4 [93.61M]
15 带小孩可真累啊 .mp4 [94.16M]
16 萌鸡的士出发 .mp4 [93.18M]
17 热闹的生日派对 .mp4 [93.89M]
18 小伙伴加油 .mp4 [93.97M]
19 小小慢和虎甲 .mp4 [93.47M]
2 咖啡好苦啊 fantastic mrs pigeon .mp4 [94.18M]
20 喇叭花传话筒 .mp4 [93.99M]
21 厉害的钳子 .mp4 [94.94M]
22 知了知了大合唱 .mp4 [95.69M]
23 学大雁飞 wild geese adventure .mp4 [93.51M]
24 跟着水黾去郊游 .mp4 [95.87M]
25 大家一起去郊游 .mp4 [93.85M]
26 去猪阿姨家做客 .mp4 [94.73M]
27 开船去大海 .mp4 [95.01M]
28 森林里的小金鱼 .mp4 [94.19M]
29 泥浆小怪物 it’s a mud monster .mp4 [94.16M]
3 奔跑吧弹涂鱼 .mp4 [95.53M]
30 全部都是小猫的 .mp4 [94.65M]
31 麦奇与小德的冒险上 .mp4 [94.68M]
32 麦奇与小德的冒险下 .mp4 [93.10M]
33 学骑自行车 .mp4 [93.11M]
34 要好好吃饭哦 .mp4 [94.29M]
35 小鹰会飞啦 .mp4 [94.22M]
36 森林里的蜘蛛网 .mp4 [95.49M]
37 会动的石榴 .mp4 [92.91M]
38 森林里的清洁员 .mp4 [93.21M]
39 小獐子的笑声 .mp4 [93.32M]
4 胆小的小羊 silly shy sheep .mp4 [94.28M]
40 爱磨牙的小老虎 .mp4 [94.58M]
41 小鹿的角 .mp4 [92.70M]
42 扶起稻草人叔叔 .mp4 [93.81M]
43 爱美的孔雀叔叔 .mp4 [93.00M]
44 消失的柿子 .mp4 [94.88M]
45 追踪小鲑鱼 .mp4 [91.73M]
46 和小蜻蜓做朋友 .mp4 [94.12M]
47 小松鼠当爸爸 .mp4 [94.93M]
48 南极来的小企鹅 .mp4 [94.69M]
49 害羞的小牛宝宝 .mp4 [95.29M]
5 调皮的小树蛙 tricky tree frog .mp4 [94.59M]
50 打瞌睡的小睡鼠 .mp4 [93.88M]
51 保护橘子 .mp4 [95.38M]
52 神奇的山泉水 .mp4 [94.62M]
53 你是乌龟呀 还是石头呀.mp4 [190.47M]
54 啄木高手啄木鸟.mp4 [190.61M]
55 鸟蛋别跑.mp4 [190.42M]
6 给妈妈的礼物 surprise for mommy .mp4 [94.95M]
7 大力士独角仙 .mp4 [93.86M]
8 鹡鸰奶奶来了 .mp4 [93.98M]
9 安全驾驶很重要 black snake train .mp4 [91.64M]
194集启蒙歌曲 [20.46G]
启蒙儿歌1 [1.53G]
are you sleeping brother john .mp4 [32.44M]
baa baa black sheep .mp4 [34.65M]
baby shark .mp4 [31.12M]
bath song .mp4 [37.28M]
bingo cocomelon .mp4 [39.60M]
dinosaurs song .mp4 [101.79M]
down by the bay .mp4 [29.39M]
farmer in the dell .mp4 [26.12M]
finger family .mp4 [33.41M]
five little ducks .mp4 [38.79M]
five little monkeys .mp4 [45.85M]
five little speckled frogs .mp4 [42.42M]
frog song .mp4 [43.14M]
happy birthday song .mp4 [32.58M]
head shoulders knees & toes .mp4 [40.22M]
hello song .mp4 [45.65M]
itsy bitsy spider .mp4 [34.03M]
jobs and career song .mp4 [54.32M]
johny johny yes papa .mp4 [53.49M]
london bridge is falling down .mp4 [33.60M]
looby loo .mp4 [37.65M]
mary had a little lamb .mp4 [40.07M]
numbers song .mp4 [42.25M]
pat a cake .mp4 [20.00M]
peek a boo song .mp4 [26.50M]
rain rain go away .mp4 [36.94M]
row row row your boat .mp4 [20.21M]
shape song .mp4 [61.51M]
skidamarink .mp4 [35.91M]
skip to my lou .mp4 [29.43M]
swimming song .mp4 [39.06M]
ten in the bed .mp4 [107.55M]
ten little duckies .mp4 [37.83M]
the muffin man .mp4 [35.74M]
this is the way .mp4 [35.05M]
twinkle twinkle little star .mp4 [42.42M]
wheels on the bus .mp4 [50.41M]
where has my little dog gone .mp4 [38.31M]
启蒙儿歌2 [2.38G]
animal dance song .mp4 [39.80M]
ants go marching .mp4 [50.73M]
are we there yet song .mp4 [35.79M]
balloon boat race .mp4 [45.75M]
breakfast song .mp4 [35.53M]
brush your teeth .mp4 [22.66M]
bug song .mp4 [31.64M]
car wash song .mp4 [34.74M]
clean up trash song .mp4 [44.43M]
crocodile alligator song .mp4 [22.89M]
dinosaurs song .mp4 [101.79M]
dinosaurs t-rex number song .mp4 [133.02M]
five little dinosaurs .mp4 [31.99M]
fruit song .mp4 [41.56M]
happy birthday song .mp4 [32.58M]
i’m sorry excuse me song .mp4 [56.11M]
jack and jill .mp4 [22.37M]
jobs and career song .mp4 [54.32M]
john jacob jingleheimer schmidt .mp4 [26.49M]
johny johny yes papa .mp4 [53.49M]
laughing baby with family .mp4 [30.99M]
looby loo .mp4 [37.65M]
my daddy song .mp4 [43.33M]
my mommy song .mp4 [42.52M]
my name song .mp4 [52.86M]
opposites song .mp4 [45.25M]
pat a cake .mp4 [20.00M]
peek a boo song .mp4 [26.50M]
planet song .mp4 [69.27M]
pop goes the weasel .mp4 [17.25M]
potty training song .mp4 [43.82M]
sharing song .mp4 [49.47M]
sick song .mp4 [33.16M]
sports ball song .mp4 [34.20M]
swimming song .mp4 [39.06M]
take me out to the ball game .mp4 [41.18M]
ten little duckies .mp4 [37.83M]
thank you song .mp4 [44.83M]
the ant and the grasshopper .mp4 [38.62M]
the bird song .mp4 [42.98M]
the boo boo song .mp4 [51.08M]
the duck hide and seek song .mp4 [78.22M]
the hiccup song .mp4 [61.53M]
the lunch song .mp4 [45.90M]
the more we get together .mp4 [41.87M]
the soccer song .mp4 [41.95M]
the socks song .mp4 [82.56M]
the stretching and exercise song .mp4 [39.31M]
the teacher song .mp4 [44.92M]
vegetables song .mp4 [38.77M]
wheels on the bus .mp4 [50.41M]
winter song .mp4 [39.60M]
yes yes bedtime song .mp4 [53.92M]
yes yes save the earth song .mp4 [57.09M]
启蒙儿歌3 [16.23G]
001. the dubby dubs theme song _ english songs and rhymes for kids.mp4 [28.82M]
002. baa baa black sheep _ nursery rhymes for kids _ popular english rhymes.mp4 [17.45M]
003. the lion song with the dubby dubs _ english songs and rhymes for kids.mp4 [31.76M]
004. twinkle twinkle little star _ nursery rhymes for kids _ popular english rhymes.mp4 [23.26M]
005. old macdonald had a farm _ nursery rhymes for kids _ popular english rhymes.mp4 [54.07M]
006. jingle bells _ popular christmas songs for kids _ christmas special songs.mp4 [40.86M]
007. rudolph the red nosed reindeer _ christmas songs for kids _ popular christmas song.mp4 [36.64M]
008. we wish you a merry christmas _ popular christmas carols _ christmas songs for kids.mp4 [24.44M]
009. incy wincy spider _ nursery rhymes for kids _ popular english rhymes.mp4 [15.66M]
010. my name is amy _ abc song _ english songs and rhymes for kids _ kindergarten learn series.mp4 [29.73M]
011. if you’re happy and you know it _ nursery rhymes for kids _ popular english rhymes.mp4 [28.51M]
012. the butterfly song with the dubby dubs _ english songs and rhymes for kids.mp4 [32.57M]
013. the elephant song with the dubby dubs _ english songs and rhymes for kids.mp4 [24.23M]
014. row row row your boat _ nursery rhymes for kids _ popular english rhymes.mp4 [19.14M]
015. lights of the signal _ english songs and rhymes for kids.mp4 [12.25M]
016. hush little baby _ lullaby for kids _ popular english songs.mp4 [16.92M]
017. naughty monkey with the dubby dubs _ english songs and rhymes for kids.mp4 [16.26M]
018. the mango song with the dubby dubs _ english songs and rhymes for kids.mp4 [18.69M]
019. aeroplane aeroplane _ modes of transport _ english songs and rhymes for kids.mp4 [55.81M]
020. mary had a little lamb _ nursery rhymes for kids _ popular english rhymes.mp4 [30.88M]
021. humpty dumpty _ nursery rhymes and songs for kids _ popular english rhymes.mp4 [28.44M]
022. banana tanana _ english songs and nursery rhymes for kids.mp4 [45.02M]
023. hickory dickory dock _ nursery rhymes for kids _ popular english rhymes.mp4 [32.96M]
024. dr. binocs theme song _ educational videos for kids.mp4 [22.16M]
025. london bridge is falling down _ nursery rhymes for kids _ popular english rhymes.mp4 [34.24M]
026. hokey pokey _ nursery rhymes for kids _ popular english rhymes.mp4 [46.26M]
027. twinkle twinkle little star and more nursery rhymes for kids _ popular nursery rhymes collection.mp4 [480.10M]
028. we wish you a merry christmas _ christmas carols & christmas songs for kids by peekaboo kids.mp4 [33.48M]
029. baa baa black sheep and more _ collection of non-stop english nursery rhymes for kids.mp4 [495.12M]
030. old macdonald had a farm and more classic english nursery rhymes for kids _ 40 mins compilation.mp4 [557.29M]
031. we wish you a merry christmas _ christmas songs for kids _ christmas song collection.mp4 [301.80M]
032. collection of favourite kids nursery rhymes _ non-stop songs and rhymes _ 45 mins compilation.mp4 [599.69M]
033. mary had a little lamb & more nursery rhymes _ popular nursery rhymes collection for children.mp4 [538.16M]
034. rudolph the red nosed reindeer _ christmas carols _ christmas songs for kids _ by peekaboo kids.mp4 [42.56M]
035. london bridge is falling down and more non-stop nursery rhymes collection for kids _ 50 mins.mp4 [667.48M]
036. wheels on the bus _ nursery rhymes for kids _ popular english rhymes.mp4 [67.41M]
037. wheels on the bus and more favourite nursery rhymes for kids _ collection of popular nursery rhymes.mp4 [582.55M]
038. popular nursery rhymes collection for kids _ non stop english rhymes _ over 40 mins compilation.mp4 [607.73M]
039. five little dubby dubs _ english songs and rhymes for kids.mp4 [27.00M]
040. humpty dumpty & more popular english nursery rhymes for kids _ 50 minutes nursery rhymes compilation.mp4 [684.95M]
041. five little dubby dubs and more nursery rhymes for kids _ 48 minutes collection of nursery rhymes.mp4 [673.78M]
042. collection of popular english nursery rhymes for kids _ 45 mins compilation.mp4 [623.13M]
043. jingle bells _ christmas songs & christmas carols for kids _ by peekaboo kids.mp4 [47.70M]
044. farmer in the dell nursery rhyme with lyrics _ popular nursery rhyme with lyrics for kids.mp4 [36.51M]
045. non-stop favorite nursery rhymes and songs for kids _ 56 mins compilation.mp4 [775.09M]
046. rain rain go away _ nursery rhymes for kids _ popular english rhymes.mp4 [41.19M]
047. abcd poem for kids with lyrics _ popular nursery rhyme for children.mp4 [39.64M]
048. bingo _ nursery rhymes for kids _ popular english rhymes.mp4 [51.29M]
049. rain rain go away nursery rhyme with lyrics _ popular nursery rhyme with lyrics for children.mp4 [45.31M]
050. hokey pokey nursery rhyme with lyrics _ popular nursery rhyme with lyrics for kids.mp4 [44.37M]
051. yankee doodle _ popular nursery rhyme for kids.mp4 [49.18M]
052. wheels on the bus go round and round with lyrics _ popular nursery rhyme with lyrics for children.mp4 [64.74M]
053. london bridge is falling down with lyrics _ popular nursery rhyme with lyrics for kids.mp4 [33.08M]
054. rain rain go away _ popular english nursery rhyme for kids.mp4 [55.66M]
055. abcd poem _ popular nursery rhyme for kids.mp4 [41.83M]
056. farmer in the dell rhyme _ popular nursery rhyme for kids.mp4 [36.11M]
057. mulberry bush _ english songs and rhymes for kids.mp4 [26.95M]
058. chubby cheeks _ nursery rhyme for kids _ popular english rhymes.mp4 [23.61M]
059. jack and jill _ popular english nursery rhyme for kids.mp4 [13.59M]
060. abcd nursery rhymes and songs for children _ popular nursery rhymes collection.mp4 [439.85M]
061. rock a bye baby lullaby with lyrics _ classic nursery rhyme with lyrics for kids.mp4 [64.69M]
062. hickory dickory dock nursery rhyme with lyrics _ popular nursery rhyme with lyrics for kids.mp4 [31.25M]
063. yankee doodle and more popular nursery rhymes for kids _ 60 mins compilation.mp4 [832.68M]
064. humpty dumpty sat on a wall _ kids songs _ super simple songs _ nursery rhymes.mp4 [27.60M]
065. five little monkeys jumping on the bed _ popular children nursery rhyme _ rhyme for kids.mp4 [34.30M]
066. wheels on the bus go round and round _ popular english nursery rhyme for children, kids and babies.mp4 [67.72M]
067. five little monkeys jumping on the bed and more popular english nursery rhymes collection for kids.mp4 [738.16M]
068. jingle bells _ christmas songs for kids _ nursery rhymes for children by peekaboo kids.mp4 [49.02M]
069. banana tanana and many more nursery rhymes for children _ popular nursery rhymes collection for kids.mp4 [626.67M]
070. lion song and many more english rhymes for children _ collection of popular nursery rhymes for kids.mp4 [429.53M]
071. rudolph the red nosed reindeer song _ christmas songs for kids _ christmas special songs.mp4 [25.61M]
072. traffic signal & many more nursery rhymes for children _ popular nursery rhymes collection for kids.mp4 [459.36M]
073. hickory dickory dock & many more popular nursery rhymes _ collection of english rhymes for children.mp4 [495.62M]
074. we wish you a merry christmas _ christmas carols _ christmas songs for kids.mp4 [33.09M]
075. jingle bells song for children with lyrics _ popular christmas songs for kids.mp4 [46.50M]
076. rudolph the red nosed reindeer with lyrics _ popular christmas song with lyrics.mp4 [19.04M]
077. we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year song with lyrics _ popular christmas song.mp4 [27.24M]
078. mango song for children & many more popular nursery rhymes _ collection of english rhymes for kids.mp4 [438.67M]
079. baa baa black sheep nursery rhyme with lyrics _ popular english nursery rhyme with lyrics.mp4 [15.05M]
080. old macdonald had a farm nursery rhyme with lyrics _ popular nursery rhyme and song for children.mp4 [50.40M]
081. wheels on the bus go round and round & more _ 35 minutes popular nursery rhymes for kids.mp4 [484.82M]
082. incy wincy spider nursery rhyme with lyrics _ popular english nursery rhyme with lyrics.mp4 [14.69M]
083. rock a bye baby lullaby collection _ lullabies for babies to sleep & more nursery rhymes for kids.mp4 [411.50M]
084. row row row your boat nursery rhyme with lyrics _ popular english nursery rhyme with lyrics.mp4 [17.28M]
085. if you’re happy and you know it and more rhymes _ popular nursery rhymes collection for kids.mp4 [462.46M]
086. hush little baby lullaby song for babies with lyrics _ popular lullaby song with lyrics for kids.mp4 [15.65M]
087. bingo & more animal rhymes for children _ 42 minutes popular nursery rhymes for kids.mp4 [572.00M]
088. mary had a little lamb with lyrics _ popular nursery rhyme with lyrics for kids.mp4 [28.84M]
089. incy wincy spider plus more nursery rhymes _ popular nursery rhymes & songs for children.mp4 [481.56M]
启蒙儿歌4 [330.40M]
01.the a song.mp4 [18.56M]
02.the b song.mp4 [24.30M]
03.the c song.mp4 [19.14M]
04.the d song.mp4 [22.52M]
05.the e song.mp4 [22.94M]
06.the f song.mp4 [34.41M]
07.the g song.mp4 [21.97M]
08.the h song.mp4 [27.11M]
09.the i song.mp4 [19.29M]
10.the j song.mp4 [28.84M]
11.the k song.mp4 [24.49M]
12.the l song.mp4 [40.60M]
13.the m song.mp4 [26.22M]
350集英文绘本 [6.09G]
读绘本1 [578.49M]
1.at the market .mp4 [13.87M]
10.my family 1 .mp4 [18.72M]
11.my family 2 .mp4 [18.72M]
12.mouse 1 .mp4 [17.90M]
13.mouse 2 .mp4 [17.90M]
14.mop 1 .mp4 [19.50M]
15.mop 2 .mp4 [19.50M]
16.mom .mp4 [14.95M]
17.dad .mp4 [14.54M]
18.at the zoo .mp4 [13.99M]
19.on the… school .mp4 [14.16M]
2.rex .mp4 [14.36M]
20.the park .mp4 [13.18M]
21.tom .mp4 [14.20M]
22.i can read .mp4 [13.71M]
23.baby .mp4 [12.73M]
24.playing dress up .mp4 [12.17M]
25.little cub .mp4 [14.81M]
26.my room .mp4 [13.82M]
27.the baby .mp4 [12.26M]
28.go sledding .mp4 [14.20M]
29.making a snowman .mp4 [14.33M]
3.funny things .mp4 [11.69M]
30.my lunch .mp4 [13.70M]
31.toys .mp4 [14.15M]
32.little things .mp4 [8.17M]
33.packing my bag .mp4 [14.18M]
34.setting …table .mp4 [13.27M]
35.the flower .mp4 [14.31M]
36.playing together .mp4 [12.34M]
37.polly .mp4 [13.47M]
38.at the farm .mp4 [14.12M]
39.the sidewalk .mp4 [14.38M]
4.baby animals 1 .mp4 [14.27M]
40.the hat .mp4 [13.67M]
5.baby animals 2 .mp4 [14.27M]
6.over the river .mp4 [11.62M]
7.my big bear 1 .mp4 [16.79M]
8.my big bear 2 .mp4 [16.79M]
9.making soup .mp4 [13.78M]
读绘本2 [683.76M]
drawing .mp4 [14.35M]
flap flap fly 1 .mp4 [23.53M]
flap flap fly 2 .mp4 [23.53M]
fun at school .mp4 [13.74M]
getting ready .mp4 [12.90M]
going on a train ride .mp4 [19.72M]
going on a train ride 2 .mp4 [19.72M]
going on vacation .mp4 [14.28M]
helping 1 .mp4 [18.23M]
helping 2 .mp4 [18.23M]
hiding .mp4 [9.12M]
hop, hop, hop .mp4 [13.55M]
making a pizza .mp4 [14.30M]
my baby sister .mp4 [13.87M]
my bear .mp4 [14.98M]
my big brother 1 .mp4 [18.28M]
my big brother 2 .mp4 [18.28M]
our pets 1 .mp4 [25.49M]
our pets 2 .mp4 [25.49M]
out to play 1 .mp4 [17.85M]
out to play 2 .mp4 [17.85M]
painting .mp4 [11.60M]
play and ride 1 .mp4 [18.18M]
play and ride 2 .mp4 [18.18M]
playing with blocks 1 .mp4 [19.73M]
playing with blocks 2 .mp4 [19.73M]
rain 1 .mp4 [20.38M]
rain 2 .mp4 [20.38M]
so big 1 .mp4 [17.95M]
so big 2 .mp4 [17.95M]
spots .mp4 [13.96M]
the parade .mp4 [14.38M]
the pet store .mp4 [8.44M]
the play .mp4 [13.29M]
the puppet show .mp4 [15.01M]
the show .mp4 [15.43M]
things that go fast .mp4 [14.93M]
what is very long 1 .mp4 [21.18M]
what is very long 2 .mp4 [21.18M]
wheels .mp4 [14.60M]
读绘本3 [635.13M]
a day at the park .mp4 [20.61M]
ant can’t 1 .mp4 [26.12M]
ant can’t 2 .mp4 [26.12M]
ant can’t 3 .mp4 [26.12M]
at the park .mp4 [8.07M]
boots and shoes .mp4 [18.44M]
bubbles .mp4 [15.00M]
eggs .mp4 [22.42M]
family pictures .mp4 [14.19M]
flying .mp4 [13.91M]
friends 1 .mp4 [15.17M]
friends 2 .mp4 [15.17M]
frog food .mp4 [14.07M]
getting dressed .mp4 [7.23M]
jesse .mp4 [15.06M]
jump .mp4 [13.78M]
looking for taco .mp4 [21.31M]
mom and kayla .mp4 [18.05M]
monkey .mp4 [14.14M]
my bath .mp4 [15.19M]
my new school .mp4 [14.60M]
my puppy .mp4 [14.30M]
oh, no! .mp4 [13.80M]
orson’s tummy ache .mp4 [14.23M]
our garden .mp4 [14.18M]
sam and papa 1 .mp4 [14.44M]
sam and papa 2 .mp4 [14.44M]
smells .mp4 [14.15M]
swim .mp4 [13.78M]
the farmers .mp4 [15.43M]
the new puppy .mp4 [6.87M]
the painter .mp4 [14.22M]
the very busy hen .mp4 [24.40M]
too much stuff 1 .mp4 [17.91M]
too much stuff 2 .mp4 [17.91M]
traffic .mp4 [14.73M]
waking up 1 .mp4 [11.79M]
waking up 2 .mp4 [11.79M]
where things grow .mp4 [18.08M]
woof! .mp4 [13.87M]
读绘本4 [0.98G]
a box .mp4 [24.24M]
a rainy day .mp4 [14.18M]
a visit from aunt bee .mp4 [16.33M]
a visit to the city .mp4 [15.63M]
a walk with meli .mp4 [24.65M]
animals that go fast 1 .mp4 [19.89M]
animals that go fast 2 .mp4 [19.89M]
apple pie .mp4 [13.93M]
at school .mp4 [14.08M]
at the pond .mp4 [13.86M]
baby pictures .mp4 [33.40M]
baking .mp4 [15.47M]
birds .mp4 [14.21M]
books .mp4 [23.72M]
bunny and the monster .mp4 [27.90M]
clouds .mp4 [14.05M]
farmer dan’s ducks .mp4 [29.17M]
goldie and the three bears .mp4 [62.09M]
homes .mp4 [20.59M]
kate’s truck .mp4 [20.94M]
look! .mp4 [13.75M]
meli on the stairs .mp4 [20.01M]
my five senses .mp4 [28.21M]
my friend .mp4 [6.40M]
pets .mp4 [19.04M]
pictures of hugs .mp4 [32.69M]
play ball! .mp4 [18.58M]
snap! .mp4 [13.95M]
talent show .mp4 [42.99M]
the big storm .mp4 [26.74M]
the good dog .mp4 [5.78M]
the picnic .mp4 [14.44M]
the pool .mp4 [29.09M]
the puppets .mp4 [19.16M]
the sky .mp4 [13.00M]
the soccer game .mp4 [45.93M]
the surprise .mp4 [34.42M]
the three bears .mp4 [25.61M]
the three pigs .mp4 [23.01M]
three little pigs and a big bad wolf .mp4 [56.91M]
time for lunch .mp4 [25.74M]
trucks .mp4 [17.70M]
up in a tree .mp4 [25.29M]
what am i .mp4 [5.79M]
读绘本5 [3.26G]
第10单元【动作】【11课时】 [254.22M]
【1】fast verb chant! _ 24 action verbs _ flashcards.mp4 [14.39M]
【10】learn verbs #3 _ verb chant _ phrases.mp4 [23.18M]
【11】learn verbs #4 _ verb chant _ phrases.mp4 [26.07M]
【12】learn verbs 1! (phrases 2).mp4 [14.68M]
【2】learn actions vocabulary!.mp4 [10.89M]
【3】learn actions vocabulary 2!.mp4 [16.01M]
【4】action verbs chant and songs collection.mp4 [94.69M]
【5】action verbs 2 _ vocabulary.mp4 [11.38M]
【7】hobby and hobbies _ likes _ vocabulary chant.mp4 [10.43M]
【8】learn verbs #1 _ verb chant _ phrases.mp4 [15.97M]
【9】learn verbs #2 _ verb chant _ phrases.mp4 [16.56M]
第11单元【我的家】【5课时】 [64.97M]
【1】learn home_house vocabulary!.mp4 [11.40M]
【2】learn home_house vocabulary! (phrases 1).mp4 [9.18M]
【3】learn house and home _ vocabulary.mp4 [8.98M]
【4】my home chant _ vocabulary _.mp4 [15.16M]
【5】kids learn about home – great ending!.mp4 [20.25M]
第12单元【学校】【7课时】 [110.98M]
【1】learn school vocabulary!.mp4 [13.50M]
【2】learn school vocabulary! _ phrases #1.mp4 [22.20M]
【3】learn school vocabulary! _ phrases #2.mp4 [21.49M]
【4】english pattern practice for esl (is it ~_ yes, it is. no, it’s not.).mp4 [18.04M]
【5】school subjects _ vocabulary _.mp4 [10.87M]
【6】pattern practice _ school subjectslearning.mp4 [11.10M]
【7】school subjects vocabulary – pattern practice.mp4 [13.77M]
第13单元【我的城市】【6课时】 [197.18M]
【1】my town _ vocabulary.mp4 [27.59M]
【2】learn town vocabulary! _ my city _.mp4 [15.53M]
【3】learn town vocabulary! _ my city.mp4 [41.25M]
【4】my town _ places _ vocabulary.mp4 [30.45M]
【5】my town _ my city _ esl _ efl _ phrases 1.mp4 [21.64M]
【6】my town _ my city _ esl _ efl _ phrases 2.mp4 [60.73M]
第14单元【交通工具】【5课时】 [104.42M]
【1】learn vehicle names!.mp4 [15.32M]
【2】learn transportation _ vocabulary.mp4 [31.79M]
【3】transportation flash cards!.mp4 [20.67M]
【4】more transportation vocabulary!.mp4 [18.93M]
【5】learn transportation _ vocabulary _ phrases.mp4 [17.70M]
第15单元【自然+其他】【11课时】 [181.73M]
【01】let’s play inside!.mp4 [13.43M]
【02】let’s play outside!.mp4 [13.87M]
【04】time to eat! (what we see at meal time).mp4 [20.88M]
【05】telling time chant for kids – what time is it_.mp4 [25.80M]
【06】learn nature vocabulary _ phrases.mp4 [21.31M]
【07】learn nature vocabulary! (phrases 1).mp4 [18.02M]
【08】a year _ seasons _ months _ vocabulary chant _ elf learning.mp4 [19.16M]
【09】months of the year chant!.mp4 [11.27M]
【10】learn about the sky!.mp4 [12.31M]
【11】learn nature vocabulary!.mp4 [8.40M]
【12】learn about our world _ geography.mp4 [17.26M]
第16单元【常见正反意词1】【6课时】 [82.93M]
【1】learn opposites! _ phrases #1 _.mp4 [15.53M]
【2】learn opposites! _ phrases #2 learning.mp4 [12.85M]
【3】opposites chant _ adjectives _.mp4 [12.34M]
【4】kids learn opposites – educational preschool and kindergarten learning video.mp4 [12.85M]
【5】learn opposites _ questions _ phrases.mp4 [16.52M]
【6】learn opposites! _ descriptive _ adjectiveslearning.mp4 [12.85M]
第17单元【常见正反意词2】【10课时】 [358.19M]
learn opposites part 1 – 100 opposite words for childrens – animated educational video for kids.mp4 [38.17M]
learn opposites part 10 – 100 opposite words for childrens – animated educational video for kids.mp4 [30.80M]
learn opposites part 2 – 100 opposite words for childrens – animated educational video for kids.mp4 [39.18M]
learn opposites part 3 – 100 opposite words for childrens – animated educational video for kids.mp4 [39.94M]
learn opposites part 4 – 100 opposite words for childrens – animated educational video for kids.mp4 [38.08M]
learn opposites part 5 – 100 opposite words for childrens – animated educational video for kids.mp4 [33.71M]
learn opposites part 6 – 100 opposite words for childrens – animated educational video for kids.mp4 [32.58M]
learn opposites part 7 – 100 opposite words for childrens – animated educational video for kids.mp4 [34.83M]
learn opposites part 8 – 100 opposite words for childrens – animated educational video for kids.mp4 [34.26M]
learn opposites part 9 – 100 opposite words for childrens – animated educational video for kids.mp4 [36.64M]
第1单元【字母发音教学】【60课时】 [500.37M]
01.phonics chant for kids – anchor words chant for think read write.mp4 [17.58M]
02. unit 1 vocabulary chant.mp4 [15.77M]
03. aa phoneme chant.mp4 [3.92M]
04. aa vocab chant.mp4 [3.92M]
05. aa rebus chant.mp4 [7.28M]
06. ee phoneme chant.mp4 [3.88M]
07. ee vocab chant.mp4 [4.87M]
08. ee rebus chant.mp4 [5.20M]
09. ii phoneme chant.mp4 [3.88M]
10. ii vocab chant.mp4 [4.87M]
11. ii rebus chant.mp4 [6.93M]
12. oo phoneme chant.mp4 [3.57M]
13. oo vocab chant.mp4 [5.24M]
14. oo rebus chant.mp4 [7.41M]
15. uu phoneme chant.mp4 [3.71M]
16. uu vocab chant.mp4 [4.82M]
17. uu rebus chant.mp4 [7.36M]
18. unit 2 vocabulary chant.mp4 [15.71M]
19. bb phoneme chant.mp4 [3.98M]
20. bb vocab chant.mp4 [4.86M]
21. bb rebus chant.mp4 [7.36M]
22. pp phoneme chant.mp4 [3.01M]
23. pp vocab chant.mp4 [4.89M]
24. pp rebus chant.mp4 [7.43M]
25. gg phoneme chant.mp4 [3.97M]
26. gg vocab chant.mp4 [4.31M]
27. gg rebus chant.mp4 [7.50M]
28. cc phoneme chant.mp4 [3.98M]
29. cc vocab chant.mp4 [4.98M]
30. cc rebus chant.mp4 [7.59M]
31. kk phoneme chant.mp4 [4.21M]
32. kk vocab chant.mp4 [4.92M]
33. kk rebus chant.mp4 [7.56M]
34 unit 3 vocabulary chant.mp4 [12.67M]
35. dd phoneme chant.mp4 [3.04M]
36 dd vocab chant.mp4 [4.95M]
37 dd rebus chant.mp4 [7.17M]
38. tt phoneme chant.mp4 [3.01M]
39 tt vocab chant.mp4 [3.38M]
40. tt rebus chant.mp4 [4.99M]
41. vv phoneme chant.mp4 [3.98M]
42. vv vocab chant.mp4 [4.97M]
43. vv rebus chant.mp4 [7.76M]
44. ff phoneme chant.mp4 [3.89M]
45 ff vocab chant.mp4 [4.24M]
46. ff rebus chant.mp4 [5.20M]
47. unit 4 vocabulary chant.mp4 [12.75M]
48. zz phoneme chant.mp4 [4.03M]
49. zz vocab chant.mp4 [4.52M]
50. zz rebus chant.mp4 [7.10M]
51. ss phoneme chant.mp4 [3.08M]
52. ss vocab chant.mp4 [4.60M]
53. ss rebus chant.mp4 [5.49M]
54. mm phoneme chant.mp4 [4.11M]
55. mm vocab chant.mp4 [4.97M]
56. mm rebus chant.mp4 [5.45M]
57. nn phoneme chant.mp4 [4.08M]
58. nn vocab chant.mp4 [5.00M]
59. nn rebus chant.mp4 [7.57M]
60. unit 5 vocabulary chant.mp4 [13.09M]
61. rr phoneme chant.mp4 [3.03M]
62. rr vocab chant.mp4 [4.82M]
63. rr rebus chant.mp4 [5.02M]
64. ll phoneme chant.mp4 [3.03M]
65. ll vocab chant.mp4 [4.26M]
66. ll rebus chant.mp4 [7.24M]
67. hh phoneme chant.mp4 [4.12M]
68. hh vocab chant.mp4 [5.03M]
69. hh rebus chant.mp4 [7.31M]
70. ww phoneme chant.mp4 [4.17M]
71. ww vocab chant.mp4 [5.09M]
72. ww rebus chant.mp4 [7.60M]
73. unit 6 vocabulary chant.mp4 [13.11M]
74. xx phoneme chant.mp4 [4.06M]
75. xx vocab chant.mp4 [5.02M]
76. xx rebus chant.mp4 [7.46M]
77. yy phoneme chant.mp4 [3.14M]
78. yy vocab chant.mp4 [5.09M]
79. yy rebus chant.mp4 [7.52M]
80. jj phoneme chant.mp4 [4.15M]
81. jj vocab chant.mp4 [4.97M]
82. jj rebus chant.mp4 [7.55M]
83. qq phoneme chant.mp4 [3.10M]
84. qq vocab chant.mp4 [5.04M]
85. qq rebus chant.mp4 [7.85M]
第2单元【数字】【6课时】 [101.01M]
【1】fun numbers chant _ 1~10 _ preschool.mp4 [30.35M]
【2】counting chant _1-20 _ numbers _ preschool.mp4 [3.90M]
【3】fun numbers chant! _ 10~20 _ counting.mp4 [14.06M]
【4】counting by tens _ math _ 1st grade _ 10 to 100.mp4 [18.26M]
【5】numbers chant _ kindergarten _ 13 30.mp4 [15.90M]
【6】big numbers _ addition _ subtraction.mp4 [18.54M]
第3单元【颜色】【4课时】 [75.59M]
【1】learn colors! – preschool chant.mp4 [16.78M]
【2】colors and animals _ adjective _ noun.mp4 [26.42M]
【3】learn colors _ fruits _ objects _ kindergarten.mp4 [16.12M]
【4】learn colors _ numbers _ kindergarten _ preschool.mp4 [16.28M]
第4单元【动物】【9课时】 [425.53M]
【1】animals _ vocabulary _ 24 words.mp4 [11.15M]
【2】pet animals – pre school – learn english words (spelling) video for kids and toddlers.mp4 [54.10M]
【3】farm animals – pre school – learn english words (spelling) video for kids and toddlers.mp4 [51.05M]
【4】wild animals – pre school – learn english words (spelling) video for kids and toddlers.mp4 [71.90M]
【5】mammals – pre school – learn english words (spelling) video for kids and toddlers.mp4 [67.00M]
【6】desert animals – pre school – learn english words (spelling) video for kids and toddlers.mp4 [43.62M]
【7】sea animals – pre school – learn english words (spelling) video for kids and toddlers.mp4 [69.16M]
【8】animals chant 1!.mp4 [32.51M]
【9】animals chant 2 _ kindergarten fun!.mp4 [25.03M]
第5单元【情绪表情】【2课时】 [31.88M]
【1】learn emotions! _ adjectives _ kids.mp4 [15.07M]
【2】learn emotions and feelings – phrases and patterns for kids.mp4 [16.81M]
第6单元【服装】【3课时】 [24.42M]
【1】what do you wear_ _ clothing chant for kids.mp4 [9.93M]
【2】kids learn clothing vocabulary (phrases 1).mp4 [7.36M]
【3】learn clothing vocabulary! (phrases 2).mp4 [7.13M]
第7单元【身体部位】【6课时】 [97.11M]
【1】learn body parts!.mp4 [12.95M]
【2】body parts chant (this is ~ _ these are ~ ).mp4 [13.48M]
【3】learn body parts! _ actions _ _ phrases 2.mp4 [18.61M]
【4】learn body parts! _ actions _ funny phrases #1.mp4 [19.39M]
【5】learn body parts! _ actions _ funny _ phrases 2.mp4 [18.61M]
【6】adjectives chant _ descriptive _ physical appearance _.mp4 [14.05M]
第8课时【绘画教学】【6课时】 [479.76M]
how to draw a elephant,pig & cat – easy stepbystep cartoon art drawing tutorial for kids & beginners.mp4 [66.91M]
how to draw a halloween ghost, vampire & witch – halloween special episode-drawing tutorial for kids.mp4 [90.68M]
how to draw a halloween pumpkin, cat, bat& skeleton- halloween special episode-drawing tutorial kids.mp4 [74.76M]
how to draw a horse, tortoise & lion – stepbystep cartoon art drawing tutorial for kids & beginners.mp4 [73.86M]
how to draw a monkey, tiger & deer – stepbystep cartoon art drawing tutorial for kids & beginners.mp4 [80.43M]
how to draw a squirrel, hippopotamus & zebra – stepbystep art drawing tutorial for kids & beginners.mp4 [93.12M]
第9单元【食物】【4课时】 [245.37M]
【1】vegetables compilation – pre school – learn english words (spelling) video for kids and toddlers.mp4 [160.87M]
【2】colored fruit _ pattern practice _ are they red apples.mp4 [18.02M]
【3】english pattern practice (are they ~_ yes, they are. no, they aren’t.).mp4 [18.02M]
【4】fun food chant!.mp4 [48.45M]