【毛毛虫】李洁老师英文绘本精讲课程 [3.81G]
英文绘本精读1.0 64-95节 [1.37G]
1-1_inchbyinch可加.mp4 [36.93M]
1-10_foxinsocks可加.mp4 [72.96M]
1-11_说唱版foxinsocks-candy可加.mp4 [66.15M]
1-12_daisyeatyourpeas可加.mp4 [45.95M]
1-13_hennypenny可加.mp4 [59.12M]
1-14_hickorydickorydock可加.mp4 [39.99M]
1-15_loveyouforever可加.mp4 [58.71M]
1-16_mayipleasehaveacookie可加.mp4 [34.73M]
1-17_mrbrowncanmoo!可加.mp4 [35.62M]
1-18_tenappleontop可加.mp4 [42.28M]
1-19_thecatinahat可加.mp4 [98.84M]
1-2_theroosterstruts可加.mp4 [24.55M]
1-20_thefootbook可加.mp4 [19.25M]
1-21_wocketinmypocket可加.mp4 [34.90M]
1-22_theartistwhopaintedabluehorse可加.mp4 [23.50M]
1-23_说唱版rap-ohthethinksyoucanthink可加.mp4 [25.11M]
1-24_mygrandmaiswonderful!可加.mp4 [20.37M]
1-25_acolorofhisown可加.mp4 [30.19M]
1-26_说唱版rap-bigsmallshorttall可加.mp4 [14.35M]
1-27_说唱版rap-countwithme可加.mp4 [15.86M]
1-28_haveyouseenmyduckling可加.mp4 [51.49M]
1-29_isyourmamaallama可加.mp4 [71.09M]
1-3_therewasanoldladywhoswallowedafly可加.mp4 [71.99M]
1-30_missnelsonismissing可加.mp4 [53.98M]
1-31_cantyousleeplittlebear可加.mp4 [86.76M]
1-32_knufflebunnyfree可加.mp4 [72.56M]
1-4_guesshowmuchiloveyou可加.mp4 [32.90M]
1-5_maisygoescamping可加.mp4 [22.96M]
1-6_maisygoestothelibrary可加.mp4 [21.61M]
1-7_owlbabies可加.mp4 [54.04M]
1-8_weregoingonthebearhunt可加.mp4 [40.69M]
1-9_bluechamelon可加.mp4 [20.83M]
英文绘本精读1.01-30节 [946.12M]
1-1_goawaybiggreenmonster.mp4 [22.98M]
1-10_iamakitten.mp4 [28.72M]
1-11_iamabunny.mp4 [36.22M]
1-12_theveryhungrycaterpillar.mp4 [44.29M]
1-13_maryhadalittlelamb.mp4 [32.52M]
1-14_goodnightmoon.mp4 [26.25M]
1-15_ketchuponyourcornflakes.mp4 [19.27M]
1-16_123tothezoo.mp4 [73.02M]
1-17_feastforten.mp4 [26.16M]
1-18_babybearbabybearwhatdoyousee.mp4 [46.75M]
1-19_brownbearbrownbearwhatdoyousee.mp4 [54.21M]
1-2_goodnightgorilla.mp4 [31.60M]
1-20_openshutthem.mp4 [13.18M]
1-21_yo!yes.mp4 [26.11M]
1-22_bigsmallshorttall.mp4 [27.07M]
1-23_countwithme.mp4 [32.00M]
1-24_myveryfirstbookoffood.mp4 [31.52M]
1-25_myveryfirstbookofmotion.mp4 [23.21M]
1-26_myveryfirstbookofwords.mp4 [18.27M]
1-27_oinkbaamoo.mp4 [23.90M]
1-28_firstabc.mp4 [21.53M]
1-29_redlightgreenlight.mp4 [16.44M]
1-3_theredbook.mp4 [27.25M]
1-30_clickclackmoo.mp4 [56.45M]
1-4_fromheadtotoe.mp4 [35.54M]
1-5_littlecloud.mp4 [28.55M]
1-6_dearzoo.mp4 [25.18M]
1-7_mousecount.mp4 [36.27M]
1-8_iamamouse.mp4 [40.67M]
1-9_imapuppy.mp4 [20.97M]
英文绘本精读1.031-63节 [1.17G]
1-1_sevenblindmice.mp4 [56.93M]
1-10_drybones.mp4 [17.03M]
1-11_thefarmerinthedell.mp4 [22.02M]
1-12_tenlittlemonkeysjumpingonthebed.mp4 [45.91M]
1-13_thisoldman.mp4 [19.65M]
1-14_readtoyourbunny.mp4 [8.13M]
1-15_10thingicandotohelpmyworld.mp4 [17.93M]
1-16_howdoyoufeel.mp4 [16.04M]
1-17_ohthethinksyoucanthink.mp4 [38.70M]
1-18_theshapeofmeandotherstuff.mp4 [22.56M]
1-19_theverybusyspider.mp4 [53.77M]
1-2_overinthemeadow.mp4 [38.73M]
1-20_todayismonday.mp4 [54.85M]
1-21_uh-ohimsorry.mp4 [12.79M]
1-22_whatsinthewitchskitchen.mp4 [34.44M]
1-23_dimsumforeveryone.mp4 [20.79M]
1-24_giggle.mp4 [8.12M]
1-25_letsgetdressed.mp4 [19.91M]
1-26_openthebarndoor.mp4 [26.69M]
1-27_tenlittlerubberducks.mp4 [48.04M]
1-28_howdodinosaursayiloveyou.mp4 [46.16M]
1-29_theverylonelyfirefly.mp4 [40.17M]
1-3_teninthebed.mp4 [77.08M]
1-30_theveryquietcricket.mp4 [55.49M]
1-31_millionsofcats.mp4 [72.09M]
1-32_animalsdefinitelynotwear.mp4 [27.21M]
1-33_overinthemeadow.mp4 [38.73M]
1-4_handassurprise.mp4 [62.24M]
1-5_peppasbusyday.mp4 [34.96M]
1-6_fivelittlemeninaflyingsaucer.mp4 [37.95M]
1-7_fivelittlemonkeyssittingonthetree.mp4 [55.77M]
1-8_imthemusicmen.mp4 [40.64M]
1-9_thewheelsonthebus.mp4 [30.53M]
英文绘本精读2.0双语字幕 [348.87M]
1.moo baalalala–咩咩啦啦啦 .mp4 [10.03M]
2.doggies–狗狗们.mp4 [14.99M]
3.lf you’re a robot and you know lt–如果你是一个机器人并目你知道.mp4 [18.62M]
4.the very quiet cricket–非常安静的.mp4 [58.01M]
5.the very hungry caterpillar–好饿好饿的毛毛虫.mp4 [78.79M]
6.the very busy spider–非常忙碌的蜘蛛.mp4 [70.92M]
7.papa,please get the moon for me–爸爸帮我把月亮摘下来.mp4 [43.88M]
8.daddy robot–爸爸机器人.mp4 [34.09M]
9.brown bear,brown bear,what do you see–棕熊棕熊你看见了什么.mp4 [19.56M]
【毛毛虫】李洁英语儿歌教学+磨耳朵课程 [1.82G]
2.0版儿歌配套资源 [40.70M]
伴奏 [19.23M]
courage-勇气大爆发.mp3 [1.42M]
daylilies-萱草花.mp3 [2.80M]
dreamer-梦想家.mp3 [2.44M]
gardening-花园种花.mp3 [539.64K]
go to school and sing along-上学歌.mp3 [1.72M]
my dear mommy-我的好妈妈.mp3 [1.30M]
slow slow song-声声慢.mp3 [6.07M]
up to the clouds-向云端.mp3 [453.90K]
you smile is sweet and bright-你笑起来真好看.mp3 [2.50M]
歌词 [8.95M]
abc phonic song《abc自然拼读歌》.pptx [85.30K]
abc phonic song《abc字母自然拼读歌》.pptx [48.35K]
as quiet as a mouse《像老鼠一样安静》.pptx [167.06K]
baby shark《鲨鱼宝宝》.pptx [87.34K]
courage《勇气大爆发》.pptx [105.15K]
daylilies《萱草花》.pptx [6.01M]
dreamer《梦想家》.pptx [87.48K]
gardening《花园种花》.pptx [859.91K]
go to school and sing along《上学歌》.pptx [444.22K]
ladybug 《小瓢虫》.pptx [71.03K]
mary had a little lamb《玛丽有只小羊羔》.pptx [114.26K]
my dear mommy《我的好妈妈》.pptx [100.12K]
say thank you《听我说谢谢你》.pptx [53.75K]
seven days are in a week《星期歌曲》.pptx [131.35K]
sing a rainbow 《彩虹之歌》.pptx [99.52K]
slow slow song《声声慢》.pptx [93.84K]
twelve months syllable song《十二月份拼读歌曲》.pptx [113.40K]
twinkle twinkle little star《小星星》.pptx [68.02K]
up to the clouds《向云端》.pptx [74.87K]
when the sun goes down《当太阳下山后》.pptx [95.79K]
your smile is sweet and bright《你笑起来真好看》.pptx [117.57K]
音频 [12.52M]
花园种花.mp3 [540.43K]
梦想家.mp3 [1.00M]
你笑起来真好看.mp3 [2.48M]
上学歌.mp3 [624.31K]
声声慢.mp3 [2.33M]
我的好妈妈.mp3 [521.29K]
向云端.mp3 [911.41K]
萱草花.mp3 [2.77M]
勇气大爆发.mp3 [1.41M]
电子资料 [35.03M]
ææ1-20 .pdf [2.20M]
æè¯21-40.pdf [2.61M]
æè¯41-57.pdf [2.93M]
æè¯58-80.pdf [8.37M]
æè¯81-87.pdf [1.28M]
æè¯88-102.pdf [17.65M]
配套音频 [330.97M]
1.音频-花园种花.mp3 [543.31K]
10.音频-abc you later.mp3 [1.61M]
11.音频-hugs and kisses.mp3 [1.21M]
12.音频-mommy.mp3 [1.84M]
13.音频-happy mother’s day.mp3 [1.26M]
14.音频-勇气大爆发.mp3 [1.12M]
15.音频-apples are red.mp3 [3.65M]
16.音频-abc 自然拼读歌曲.mp3 [1.77M]
17.音频-five little ducks.mp3 [3.75M]
18.音频-one small voice.mp3 [1.62M]
19.音频-tap your toe and follow me.mp3 [7.04M]
2.音频-everybody listen.mp3 [5.30M]
20.音频-you are my sunshine (1).mp3 [3.82M]
20.音频-you are my sunshine.mp3 [3.82M]
21.音频-auld lang syne.mp3 [2.05M]
22.音频-i am peace.mp3 [2.55M]
23.音频-let’s go to the market.mp3 [2.00M]
24.音频-joining hands with other lands.mp3 [2.29M]
25.音频 -we are a family.mp3 [8.77M]
26.音频-the world is a rainbow.mp3 [2.26M]
27.音频-hello to all the children of the world.mp3 [5.46M]
28.音频-hello song.mp3 [8.69M]
29.音频-explorer of the wild.mp3 [6.22M]
3.音频-books books.mp3 [618.01K]
30.音频-studio song.mp3 [3.83M]
31.音频-job song.mp3 [2.15M]
32.音频-i am yoga .mp3 [6.20M]
33.音频-good morning everyone.mp3 [1.80M]
34.音频-funny faces.mp3 [2.15M]
35.音频-yes no.mp3 [4.01M]
36.音频-baby shark.mp3 [7.24M]
37.音频-abc.mp3 [1.50M]
38. 音频-a ram sam sam.mp3 [2.91M]
39.音频-glasses.mp3 [338.42K]
4.音频-green grass grew all around.mp3 [3.22M]
40. 音频-there are many ways to say hello.mp3 [5.29M]
41.音频-apples and bananas.mp3 [3.74M]
42.音频-12 months song.mp3 [3.63M]
43.音频-12 months syllable song.mp3 [4.66M]
44.音频-sing a rainbow.mp3 [5.12M]
45.音频-color chant.mp3 [2.40M]
46.音频-go to school and sing along.mp3 [653.52K]
47.音频-what’s the weather.mp3 [4.67M]
48.音频-louise loves art song.mp3 [7.45M]
49.音频-if you can hear me.mp3 [1.99M]
5.音频-tickly rain.mp3 [2.23M]
50.音频-on top of spaghetti.mp3 [1.71M]
51.音频-7 days are in a week–.mp3 [1.42M]
52.音频 -elephants have whrinkles.mp3 [1.63M]
53.音频-today is monday.mp3 [1.98M]
54.音频-there was a princess long ago.mp3 [2.45M]
55.音频-little peter rabbit.mp3 [1.44M]
56.音频-my dear mommy.mp3 [517.60K]
57.音频-it takes a village to raise a child.mp3 [2.82M]
58. six little ducks.mp3 [3.28M]
59.frère jacques (brother john) – france.mp3 [3.47M]
6.音频-join in the game-let everyone clap hands.mp3 [2.48M]
60. little peter rabbit.mp3 [2.92M]
61. color song.mp3 [4.30M]
62. five little ducks (1).mp3 [6.94M]
62. five little ducks.mp3 [6.94M]
63. 12 months of the year.mp3 [5.27M]
64. up to the clouds.mp3 [909.84K]
65. abc phonics song.mp3 [6.16M]
66. john jacob jingleheimer schmidt.mp3 [2.48M]
67. clap your hands.mp3 [3.16M]
68. sing-a-ling.mp3 [2.44M]
69. he’s got the whole world.mp3 [6.41M]
7.音频-toes up, toes down.mp3 [1.96M]
70. little green frog.mp3 [2.66M]
71. my aunt came back.mp3 [3.21M]
72. my aunt came back.mp3 [3.20M]
73. clap along with me.mp3 [2.37M]
74. little bunny foo foo (1).mp3 [4.71M]
74. little bunny foo foo.mp3 [4.71M]
75. three jolly fishermen.mp3 [4.12M]
76. brown bear brown bear what do you see.mp3 [2.96M]
77. found a peanut.mp3 [4.81M]
78. come and make a circle.mp3 [2.29M]
79. do your ears hang lo.mp3 [1.16M]
8.音频-way up high in an apple tree.mp3 [2.72M]
80. one little act of kindness.mp3 [6.06M]
81. the seven continents song.mp3 [1.88M]
82. princess pat.mp3 [2.10M]
83. the five oceans song.mp3 [1.11M]
84. hello, hola, bonjour.mp3 [3.00M]
85. hello, bonjour, hola.mp3 [4.85M]
86. days of the week syllables song.mp3 [2.59M]
87. there was a crocodile song.mp3 [2.71M]
88. there was an old lady who swallowed a fly.mp3 [2.18M]
89. one, two, buckle my shoe.mp3 [7.06M]
9.音频-one light, one sun.mp3 [4.87M]
90. number 1-10.mp3 [4.23M]
91. my heart feels full.mp3 [5.24M]
92. the more we get together.mp3 [2.53M]
93. peace like a river.mp3 [6.77M]
94. down in the valley.mp3 [5.45M]
英文儿歌2.0演唱版 [58.52M]
baby shark–鲨鱼宝宝.mp4 [11.89M]
mary had a little lamb–玛丽有只小羊盖.mp4 [8.16M]
seven days are in a week–星期歌曲.mp4 [6.61M]
sing a rainbow–彩虹那端.mp4 [8.17M]
twelve months syllable song–十二月份拼读歌.mp4 [7.81M]
twinkle twinkle little star–小星星.mp4 [3.67M]
when the sun goes down–当太阳下山后.mp4 [12.21M]
英语儿歌2.0教学版-中文翻译儿歌(1-10) [132.93M]
1.勇气大爆发–courage微.mp4 [13.61M]
10向云端–up to the clouds微.mp4 [9.20M]
2.花园种花–gardening微.mp4 [12.57M]
3.萱草花–daylilies微.mp4 [15.26M]
4.梦想家–dreamer微.mp4 [22.37M]
5.你笑起来真好看–your smile is sweet and微.mp4 [18.44M]
6.上学歌–go to school and sing along微.mp4 [11.38M]
7.声声慢–slow slow song微.mp4 [15.76M]
8.听我说谢谢你–say thank you微.mp4 [8.16M]
9.我的好妈妈–my dear mommy微.mp4 [6.17M]
英语儿歌课程(58-90) [493.18M]
58.(动物)do you ears hang low微.mp4 [5.65M]
59.(动物)there was a crocodile song微.mp4 [17.24M]
60.(动物)bought me a cat微.mp4 [18.86M]
61.(故事)way up high in an apple tree微.mp4 [12.17M]
62.(故事)there was a princess long ago微.mp4 [15.31M]
63.(故事)little bunny foo foo微.mp4 [13.87M]
64.(故事)princess pat微.mp4 [13.94M]
65.(故事)there was an old lady who swallowed a fly微.mp4 [60.61M]
66.(故事)once an austrian went yodeling微.mp4 [26.15M]
67.(节日)we are a family微.mp4 [17.88M]
68.(跨文化)one light one sun微.mp4 [9.61M]
69.(跨文化)join in hands with other lands微.mp4 [11.17M]
70.(跨文化)hello to all the children of the world微.mp4 [10.80M]
71.(跨文化)he’s got the whole world微.mp4 [14.57M]
72.(跨文化)the seven continents song微.mp4 [26.22M]
73.(跨文化)the five oceans song微.mp4 [35.27M]
74.(律动)you are my sunshine微.mp4 [33.06M]
75.(律动)one little act of kindness微.mp4 [11.88M]
76.(律动)peace llke a river微.mp4 [14.13M]
77.(律动)down in the valley微.mp4 [12.21M]
78.(身体部位)toes up toes down微.mp4 [6.89M]
79.(食物)let’s go to the market微.mp4 [12.94M]
80.(语言)abc you later微.mp4 [7.90M]
81.(语言)my aunt came back微.mp4 [11.14M]
82.(语言)my aunt came back微.mp4 [8.00M]
83.(月份)12 months song微.mp4 [5.95M]
84.(月份)12 months song(1)微.mp4 [10.62M]
85.(职业)job song微.mp4 [10.63M]
86.教学-勇气大爆发熟悉歌词微.mp4 [7.09M]
87.(中文翻译)教学-勇气大爆发音乐加动作微.mp4 [6.97M]
88.中文翻译)go to school and sing along微.mp4 [3.00M]
89(中文翻译)up to the clouds微.mp4 [4.25M]
90(中文翻译)daylilies微.mp4 [17.19M]
英语儿歌课程1.0(1-57节) [589.42M]
1.(动物)baby shark.mp4 [11.65M]
10.(故事)found a peanut.mp4 [9.90M]
11.(节日)hugs and kisses.mp4 [4.67M]
12.(节日)happy mother’s day.mp4 [10.40M]
13.(节日)mommy.mp4 [11.84M]
14.(科普)the seed cycle.mp4 [7.54M]
15.(科普)farmer plants the seeds.mp4 [12.70M]
16.(跨文化)hello song.mp4 [22.57M]
17.(跨文化)there are many ways to sing hello.mp4 [23.40M]
18.(跨文化)frère jacques (brother john) – france.mp4 [13.50M]
19.(跨文化)hello,hola,bonjour.mp4 [6.08M]
2.(动物)little peter rabbit.mp4 [6.85M]
20.(跨文化)hello,bonjour,halo.mp4 [8.88M]
21.(律动)everybody listen.mp4 [18.20M]
22.(律动)books books.mp4 [3.32M]
23.(律动)join in the game.mp4 [11.56M]
24.(律动)good morning.mp4 [9.22M]
25.(律动)funny faces.mp4 [4.25M]
26.(律动)yes no.mp4 [3.57M]
27(律动)a ram sam sam.mp4 [13.67M]
28.(律动)glasses.mp4 [6.13M]
29.(律动)if you can hear me.mp4 [3.50M]
3.(动物)little peter rabbit.mp4 [9.46M]
30.(律动)john jacob jingleheimer schmidt.mp4 [4.86M]
31.(律动)clap your hands.mp4 [8.74M]
32.(季节)sing-a-ling.mp4 [4.28M]
33.(律动)come and make a circle.mp4 [4.56M]
34.(律动)the more we get together.mp4 [4.01M]
35.(身体部位)tickly rain.mp4 [11.83M]
36.(身体部位)tap your toe and follow me.mp4 [19.98M]
37.(身体部位)elehants have wrinkles.mp4 [9.51M]
38.(数字)one two buckle my shoe.mp4 [19.94M]
39.(数字)number 1-10.mp4 [9.43M]
4.(动物)little green frog.mp4 [8.02M]
40.(数字)doctor knickerbocker.mp4 [10.33M]
41.(天气)what’s the weather.mp4 [10.03M]
42.(星期)days are in a week.mp4 [9.30M]
43.(星期)today is monday.mp4 [10.68M]
44.(星期)days of the week syllable song.mp4 [10.93M]
45.(颜色)apples are red.mp4 [39.33M]
46.(颜色)sing a rainbow.mp4 [8.21M]
47.(颜色)color song.mp4 [10.06M]
48.(颜色)color chant.mp4 [12.84M]
49.(律动)clap along with me.mp4 [4.75M]
5.(故事)five little ducks.mp4 [12.41M]
50.(语言)abc phonic song.mp4 [7.79M]
51.(语言)abc phonics song.mp4 [14.75M]
52.(语言)abc手势歌.mp4 [6.56M]
53.(语言)apples and bananas.mp4 [9.01M]
54.(语言)three jolly fishermen.mp4 [11.66M]
55.(月份)months syllable song.mp4 [9.26M]
56.(中文翻译)gardening.mp4 [6.67M]
57.(中文翻译)my dear mommy.mp4 [2.73M]
6.(故事)on top of spaghetti.mp4 [9.61M]
7.(故事)six little ducks.mp4 [8.17M]
8.(故事)five little ducks.mp4 [12.32M]
9.(故事)brown bear brown bear what do you see.mp4 [14.02M]
英语儿歌课程1.0(91-103节) [186.08M]
100.(律动)my heart feels full.mp4 [11.18M]
101.(律动)the happy song.mp4 [9.90M]
102.(律动)no no gnome.mp4 [11.72M]
103.(月份)auld lang syne.mp4 [10.10M]
91.(故事)green grass grew all around.mp4 [17.71M]
92.(故事)louise loves art.mp4 [14.76M]
93.(跨文化)one small vioce.mp4 [24.45M]
94.(跨文化)the world is a rainbow.mp4 [13.00M]
95.(文化)it takes a village to raise a child.mp4 [17.97M]
96.(律动)i am peace.mp4 [15.44M]
97.(律动)explorer of the wild.mp4 [13.50M]
98.(律动)studio song.mp4 [16.08M]
99.(律动)iam yoga.mp4 [10.27M]
【毛毛虫】双外教剧情版自然拼读课程 [3.46G]
1_26个字母 [1.32G]
1-1_1-外教情景演绎-字母a.mp4 [77.53M]
1-10_10-外教情景演绎-字母j.mp4 [45.76M]
1-11_11-外教情景演绎-字母k.mp4 [51.77M]
1-12_12-外教情景演绎-字母l.mp4 [51.18M]
1-13_13-外教情景演绎-字母m.mp4 [52.67M]
1-14_14-外教情景演绎-字母n.mp4 [43.42M]
1-15_15-外教情景演绎-字母o.mp4 [45.89M]
1-16_16-外教情景演绎-字母p.mp4 [46.97M]
1-17_17-外教情景演绎-字母q.mp4 [62.49M]
1-18_18-外教情景演绎-字母r.mp4 [76.03M]
1-19_19-外教情景演绎-字母s.mp4 [49.54M]
1-2_2-外教情景演绎-字母b.mp4 [44.20M]
1-20_20-外教情景演绎-字母t.mp4 [52.31M]
1-21_21-外教情景演绎-字母u.mp4 [49.34M]
1-22_22-外教情景演绎-字母v.mp4 [51.82M]
1-23_23-外教情景演绎-字母w.mp4 [65.83M]
1-24_24-外教情景演绎-字母x.mp4 [49.49M]
1-25_25-外教情景演绎-字母y.mp4 [47.50M]
1-26_26-外教情景演绎-字母z.mp4 [48.11M]
1-3_3-外教情景演绎-字母c.mp4 [51.58M]
1-4_4-外教情景演绎-字母d.mp4 [46.45M]
1-5_5-外教情景演绎-字母e.mp4 [48.01M]
1-6_6-外教情景演绎-字母f.mp4 [46.23M]
1-7_7-外教情景演绎-字母g.mp4 [49.56M]
1-8_8-外教情景演绎-字母h.mp4 [47.92M]
1-9_9-外教情景演绎-字母i.mp4 [47.26M]
2_26个字母精讲 [346.46M]
1-1_27-外教字母ppt-ab.mp4 [28.64M]
1-10_36-外教字母ppt-st.mp4 [26.51M]
1-11_37-外教字母ppt-uv.mp4 [30.55M]
1-12_38-外教字母ppt-wx.mp4 [25.72M]
1-13_39-外教字母ppt-yz.mp4 [29.91M]
1-2_28-外教字母ppt-cd.mp4 [26.40M]
1-3_29-外教字母ppt-ef.mp4 [26.94M]
1-4_30-外教字母ppt-gh.mp4 [27.01M]
1-5_31-外教字母ppt-ij.mp4 [26.97M]
1-6_32-外教字母ppt-kl.mp4 [28.28M]
1-7_33-外教字母ppt-mn.mp4 [16.59M]
1-8_34-外教字母ppt-op.mp4 [26.93M]
1-9_35-外教字母ppt-qr.mp4 [26.00M]
3_字母组合演绎 [647.43M]
1-1_40-外教情景演绎-组合音sh.mp4 [30.93M]
1-10_49-外教演绎组合音ey.mp4 [10.33M]
1-11_50-外教演绎后缀y2.mp4 [10.06M]
1-12_51-外教演绎组合音igh.mp4 [17.88M]
1-13_52-外教演绎组合音ie.mp4 [17.97M]
1-14_53-外教演绎组合音oa.mp4 [7.78M]
1-15_54-外教演绎组合音ow.mp4 [12.15M]
1-16_55-外教演绎组合音tch.mp4 [9.37M]
1-17_56-外教演绎组合ue.mp4 [16.58M]
1-18_57-外教演绎组合ck.mp4 [12.15M]
1-19_58-外教演绎组合音sk.mp4 [49.34M]
1-2_41-外教情景演绎-组合音a-e.mp4 [9.40M]
1-20_59-外教演绎组合qu.mp4 [10.51M]
1-21_60-外教演绎组合音st.mp4 [9.19M]
1-22_61-外教演绎组合ar.mp4 [7.09M]
1-23_62-外教演绎组合ir.mp4 [7.56M]
1-24_63-外教演绎组合音th.mp4 [8.32M]
1-25_64-外教演绎组合ur.mp4 [7.02M]
1-26_65-外教演绎组合音sc.mp4 [5.93M]
1-27_66-外教演绎组合音ph.mp4 [6.49M]
1-28_67-外教演绎组合oy.mp4 [10.81M]
1-29_68-外教演绎组合oi.mp4 [9.13M]
1-3_42-外教情景演绎-组合音o-e.mp4 [11.36M]
1-30_69-外教演绎组合音wh.mp4 [7.79M]
1-31_70-外教演绎组合音oo.mp4 [11.83M]
1-32_71-外教演绎组合er.mp4 [11.89M]
1-33_72-外教演绎组合or.mp4 [8.52M]
1-34_73-外教演绎组合音sp.mp4 [11.02M]
1-35_74-外教演绎组合aw.mp4 [8.29M]
1-36_75-外教演绎组合音ui.mp4 [17.69M]
1-37_76-外教演绎组合ow.mp4 [9.80M]
1-38_77-外教演绎组合音ch.mp4 [7.46M]
1-39_78-外教演绎组合au.mp4 [7.35M]
1-4_43-外教情景演绎-组合音u-e.mp4 [10.16M]
1-40_79-外教演绎组合ou.mp4 [15.43M]
1-41_80-外教演绎组合ear.mp4 [18.00M]
1-42_81-外教演绎组合all.mp4 [14.86M]
1-43_82-外教演绎组合air.mp4 [7.63M]
1-44_83-外教演绎组合are.mp4 [5.96M]
1-45_84-外教演绎组合oar.mp4 [11.08M]
1-46_85-外教演绎组合eer.mp4 [18.62M]
1-47_86-外教演绎组合kn.mp4 [8.44M]
1-48_87-外教演绎组合wr.mp4 [13.41M]
1-49_88-外教演绎组合mb.mp4 [7.20M]
1-5_44-外教演绎组合音ai.mp4 [24.04M]
1-50_89-外教演绎组合ing.mp4 [10.73M]
1-6_45-外教演绎组合音ay.mp4 [7.99M]
1-7_46-外教演绎组合音ee.mp4 [10.21M]
1-8_47-外教演绎组合音ea.mp4 [10.60M]
1-9_48-外教演绎后缀y.mp4 [17.66M]
2-1_90-外教演绎组合ong.mp4 [8.12M]
2-2_91-外教演绎组合ank.mp4 [8.08M]
2-3_92-外教演绎组合unk.mp4 [7.86M]
2-4_93-外教演绎组合ung.mp4 [12.35M]
4_字母组合精讲 [1.17G]
1-1_94-系统讲解组合音i-e.mp4 [26.31M]
1-10_103-短音组合igitix.mp4 [30.92M]
1-11_104-短音组合opotox.mp4 [26.14M]
1-12_105-短音组合udugup.mp4 [29.64M]
1-13_106-短音组合utubumun.mp4 [37.19M]
1-14_107-系统精讲blclpl.mp4 [28.89M]
1-15_108-系统精讲eareer.mp4 [38.08M]
1-16_109-系统精讲flslgl.mp4 [29.46M]
1-17_110-系统精讲frtrdr.mp4 [29.72M]
1-18_111-系统精讲ieighey.mp4 [44.72M]
1-19_112-系统精讲oaow.mp4 [36.18M]
1-2_95-系统讲解组合音a-e.mp4 [26.58M]
1-20_113-系统精讲oroar.mp4 [31.25M]
1-21_114-系统精讲prbrcrgr.mp4 [40.99M]
1-22_115-系统精讲spstscsk.mp4 [34.65M]
1-23_116-系统精讲ueuioo.mp4 [42.51M]
1-24_117-系统精讲yey.mp4 [32.47M]
1-25_118-系统精讲oioy.mp4 [34.70M]
1-26_119-系统精讲smsnswstr.mp4 [31.80M]
1-27_120-系统精讲thphsh.mp4 [36.64M]
1-28_121-系统精讲aeee.mp4 [38.30M]
1-29_122-系统精讲aiay.mp4 [36.64M]
1-3_96-系统讲解组合音a-e.mp4 [11.52M]
1-30_123-系统精讲ar.mp4 [27.83M]
1-31_124-系统精讲areairear.mp4 [43.61M]
1-32_125-系统精讲auawall.mp4 [43.30M]
1-33_126-系统精讲ckqu.mp4 [20.00M]
1-34_127-系统精讲irur.mp4 [36.13M]
1-35_128-系统精讲orer.mp4 [35.95M]
1-36_129-系统精讲ouow.mp4 [30.83M]
1-37_130-系统精讲whchtch.mp4 [29.13M]
1-4_97-系统讲解组合音o-e.mp4 [26.29M]
1-5_98-系统讲解组合音u-e.mp4 [27.89M]
1-6_99-短音组合adagam.mp4 [30.03M]
1-7_100-短音组合apatan.mp4 [30.87M]
1-8_101-短音组合edeten.mp4 [28.52M]
1-9_102-短音组合ipidin.mp4 [30.34M]
【毛毛虫】新课标词汇课5节 [146.47M]
100.05.多音节词汇46词.mp4 [18.07M]
96.01.单音节词汇343词(上).mp4 [32.91M]
97.02.单音节词汇343词(下).mp4 [36.44M]
98.03.双音节词汇175词(上).mp4 [29.53M]
99.04.双音节词汇175词(下).mp4 [29.51M]
【毛毛虫】英语阅读初阶课(234节) [8.59G]
01.初阶阅读课程内容介绍 初阶阅读课程介绍(必读)微.mp4 [5.65M]
02.1.2 词汇讲解:通过对比轻松了解单复数微.mp4 [5.79M]
03.第1讲 spring and fall 1.1 课程介绍:了解本课目标词汇-语法点及读本微.mp4 [3.09M]
04.1.3 词汇练习:对比练习,加强意义认知微.mp4 [9.93M]
05.1.4 读本讲读:读本《spring and fall》讲解微.mp4 [6.56M]
06.1.5 唱读-跟读:轻松掌握阅读内容微.mp4 [7.14M]
07.1.6 知识拓展:认识四季的不同微.mp4 [17.48M]
08.1.7 课程总结:总结本课学习目标及配套资源说明微.mp4 [5.96M]
09.2.2 词汇讲解:通过音节学习动物宝宝名称微.mp4 [20.01M]
10.第2讲 baby animals 2.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习目标及读本微.mp4 [5.97M]
100.12.8 知识拓展:有不好情绪的时候我们可以怎样缓解呢?一起来看看吧!微.mp4 [14.31M]
101.12.9 课程总结:总结本课重点及资源微.mp4 [9.98M]
102.13.2 词汇讲解:用声音及现实中的事例学习本课重点词汇微.mp4 [25.47M]
103.第13讲 apple tree 13.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习重点微.mp4 [7.34M]
104.13.3 词汇练习:联系实际事例,理解重点词汇意义微.mp4 [24.04M]
105.13.4 词汇拼读:重组每个单词的声音,更容易记忆单词 微.mp4 [15.62M]
106.13.5 读本讲读:通过阅读,了解苹果树的生命周期微.mp4 [16.08M]
107.13.6 读本练习:通过练习,加深对读本的理解微.mp4 [21.20M]
108.13.7 模仿跟读:跟着老师掌握读本中每个单词的发音以及句子的流利度微.mp4 [11.06M]
109.13.8 知识拓展1:从五感和细胞层面更深入地了解苹果树微.mp4 [27.37M]
11.2.3 词汇拼读:重组音节,加强对单词的记忆微.mp4 [11.72M]
110.13.9 知识拓展2:从韵律层面再次理解植物的生命周期微.mp4 [3.57M]
111.13.10 课程总结:总结本课重点及资源微.mp4 [11.27M]
112.第14讲 the moon 14.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习重点微.mp4 [8.52M]
113.14.2 词汇讲解:用声音及生动的事例学习本课重点词汇微.mp4 [28.44M]
114.14.3 词汇练习:来检测一下你上个视频的学习成果吧微.mp4 [8.57M]
115.14.4 词汇拼读:快用你学到的知识帮助小怪兽回星球吧微.mp4 [8.28M]
116.14.5 读本讲读:通过阅读了解月亮变化规律微.mp4 [19.39M]
117.14.6 读本练习:月亮的变化规律都掌握了吗?来大展身手吧!微.mp4 [38.46M]
118.14.7 欢乐唱读+模仿跟读: 感受整体阅读,让表达更加自然微.mp4 [8.73M]
119.14.8 知识拓展: 了解月亮为什么会变化,你也可以在家动手做一做月相哦微.mp4 [29.02M]
12.2.4 读本讲读:读本《baby animals》讲解微.mp4 [23.58M]
120.14.9 课程总结: 总结本课重点及资源微.mp4 [13.16M]
121.第15讲 space 15.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习重点微.mp4 [6.12M]
122.15.2 词汇讲解:分析声音,学习本课重点词汇微.mp4 [21.87M]
123.15.3 词汇练习:通过生活常识,加深对重点词汇的理解微.mp4 [11.68M]
124.15.4 词汇拼读:重组每个单词的声音,更容易记忆单词 微.mp4 [10.26M]
125.15.5 读本讲读:通过阅读,了解太空的奥秘微.mp4 [33.84M]
126.15.6 读本练习:通过练习,加深对读本的理解微.mp4 [12.85M]
127.15.7 模仿跟读:跟着老师掌握单词的发音以及句子的流利度微.mp4 [9.59M]
128.15.8 知识拓展:了解国际空间站,中国空间站的发展历程,以及宇航员在太空里的生活微.mp4 [70.65M]
129.15.9 课程总结:总结本课重点及资源微.mp4 [13.30M]
13.2.5 读本练习:两种练习方式,加深词汇认知微.mp4 [15.80M]
130.第16讲 i love the earth 16.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习内容及讲授方式微.mp4 [8.53M]
131.16.2 词汇讲解:分析声音,了解本课重点词汇微.mp4 [31.36M]
132.16.3 词汇练习:创设情景,在情景中加深词汇印象微.mp4 [16.49M]
133.16.4 词汇拼读:重组每个单词的声音,轻松记忆单词 微.mp4 [10.18M]
134.16.5 读本讲读:读本《i love the earth》讲解微.mp4 [57.48M]
135.16.6 读本练习:强化练习,加深读本理解微.mp4 [24.02M]
136.16.7 模仿跟读:跟着老师轻松掌握阅读内容微.mp4 [9.41M]
137.16.8 知识拓展:保护地球,人人有责,了解保护地球的方法微.mp4 [51.86M]
138.16.9 课程总结:回顾本课重点内容及拓展资源介绍微.mp4 [13.98M]
139.17.2 词汇讲解:分析声音,学习本课重点词汇微.mp4 [32.38M]
14.2.6 知识拓展:思维导图帮助整理读本思路微.mp4 [35.55M]
140.第17讲 my brain 17.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习重点微.mp4 [6.56M]
141.17.3 词汇练习:通过生活常识,加深对重点词汇的理解微.mp4 [20.18M]
142.17.4 词汇拼读:重组每个单词的声音,更容易记忆单词微.mp4 [7.82M]
143.17.5 读本讲读:通过阅读,了解大脑的奥秘微.mp4 [23.09M]
144.17.6 读本练习:通过练习,加深对读本的理解微.mp4 [16.72M]
145.17.7 模仿跟读:跟着老师一起流利地阅读读本微.mp4 [9.35M]
146.17.8 知识拓展:一起来了解一些有关大脑的有趣知识微.mp4 [35.85M]
147.17.9 课程总结:总结本课重点及资源微.mp4 [8.97M]
148.第18讲 wake up_ rooster! 18.1 wake up rooster 课程介绍:起床了大公鸡课程总览微.mp4 [6.07M]
149.18.2 wake up rooster 词汇讲解:重点单词声音和意义的讲解微.mp4 [10.65M]
15.2.7 欢乐唱读:同韵律不同形式的读本唱读微.mp4 [8.47M]
150.18.3 wake up rooster 词汇练习:在情境中巩固重点词汇微.mp4 [12.34M]
151.18.4 wake up rooster 词汇拼读:直观感受单词声音是如何工作的微.mp4 [5.64M]
152.18.5 wake up rooster 读本讲读:阅读讲解读本《wake up rooster》微.mp4 [30.20M]
153.18.6 wake up rooster 读本练习:通过阅读练习,加深对读本的理解微.mp4 [28.94M]
154.18.7 wake up rooster 模仿跟读:跟着老师一起流利阅读微.mp4 [8.64M]
155.18.8 wake up rooster 知识拓展:一起了解各个动物的睡眠时长吧微.mp4 [11.41M]
156.18.9 wake up rooster 课程总结:本节课的学习目标总结以及课后资源说明微.mp4 [8.19M]
157.19.2 词汇讲解:帮助宝贝建立声音与意义之间的链接微.mp4 [31.48M]
158.第19讲 making salsa 19.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习内容及讲授方式微.mp4 [5.66M]
159.19.3 词汇练习:根据句子意义选择词汇,增强词汇认知微.mp4 [18.06M]
16.2.8 课程总结:学习目标总结及配套资源的说明微.mp4 [6.65M]
160.19.4 词汇拼读:根据声音,重组词汇微.mp4 [217.08M]
161.19.5 读本讲读:读本《making salsa》讲解微.mp4 [23.89M]
162.19.6 读本练习:通过阅读练习,加深对读本的理解微.mp4 [419.92M]
163.19.7 模仿跟读:跟着老师掌握读本中每个单词的发音以及句子的流利度微.mp4 [8.49M]
164.19.8 知识拓展:一起对比中国以及西班牙的文化微.mp4 [538.99M]
165.19.9 课程总结:本节课的学习目标总结以及课后资源说明微.mp4 [9.65M]
166.第20讲 gobi desert animals 20.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习重点微.mp4 [11.55M]
167.20.2 词汇讲解:分析声音,学习本课重点词汇微.mp4 [43.25M]
168.20.3 词汇练习:通过真实的场景,加深对重点词汇的理解微.mp4 [7.19M]
169.20.4 词汇拼读:重组每个单词的声音,更容易记忆单词 微.mp4 [8.99M]
17.第3讲 bird goes home 3.1 课程介绍:本节课的学习内容总览微.mp4 [6.26M]
170.20.5 读本讲读:通过阅读,了解戈壁滩动物微.mp4 [33.31M]
171.20.6 读本练习:通过练习,加深对读本的理解微.mp4 [42.09M]
172.20.7 模仿跟读:跟着老师一起流利地阅读读本微.mp4 [10.50M]
173.20.8 知识拓展1:一起来揭秘书中隐藏的语法奥秘吧微.mp4 [10.44M]
174.20.9 知识拓展2:一起来了解戈壁滩上人们和动物的生活微.mp4 [21.15M]
175.20.10 课程总结:总结本课重点及资源微.mp4 [9.80M]
176.21.2 词汇讲解:分析声音,了解本课重点词汇微.mp4 [34.22M]
177.第21讲 on the farm 21.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习重点微.mp4 [7.62M]
178.21.3 词汇练习:创设情景,在情景中加深词汇印象微.mp4 [14.33M]
179.21.4 词汇拼读:重组每个单词的声音,轻松记忆单词 微.mp4 [9.90M]
18.3.2 词汇讲解:通过音节和声音学习单词并理解意义微.mp4 [14.44M]
180.21.5 读本讲读:读本《on the farm》讲解微.mp4 [45.01M]
181.21.6 读本练习:通过练习,加深对读本的理解微.mp4 [8.77M]
182.21.7 模仿跟读:跟着老师轻松掌握阅读内容微.mp4 [9.30M]
183.21.8 知识拓展:农场动物abc,快来看看都有谁?微.mp4 [31.46M]
184.21.9 课程总结:本节课的学习目标总结以及课后资源说明微.mp4 [11.64M]
185.22.2 词汇讲解:分析词汇声音,了解本课重点词汇微.mp4 [14.69M]
186.第22讲 different kinds of sharks 22.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习内容及讲授方式微.mp4 [6.46M]
187.22.3 词汇练习:将词汇放入情景,加深词汇意义的认知微.mp4 [8.41M]
188.22.4 词汇拼读:重组每个单词的声音,加强单词的记忆微.mp4 [12.64M]
189.22.5 读本讲读:读本《different kinds of sharks》讲解微.mp4 [22.86M]
19.3.3 词汇练习:带领宝贝通过首字母练习词汇微.mp4 [13.77M]
190.22.6 读本练习:强化练习,加深读本印象微.mp4 [13.61M]
191.22.7 模仿跟读:整书跟读,轻松掌握阅读内容微.mp4 [8.11M]
192.22.8 知识拓展:跟着老师一起来了解鲨鱼之“最”微.mp4 [19.35M]
193.22.9 课程总结:本节课的学习目标总结以及课后资源说明微.mp4 [8.26M]
194.第23讲 all about penguins 23.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习重点微.mp4 [8.22M]
195.23.2 词汇讲解:分析声音,全面了解重点词汇微.mp4 [37.26M]
196.23.3 词汇练习:根据句子意义选择词汇,增强词汇认知微.mp4 [18.80M]
197.23.4 词汇拼读:根据声音,重组词汇 微.mp4 [14.22M]
198.23.5 读本讲读:读本《all about penguins》讲解微.mp4 [55.21M]
199.23.6 读本练习:通过练习,加深对读本的理解微.mp4 [12.74M]
20.3.4 词汇拼读:通过音节加深单词记忆微.mp4 [240.99M]
200.23.7 模仿跟读:跟读练习,提升语音语调微.mp4 [10.92M]
201.23.8 知识拓展:企鹅身高大排队微.mp4 [36.88M]
202.23.9 课程总结:本节课的学习目标总结以及课后资源说明微.mp4 [9.42M]
203.第24讲 how frogs grow 24.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习重点微.mp4 [7.83M]
204.24.2 词汇讲解:分析声音,了解本课重点词汇微.mp4 [28.41M]
205.24.3 词汇练习:在实际运用中加深对重点词汇的理解微.mp4 [14.24M]
206.24.4 词汇拼读:重组每个单词的声音,轻松记忆单词 微.mp4 [14.59M]
207.24.5 读本讲读:跟着老师一起了解青蛙的生命周期微.mp4 [19.62M]
208.24.6 读本练习:通过练习,加深对读本的理解微.mp4 [14.39M]
209.24.7 模仿跟读:跟着老师一起流利阅读本书微.mp4 [10.38M]
21.3.5 读本讲读:一起来看看小鸟是怎么回家的吧微.mp4 [18.13M]
210.24.8 知识拓展1:一起了解下享有“世界之最”的青蛙微.mp4 [38.49M]
211.24.9 知识拓展2:你知道青蛙是如何分类的吗?微.mp4 [41.36M]
212.24.10 课程总结:本节课的学习目标总结以及课后资源说明微.mp4 [9.67M]
213.第25讲 many kinds of dinosaurs 25.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习内容及讲授方式微.mp4 [10.94M]
214.25.2 词汇讲解:分析声音,了解本课重点词汇微.mp4 [11.53M]
215.25.3 词汇练习:创设情景,在情景中加深词汇印象微.mp4 [6.95M]
216.25.4 词汇拼读:重组每个单词的声音,轻松记忆单词 微.mp4 [10.89M]
217.25.5 读本讲读:读本《many kinds of dinosaurs》讲解微.mp4 [24.82M]
218.25.6 读本练习:通过练习,加深对读本的理解微.mp4 [16.33M]
219.25.7 模仿跟读:跟着老师轻松掌握阅读内容微.mp4 [11.97M]
22.3.6 练习-复述:复述绘本,帮助小鸟回家吧微.mp4 [18.62M]
220.25.8 知识拓展1:变身恐龙专家,探索恐龙奥秘微.mp4 [30.99M]
221.25.9 知识拓展2:恐龙abc,快来看看都有谁?微.mp4 [16.20M]
222.25.10 课程总结:本节课的学习目标总结以及课后资源说明微.mp4 [9.26M]
223.26.2 词汇讲解: 分析声音,全面了解重点词汇微.mp4 [19.32M]
224.第26讲 building a road 26.1 课程介绍: 了解本课学习重点微.mp4 [8.84M]
225.26.3 词汇练习: 根据句子意义选择词汇,增强词汇认知微.mp4 [10.63M]
226.26.4 词汇拼读: 运用拼读,重组词汇 微.mp4 [15.26M]
227.26.5 读本讲读:了解柏油马路从无到有的过程微.mp4 [19.61M]
228.26.6 读后练习: 通过练习,加深对读本的理解微.mp4 [11.66M]
229.26.7 读本跟读: 跟着老师一起流利阅读本书微.mp4 [7.75M]
23.3.7 唱读-跟读:跟着老师熟练跟读读本微.mp4 [9.57M]
230.26.8 知识拓展完: 了解世界各地有名的公路微.mp4 [44.10M]
231.26.9 学后总结: 本节课的学习目标总结以及课后资源说明微.mp4 [10.76M]
232.第27讲 airplanes 27.1 课程介绍: 了解本节课的重点讲授内容和目标微.mp4 [9.97M]
233.27.2 词汇讲解: 声音解析,轻松掌握词汇读音和意义微.mp4 [48.41M]
234.27.3 词汇练习: 在实际语境中加深对词汇的理解微.mp4 [11.09M]
235.27.4 词汇拼读: 重组词汇声音,加深对词汇的记忆微.mp4 [17.25M]
236.27.5 读本讲解: 通过阅读,了解各式各样的飞机作用微.mp4 [46.98M]
237.27.6 读本练习: 通过练习,加深对读本的理解微.mp4 [20.48M]
238.27.7 模仿跟读: 跟着老师一起,流利地阅读读本微.mp4 [10.91M]
239.27.8 知识拓展: 了解出国时登机流程微.mp4 [16.62M]
24.3.8 课程总结:回顾课程,查漏补缺微.mp4 [5.44M]
240.27.9 课程总结: 本节课的学习目标总结以及课后资源说明微.mp4 [8.18M]
241.第28讲 city shapes 28.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习内容及讲授方式微.mp4 [7.37M]
242.28.2 词汇讲解:分析词汇声音,了解本课重点词汇微.mp4 [40.22M]
243.28.3 词汇练习:搭建场景,加深词汇意义的认知微.mp4 [12.30M]
244.28.4 词汇拼读:重组每个单词的声音,加强单词的记忆微.mp4 [10.62M]
245.28.5 读本讲读:读本《city shaps》讲解微.mp4 [15.21M]
246.28.6 读本练习:强化练习,加深读本印象微.mp4 [20.56M]
247.28.7 模仿跟读:整书跟读,轻松掌握阅读内容微.mp4 [9.21M]
248.28.8 知识拓展:探索隐藏在世界各国地图上的秘密微.mp4 [33.58M]
249.28.9 课程总结:本节课的学习目标总结以及课后资源说明微.mp4 [6.34M]
25.4.2 词汇讲解:讲解重点词汇的首字母发音和音节微.mp4 [16.52M]
250.第29讲 boats 29.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习内容及讲授方式微.mp4 [5.95M]
251.29.2 词汇讲解:分析词汇声音,学习本课目标词汇微.mp4 [14.05M]
252.29.3 词汇练习:搭建场景,加深词汇意义的认知微.mp4 [13.49M]
253.29.4 词汇拼读:根据声音,轻松记忆重点词汇微.mp4 [7.52M]
254.29.5 读本讲读:读本《boats》讲解微.mp4 [17.11M]
255.29.6 读本练习:强化练习,加深读本印象微.mp4 [10.02M]
256.29.7 模仿跟读:感受整体阅读,让表达更加自然微.mp4 [7.93M]
257.29.8 知识拓展:跟着老师一起走进威尼斯微.mp4 [16.53M]
258.29.9 课程总结:本节课的学习目标总结以及课后资源说明微.mp4 [6.74M]
259.30.2 词汇讲解: 分析声音,全面了解重点词汇微.mp4 [45.60M]
26.第4讲 car parts 4.1 课程介绍:了解本节课的学习内容微.mp4 [8.95M]
260.第30讲 my little brother 30.1 课程介绍: 了解本课学习内容及讲授方式微.mp4 [8.68M]
261.30.3 词汇练习: 在实际运用中加深对重点词汇的理解微.mp4 [8.73M]
262.30.4 词汇拼读: 根据声音,重组词汇 微.mp4 [17.41M]
263.30.5 读本讲读: 通过实际场景,感受二胎到来的时刻微.mp4 [58.14M]
264.30.6 读本练习: 通过练习,加深对读本的理解微.mp4 [14.16M]
265.30.7 模仿跟读: 跟着老师轻松掌握阅读内容微.mp4 [9.64M]
266.30.8 知识拓展1: 有关小宝贝的衣食住行你知道多少呢?微.mp4 [10.68M]
267.30.10 课程总结: 本节课的学习目标总结以及课后资源说明微.mp4 [7.70M]
268.30.9 知识拓展2: 跟着老师一起学唱the family song 微.mp4 [6.07M]
269.spring and fall 练习单微.mp4 [20.83M]
27.4.3 词汇练习:在情境中练习重点词汇的意义微.mp4 [11.17M]
270.第1讲 spring and fall spring and fall 读本微.mp4 [15.92M]
271.第2讲 baby animals baby animals 读本微.mp4 [3.13M]
272.baby animals 歌曲 动物宝宝主题歌曲微.mp4 [2.69M]
273.baby animals 练习单微.mp4 [33.16M]
274.第3讲 bird goes home 图画词典微.mp4 [41.42M]
275.第4讲 car parts car parts 读本微.mp4 [18.70M]
276.car parts 练习单1微.mp4 [28.79M]
277.hello butterfly 练习单微.mp4 [34.93M]
278.第6讲 my house my house 读本微.mp4 [11.69M]
279.my house 练习单微.mp4 [29.95M]
28.4.4 读本讲读:《car parts》的讲解及相关练习微.mp4 [18.28M]
280.vegetables 歌曲 蔬菜主题歌曲1微.mp4 [33.76M]
281.vegetables 歌曲 蔬菜主题歌曲2微.mp4 [24.92M]
282.vegetables 练习单1微.mp4 [25.74M]
283.第8讲 my body my body 读本微.mp4 [35.66M]
284.my body 练习单微.mp4 [27.04M]
285.第9讲 this insect this insect 读本微.mp4 [45.25M]
286.第10讲 what do i hear what do i hear 读本微.mp4 [22.72M]
287.what do i hear 练习单微.mp4 [53.75M]
288.what do i hear 推荐绘本《mr.brown can moo_ can you?》微.mp4 [28.88M]
289.第11讲 go animals go 11.1 go animals go 读本微.mp4 [26.30M]
29.4.5 词汇拼读:练习重点词汇的首字母发音微.mp4 [10.29M]
290.11.2 go animals go 歌曲 animals on the farm微.mp4 [13.73M]
291.11.3 go animals go练习单微.mp4 [22.73M]
292.11.5 go animals go 推荐绘本 《after the sheep family moves in》微.mp4 [23.78M]
293.11.5 go animals go 推荐绘本 《the world through the animals eyes》微.mp4 [37.44M]
294.第12讲 feelings 12.1 feelings 读本微.mp4 [18.59M]
295.13.3 apple tree 练习单微.mp4 [20.83M]
296.第13讲 apple tree 13.1 apple tree 读本微.mp4 [3.57M]
297.第14讲 the moon 14.1 the moon 读本微.mp4 [50.50M]
298.15.2 space 推荐歌曲1 sun moon stars微.mp4 [19.25M]
299.第15讲 space 15.1 space 读本微.mp4 [12.14M]
30.4.6 唱读-跟读:轻松掌握阅读内容微.mp4 [8.84M]
300.15.2 space 推荐歌曲2 sun moon stars微.mp4 [19.16M]
301.15.3 space 练习单微.mp4 [3.17M]
302.16.3 i love the earth 歌曲 thanks a lot微.mp4 [7.30M]
303.16.4 i love the earth 推荐绘本 what a wonderful world微.mp4 [447.28M]
304.16.5 i love the earth 推荐绘本 10 things i can do to help my world微.mp4 [247.51M]
305.16.4 i love the earth 练习单微.mp4 [6.17M]
306.17.3 my brain 练习单微.mp4 [38.95M]
307.19.3 making salsa 推荐歌曲 count to 10 in english and spanish!微.mp4 [15.31M]
308.第19讲 making salsa 19.1 making salsa 读本微.mp4 [4.87M]
309.19.4 making salsa 练习单微.mp4 [10.33M]
31.4.7 知识拓展:学会名车品牌的英文表达微.mp4 [6.17M]
310.20.3 gobi desert animals 练习单1微.mp4 [21.44M]
311.21.4 on the farm 歌曲:farm animal song微.mp4 [12.56M]
312.21.5 on the farm 歌曲:animal sounds song微.mp4 [9.10M]
313.21.6 on the farm 绘本推荐:the very busy spider微.mp4 [49.26M]
314.21.7 on the farm 绘本推荐:the old lady who swallowed the fly 微.mp4 [64.77M]
315.21.8 on the farm 绘本推荐:doggies微.mp4 [16.62M]
316.21.9 on the farm 绘本推荐:moo baa la la la微.mp4 [13.01M]
317.第22讲 different kinds of sharks 22.1 different kinds of sharks 读本微.mp4 [11.13M]
318.22.3 different kinds of sharks 歌曲:prehistoric sharks微.mp4 [8.04M]
319.22.4 different kinds of sharks 练习单微.mp4 [11.98M]
32.4.8 课程总结:学习目标总结和配套资源说明微.mp4 [7.21M]
320.23.3 all about penguins 练习单微.mp4 [22.88M]
321.24.3 how frogs grow 练习单微.mp4 [5.73M]
322.25.2 many kinds of dinosaurs推荐歌曲 dinosaur alphabet abc微.mp4 [10.05M]
323.25.2 many kinds of dinosaurs推荐歌曲 five finger family dinosaurs微.mp4 [21.24M]
324.25.3 many kinds of dinosaurs 练习单微.mp4 [2.04M]
325.26.3 building a road 推荐歌曲2 when i walk across the road 微.mp4 [3.14M]
326.26.4 building a road 练习单微.mp4 [11.47M]
327.27.3 airplanes 推荐歌曲2 airplane song for kids微.mp4 [10.63M]
328.27.4 airplanes 练习单微.mp4 [12.04M]
329.28.3 city shapes 推荐歌曲1 shapes song for kids 微.mp4 [22.52M]
33.第5讲 hello butterfly 5.1 课程介绍:了解与本节课相关的所有内容微.mp4 [5.50M]
330.28.3 city shapes 推荐歌曲2 shapes song for kids 微.mp4 [16.01M]
331.28.4 city shapes 练习单微.mp4 [13.66M]
332.29.2 boats 推荐歌曲 row row row your boat微.mp4 [12.86M]
333.29.3 boats 练习单微.mp4 [13.66M]
334.30.3 my little brother 练习单1微.mp4 [43.14M]
34.5.2 词汇讲解:讲解重点词汇的音节以及意义的练习微.mp4 [21.46M]
35.5.3 读本讲读:阅读《hello butterfly》微.mp4 [17.30M]
36.5.4 读本练习:讲解阅读相关练习题微.mp4 [9.95M]
37.5.5 词汇拼读:重点词汇音节的练习微.mp4 [8.43M]
38.5.6 唱读-跟读:激发阅读兴趣微.mp4 [7.95M]
39.5.7 知识拓展1:世界最漂亮的9种蝴蝶读音及产地微.mp4 [28.31M]
40.5.8 知识拓展2:蝴蝶的生命过程微.mp4 [11.02M]
41.5.9 课程总结:学习目标总结和配套资源说明微.mp4 [7.92M]
42.第6讲 my house 6.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习内容及拓展知识微.mp4 [98.19M]
43.6.2 词汇讲解:学习房间相关词汇及其功能属性微.mp4 [308.31M]
44.6.3 读本讲读:读本《my house》讲解+练习微.mp4 [342.06M]
45.6.4 词汇拼读:通过音节,拼出完整词汇微.mp4 [235.54M]
46.6.5 唱读-跟读:轻松掌握阅读内容微.mp4 [155.11M]
47.6.6 知识拓展:三只小猪的故事微.mp4 [18.68M]
48.6.7 知识拓展:认识全世界的房子微.mp4 [8.13M]
49.6.8 课程总结:学习目标总结和配套资源的说明微.mp4 [6.84M]
50.第7讲 vegetables 7.1 课程介绍:带领宝贝了解本课学习重点微.mp4 [9.24M]
51.7.2 词汇讲解:熟悉单词并了解农作物生长环境微.mp4 [12.87M]
52.7.3 词汇练习:不同农作物生长环境的表达练习微.mp4 [5.08M]
53.7.4 词汇拼读:根据音节和声音加深对词汇的记忆微.mp4 [6.42M]
54.7.5 读本讲读:将词汇放入语境,带你一起阅读微.mp4 [11.45M]
55.7.6 读本练习:将所学内容放入语境,帮宝贝输出微.mp4 [9.76M]
56.7.7 读本复述:通过复述再次提升阅读能力微.mp4 [5.94M]
57.7.8 唱读-跟读:整句跟读,提高流利度微.mp4 [7.66M]
58.7.10 课程总结:总结本课的重点及资源的用法微.mp4 [9.86M]
59.7.9 知识拓展:了解植物的生长过程微.mp4 [11.66M]
60.第8讲 my body 8.1 课程介绍:了解本节课的学习内容微.mp4 [5.67M]
61.8.2 词汇讲解:重点词汇音节讲解微.mp4 [11.74M]
62.8.3 词汇练习:在情境中,对重点词汇进行练习微.mp4 [11.01M]
63.8.4 词汇拼读:重点词汇的音节练习微.mp4 [6.41M]
64.8.5 读本讲读:阅读《my body》以及讲解阅读练习微.mp4 [18.88M]
65.8.6 唱读-跟读:轻松掌握阅读内容微.mp4 [6.94M]
66.8.7 知识拓展:了解五感以及相关内容微.mp4 [23.97M]
67.8.8 课程总结:学习目标总结和配套资源说明微.mp4 [9.50M]
68.第9讲 this insect 9.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习词汇及读本微.mp4 [4.16M]
69.9.2 词汇讲解:分析声音,学习目标词汇微.mp4 [8.74M]
70.9.3 词汇拼读:加强练习目标词汇音节及声音微.mp4 [6.68M]
71.9.4 读本讲读:了解昆虫生长地区,让宝贝拓展知识面微.mp4 [28.74M]
72.9.5 唱读-跟读:帮助孩子开口流利阅读微.mp4 [10.90M]
73.9.6 知识拓展:全面了解昆虫,提升综合能力微.mp4 [11.53M]
74.9.7 课程总结:总结本课学习目标及拓展资源说明微.mp4 [6.19M]
75.第10讲 what do i hear 10.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习目标及读本微.mp4 [4.72M]
76.10.2 词汇讲解:学习声音相关词汇,体验真实声音微.mp4 [15.02M]
77.10.3 词汇拼读:根据声音找音节,组成词汇微.mp4 [10.81M]
78.10.4 读本讲读:读本《what do i hear》讲解微.mp4 [13.56M]
79.10.5 读本练习:强化练习,加深读本印象微.mp4 [10.56M]
80.10.6 读本复述:情境再现,刺激语言输出微.mp4 [6.61M]
81.10.7 唱读-跟读:一起轻松掌握阅读内容微.mp4 [8.28M]
82.10.8 知识拓展:认识耳朵的构造,听音辨物微.mp4 [12.76M]
83.10.9 课程总结:总结本课词汇-音节-拓展内容微.mp4 [9.55M]
84.11.2 词汇讲解:用声音进一步认识动物及交通工具微.mp4 [58.57M]
85.第11讲 go animals go 11.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习内容及讲授方式微.mp4 [9.65M]
86.11.3 词汇练习:寻找词汇首字母,加强对声音的记忆微.mp4 [37.64M]
87.11.4 词汇拼读:重组每个单词的声音,轻松记忆单词 微.mp4 [25.21M]
88.11.5 读本讲读:读本《go animals go》讲解微.mp4 [35.23M]
89.11.6 读本练习:通过练习,加深对读本的理解微.mp4 [14.95M]
90.11.7 模仿跟读:跟着老师轻松掌握阅读内容微.mp4 [8.79M]
91.11.8 知识拓展:了解动物眼中的世界微.mp4 [48.18M]
92.11.9课程总结:回顾本课重点内容及拓展资源介绍微.mp4 [11.56M]
93.第12讲 feelings 12.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习重点微.mp4 [10.80M]
94.12.2 词汇讲解:分析重点词汇声音,了解情绪微.mp4 [31.95M]
95.12.3 词汇练习:联系实际事例,练习重点词汇意义微.mp4 [18.20M]
96.12.4 词汇拼读:科学分析单词,加速宝贝记忆学习微.mp4 [7.70M]
97.12.5 读本讲读:了解不同情境下的情绪反应,认识情绪微.mp4 [36.11M]
98.12.6 读本练习:通过练习,加深对读本的理解微.mp4 [13.90M]
99.12.7 模仿跟读:跟着老师,加深语音语调的准确度微.mp4 [12.84M]